Sinsajo Flashcards
To Stay, Be Housed, Be Lodged (in nice section of town)
Alojarse (en un sitio agradable)
To Level, Destroy (bombs….houses)
Refugiado (mf)
To Be Against (me returning to district 12)
Estar en contra de (que yo vuelva a distrito 12)
Expensive, Costly (undertaking)
A Journey, Trip (through district 12)
El recorrido (por el distrito)
To Be on the same side
Estar en el mismo bando
Roll of tape
El rollo de cinta
A whirlwind
El torbellino
To Figure out (what’s true and what’s not)
Dilucidar (qué es cierto y qué no)
The sequence of events
La sucesión de acontecimientos
A concussion
La conmoción cerebral
To Get Muddled (my thoughts)
To Tend to (Forget)
Tender a (olvidarse)
To Turn around in my head (thoughts)
Darme vueltas en la cabeza
To be on the verge of (a nervous breakdown)
Estar al borde de (un ataque de nervios)
La medicación
A shoe sole
La suela de un zapato
Run into, Collide with, Hit (a rock)
Darse contra (una roca)
A skull
La calavera
A fly
La mosca
To Start something
Poner en marcha algo
To Overthrow, Topple (the capital)
As for (the escape)
En cuanto a
To be reluctant to (accept it)
Resistirse a (aceptarlo)
To Drop bombs
Soltar bombas
Los bomberos
The last few stragglers
Los últimos rezagados
To Group up
To Set up (a medical zone)
To Manage, Get by (for three days)
Apañarse (durante tres días)
The lodging
Los alojamientos
Bland (food)
La varicela
Sterile, Infertile
Embryo (implant)
La embrión
Citizenship (receive)
La ciudadanía
Powerful, Rich, Wealthy
To Move back, Turn back
To Lose one’s balance
Perder el equilibrio
A trap (for animals)
El cepo
The gallows
La horca
Terrifying, Chilling (the silence is)
A hotchpotch of (leaders)
El batiburrillo de (líderes)
What I’ve done in the past isn’t enough
No basta con todo lo que he hecho en el pasado
The uprising, revolt
La revuelta
To Orchestrate (my appearances)
To Start (yelling)
Ponerse a (Gritar)
A spokesperson
Portavoz (mf)
Weapons development
El desarrollo armamentístico
To Be resistant to (do) something
Ser reacio a (hacer) algo
They are either dead or protected in 13
O están muertos o protegidos en el 13
Questioning, interrogation
El interrogatorio
Unfinished (work)
I won’t escape until I know that he is dead
No me escaparé hasta que sepa que está muerto
Pork loin
El lomo
Ajar, half open (window)
The pantry
La dispensa
The meow of a cat
El maullido
Small animal, bug, insect
El bicho
The back of a seat
El respaldo de una silla
A vase
El jarrón
A chest of drawers
La cómoda
El refugio
To Demolish (the remains)
Indelible, impossible to remove (ink)
Bathroom, Restroom
El aseo
Water-resistant, waterproof (ink)
Night shift/duty
El turno nocturnal
Fantastic, terrific
To (not) Suit someone well
Venir bien (mal) a alguien
To Waste (school supplies)
Desperdiciar (material para las clases)
Wasteful (the people of 12)
To Crumple (a piece of paper)
Arrugar (trocito de papel)
To Spoil, Pamper (kid)
To Despise, Disdain (schedule)
A host, hostess
Anfintrión (mf)
The runway
La pista de aterrizaje
A purr, purring (the cat)
El ronroneo
To Hiss at someone (the cat)
Petulant, Sulky, Annoyed, Unhappy (give me a look)
Petulante (me lanza una mirada)
(Arm reader) To Beep
A bracelet
El brazalete
The rescue (of the citizens of 12)
El rescate (de ellos)
Relentless, awful that never seems to never stop (training session)
To Linger, Stay somewhere longer than necessary (in the doorway)
Rezagarse (en la puerta)
