Sjogren's syndrome Flashcards
What is Sjogren’s syndrome?
Chronic autoimmune inflammatory disorder characterised by lymphocytic infiltration of exocrine glands
What is the difference between primary and secondary Sjogren’s?
Primary- develops in isolation
Secondary- develops along with other autoimmune phenomena (such as RA, SLE, scleroderma)
How does Sjogren’s present?
Dry mouth and dry eyes Vaginal dryness 20% have Raynaud's Dysphagia Recurrent sinusitis Dry cough
What tests are carried out when investigating a possible diagnosis of Sjogren’s syndrome?
Schirmer’s test
Gland biopsy
Autoantibodies- ANA, rheumatoid factor, Ro/La
How is Sjogren’s managed?
Saliva replacement
Eye drops
Vaginal lubricants
What are the possible complications of Sjogren’s?
Extraglandular disease
Congenital heart block (disease in pregnancy)