SIRS Flashcards
overwhelming inflammatory
response in the absence of
infection causing relative
hypovolemia and decreased
tissue perfusion.
Systemic inflammatory
response syndrome (SIRS):
Four SIRS criteria:
• Tachycardia
- heart rate >90 beats/min
• Tachypnea
- respiratory rate >20
• Fever or hypothermia
- temperature >38 or <36 °C
• Leukocytosis, leukopenia,
or bandemia
- white blood cells
>1,200/mm3, <4,000/mm3 or
bandemia ≥10%
also known as quickSOFA is a bedside prompt
that may identify patients with suspected
infection who are at greater risk for a poor
outcome outside the intensive care unit (ICU).
3 component assessment system with:
o Systolic blood pressure ≤100 mmHg
o Highest respiratory rate ≥22 breaths per min
o Lowest Glasgow coma score <15
Hypotension systolic BP <100 MmHg
Altered Mental Status
Tachypnea RR >22/min
Score of >2 criteria suggests a greater risk of poor outcome
is a clinical syndrome
that complicates severe
infection and is characterized
by the systemic inflammatory
response syndrome (SIRS),
immune dysregulation,
derangements, and end
is an illness severity score commonly used
in critical care medicine to predict mortality upon admission
to an intensive care unit.
Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation
(APACHE) score
is well validated and
updated regularly, but its use is limited by the fact that
clinicians must pay to know and use its equation for
calculating death probability.
is a
mortality prediction score that is based on the degree of
dysfunction of 6 organ systems.
▪ The score is calculated at admission and every 24 hours until
discharge, using the worst parameters measured during the
prior 24 hours.
stratifies mortality risk in ICU patients
without restricting the data used to admission values.
Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA)
Is an objective and useful index assesses six systems in terms of the extent of
dysfunction on the first day of an intensive care unit (ICU)
stay. was designed to combine measurement of the
severity of multiple organ dysfunctions into a single score.
Logistic Organ Dysfunction (LOD) Score
LODS: 6 systems
Neurologic, Cardiovascular, Renal,
Pulmonary, Hematologic, and Hepatic systems.