To Slip away (from the command room)
Escabullirse de
To Move away (the camera…from Ceasar)
Invitado (mf)
Serene, calm (to look, to feel, expression, gesture, look)
To Reconcile (this image with the one that haunts my dreams)
To Mitigate, Alleviate (the pain)
However poorly this may make you feel
Por muy mal que te haga sentir
(The force field) To Blow up, Explode
Volar por los aires
(Katniss) To Blow up (the force field)
He puts his hands through his hair
Él se pasa las manos por el pelo
To Mess up (his perfect hairdo)
Alborotar (el peinado)
Distressed, worried, upset (Peeta)
Categorically (Prohibits the production of alcohol)
A secret stash of (drugs, alcohol)
El alijo secreto
Confined, Locked up
Dreadful, Awful (confinement)
The broadcast from the capital
La emisión
I’m not sure that I follow you
No estoy seguro de seguirte
To Lay down one’s arms
Deponer las armas
A cease fire
Un alto de fuego
(Products) To Run short, Grow scarce (in the capital
Escasear (fruta fresca, jabón)
Unaccustomed (attention)
Undeniable (complicity with the capital)
Innegable (complicidad)
To Join in (the anger of the rebels, the opinion of the group)
Sumarse a (la ira de rebeldes)
A skirmish, scuffle
La refriega
La tiza
To Look like
Parecer (sonrisa…mueca)
The lackey
El lacayo
A drip, dripping (nosebleed)
El goteo
Don’t be sorry
No lo sientas
To Decimate (the city)
Birth rate
El índice de natalidad
Somewhat, Rather (lacking a sense of humor)
Algo (faltos de sentido del humor)
Faint, dim (light)
To Stay awake all night long
Pasar la noche en vela
Tile floor
El suelo de baldosas
The drawer
El cajón
Tucked in (shirt)
Metido por dentro
Skin (cream)
Dermatológico (pomada)
In a safe place (keep it)
A buen recaudo
To Feel one’s way around (in search for a parachute)
Tantear (en busca de)
To Wrap us in a blanket
Enrollarnos con una manta
The shop window (of the bakery)
El escaparate
Bleeding (wound)
Sangrante (herida)
To Stitch, Sew (bleeding wound)
To Defeat (the president)
To Grant (immunity)
Otorgar (la inmunidad)
To Deny (its existence)
To Go back on one’s word, To Take that back
To Retract (the accusation)
Retractarse de
A rack, shelf
El estante
To Slide the tray down the rack
Deslizar la bandeja por el estante
Carefully (fold the napkin)
Con primor
To Hoard (food)
On purpose
Con discreción
To Straighten, Smooth (the page)
El toque de queda
To Differ from (his past lifestyle)
Diferir de (su forma de vida pasada)
To Deduct (hunting time from their entertaining time)
A tracking device
El dispositivo de seguimiento
To Pardon, Forgive (Peeta)
(The court, judge) To Decide, Order that he be killed
Disponer que se mate
An ultimatum
El ultimátum
To Convoke, Call together (the national security council)
To Throw one’s lots together, Work together (katniss and president)
Echarlo a suertes (las dos)
To Have the right to ask for the life of the president
Tener derecho a reclamar la vida del presidente
To Compromise on something
Transigir en algo
Leather bound (books)
(libros) encuadernado de cuero
In general terms (you know what we want from you)
A grandes rasgos
El blindaje
To Bet on someone
Apostar por alguien
To Give someone a hint
Darle una pista
Stunning (a blond, look)
On par with (a personality…the look)
A la altura de
To Disgust (our viewers)
The stench of dirty bodies
El hedor de cuerpos sucios
To Flatten themselves against the wall
Aplastarse contra la pared
The tile wall
La pared de azulejos
Tattered, Ragged (tunic)
