Muscle diseases Flashcards
What is the main feature of polymyositis and dermatomyositis?
Insidious onset of progressive, proximal, symmetrical muscle weakness
In which group of patients is polymyositis/dermatomyositis increased? What investigation is important to carry out in patients you suspect of having one of these illnesses?
Cancer patients- paraneoplastic syndrome. Need to screen patients for malignancy
How might poly/dermatomyositis manifest other than muscle weakness?
Interstitial lung disease
Weight loss
What skin signs are seen in dermatomyositis?
Heliotrope rash
“Shawl” sign
Gottron’s papules (pathognemonic is CK is elevated and myositis)
What is the gold standard for investigation in polymyositis/dermatomyositis?
Muscle biopsy showing perivascular inflammation and muscle necrosis
What is seen in the following tests?
a) muscle enzymes
b) autoantibody screen
a) ALT, AST, LDH and CK all elevated
b) dermatomyositis usually ANA+ve. Mi-2 is specific for dermatomyositis. Jo-1 is more often seen in polymyositis
How are dermatomyositis and polymyositis treated?
High dose prednisolone
AZT, MTX, ciclosporin
Topical steroids for skin manifestation
How does inclusion body myositis differ in presentation?
More insidious onset, more distal joints, more often in men
What is fibromyalgia? How is it diagnosed?
Idiopathic disease causing widespread chronic muscle pain in the absence of inflammation. Diagnosis of exclusion
How is fibromyalgia treated?
Education and counselling
Graded exercise programmes
Low dose tricyclics may be useful