To Show one’s face (other body parts too)
Descubrirse la cara
To Show, Reveal (the abrasions, scratches)
Dejar al descubierto
The abrasions, scratches
Las rozaduras
To Unchain (the prep team)
A vent, grille (covering an opening in floor)
La rejilla
The exam room
La sala de reconocimiento
To Interfere (in the matter)
Meterse (en algo)
The verdict
El veredicto
A warning
El Aviso, La Advertencia
To Build up one’s hopes, Get high hopes (about coming to power)
Hacerse ilusiones (sobre llegar al poder)
Lineage (with the capital)
El linaje (del capitolio)
(Beating incident people) To Compare to (Plutarch, the mastermind of the revolt)
(algo) Compararse a (algo)
Beauty specialist
La esteticista
To Get Constipated
To Give something a pull
Darle un tirón a algo
A burlap sack
El saco de arpillera
To Try very hard/one’s best to (follow the rules)
Esforzarse en/por (seguir las reglas)
The gate
La verja
A clearing (stop in)
El claro (detenerse en)
Fragile, Delicate (leafs)
To Fit (shoes, clothes)
A alguien le queda bien/mal
To Squander, Waste (resources, opportunities)
To Lean on/against (a rock)
Recostarse en (una roca)
To Start moving
Ponerse en movimiento
The site, the premises
El recinto
The chef, cook
Cocinero (mf)
To Advertise (the meeting)
Anunciar (la asemblea)
Maximum capacity
El aforo mayor
To Return to (finnick)
Volver con (Finnick)
To Deviate, Stray from (the mission)
Desviarse de (la misión)
The script
El guión
Poker chip (in a game)
La ficha
The claw
La zarpa
Well oiled machine
La maquinaria bien engrasada
To Adorn, Dress up (the bird)
To be (the first, the last, the quickest, the slowest, etc.) to do something
Ser (la primera, la última, la más rápida, la más lenta) en hacer algo
The bathtub
La bañera
Dark bags under the eyes
Las ojeras
To Have long hair (blonde)
Llevar una melena (rubia)
La caoba
Desviádo (flavius)
Pale (skin)
To Wear hair to one side
El pelo está de punta
A trait (most flashy)
El rasgo (más llamativo)
To Have the foresight to (take tools from the capital)
Tener la previsión de (sacar herramientos del capitolio)
To Mend (the wound, the opening)
A lump (on the body)
El bulto
The aesthetics
La estética
To Retch, Make sounds and faces as if you were going to vomit
Tener/Hacer arcadas
La sensibilidad
Repulsive (the scar)
Disgusted (katniss)
Crowded in a group (the prep team)
Apiñado en un grupo
Eccentric, Bizarre (prep team)
Turned downward, drooping (glance)
Gacho (mirada)
Grayish (stew)
Okra (bowl)
El quingombó
To slide down the bench (to return to her mother)
Deslizarse por el banco (para volver con su madre)
To Taste good (the stew)
Saber bien
To Counter (my demand with his own)
Contrarrestar (mi exigencia con la suya)
To Give in, Yield (to your will)
Plegarse (a su voluntad)
Dissent, disagreement
La disensión
To Counter, Retort
To Shut the door in his face
Cerrarle la puerta en las narices
The dungeon
La mazmorra
Friendly (gesture)
Amistoso (gesto)
A hummingbird
El colibrí
Weak points
Los puntos débiles
The Scope (of a weapon)
La mira
To Aim it towards something
Apuntar con él hacia algo
A deer
El ciervo
A footrest
El reposapiés
A shooting range
El campo de tiro
Interdisciplinary (weapon)
Near, up by (the heart)
A la altura de
To Touch up (the painting, makeup)
To Play back (the recording)
Impressive, terrific, stunning (body, appearance, dress)
Imponente (cuerpo parece, vas…con esta falda)
To Go downstairs to eat
Bajar a cenar
A motto, slogan (to need)
El lema
A one liner
Una única línea
To Challenge someone (to break the law)
Desafiar a alguien a que (rompa la ley)
To Defy (his will)
Desafiar (a su voluntad)
Camaradas (mf)
To Lecture, Deliver a speech to (those alive)
Arengar (a los vivos)
The set (of a movie)
El plató
The cameras roll
Las cámaras rodan
Laughter, a laugh
La risa
To Scratch, & leave a mark (his face)
Arañarle la cara
The first thing that haymitch does is show the recording
Lo primero que hace haymitch es enseñar la grabación
I have reached a new low
He alcanzado un nuevo mínimo
Disjointed, incoherent (her voice and her body)
To Move, Touch, Inspire (us)
El rotulador
The bodyguard
El guardaespaldas
To Prevent
The takeoff, liftoff
El despegue
The floor, story
La planta
A row, line of (different types of ships)
La hilera de (distintos tipos de naves)
To Be part of
Formar parte de
To Modernize (the planes)
To Defeat (the capital)
To Execute (people)
To Pilot, Drive (aircraft, vehicle)
To Point to (aircraft)
Tight (collar)
The collar is tight on me
Me queda el cuello ceñido
Photogenic (face)
To Embarrass (us)
Imminent (takeoff)
The launch pad
La plataforma de lanzamiento
To Surround (clouds, fog…us, plane)
The ruckus, uproar (about the mission)
El bullicio
Prior to (the mission)
Previo (mf) a (la misión)
A quarry
La cantera
A vial (of pills)
El frasco
Painless (the capture)
A capsule (for pills)
La cápsula
On the outskirts of
A las afueras de
El asfalto
(Passenger) To Disembark
A ball (silvery)
La bola (plateada)
The crew
La tripulación
A wheelbarrow
La carretilla
The Cart
El carro, La carreta
The warehouse
El almacén
To Do good
Hacer el bien
To Get Stuck (the strap…on his neck)
La correa se le clava en el cuello
To Complain (about)
Rechistar (por)
Egg (shell)
El cascarón
An abortion, miscarriage
El aborto
It doesn’t seem so to me (good, bad)
A mí no me lo parece
Contagious (illness)
(Illness) To Spread
The circus show
El espectáculo circense
A mass grave
La fosa común
A block (enclosed by streets and buildings)
La manzana
Rotting (flesh)
Putrefacto (carne)
El lino (manchado)
The window
La claraboya (abrirlas)
La luz solar
The cot
El catre
Heartbreaking (chorus of despair)
He waits to see what I’m made of
Él espera a ver de qué estoy hecha
Incongruous, out of place
Features (of face)
Las facciones
Depraved, Evil (to feel)
To Grieve (when they discover I have lost the baby)
Afligirse (cuando)
To Germinate (inside me)
Germinar (en mi interior)
To Chant (my name)
The water bottle
La cantimplora
To do very well
Hacerlo muy bien
The path, track (for walking)
La senda
To Fiddle with (the phone receiver)
Toquetear (el auricular)
To Perceive, Notice, Sense (a threat)
A siren (to sound)
La sirena
(the ground) To Shake
(Bombs) To Detonate
To Schedule (the attack)
A spy
Espía (mf)
To Startle (me)
Sobresaltar (me)
To Interrupt, Intervene
Interrumpir, Intervenir
A bunker
El búnker
With an impulse to liberate myself
Con impulso al soltarse
To Pass (someone)
Adelantarse (a alguien)
To Assign (bodyguards to Katniss)
The second wave of bombs
La segunda oleada de bombas
To Rush (into the middle of the alley, towards the blue warehouse)
Lanzarse (al interior del callejón, hacia el almacén azul)
(Someone) To Roll (toward the blue wall)
Rodar (hacia)
To Turn on one’s side
Ponerse de lado
A hiding place
El nido
The butt (of the gun)
La culata
The case (for arrows)
La funda
(Aircraft) To Crash into
Estrellarse contra