El Hielo Negro Flashcards
An anvil
El yunque
The cloud of smoke (looked like a)
La humareda (asemeja algo)
Rescue services
El servicio de socorro
The squadron of (helicopters)
La escuadrilla
A dragonfly
La libélula
Fire extinguishing fluid
La espuma extintora
The swaying, swinging (of the helicopter)
El bamboleo
The ravine
El barranco
To Stick out (of the window, onto the balcony)
(La casa) Asomarse a (al barranco)
Christmas cards
Las tarjetas navideñas
A bullet wound
El balazo
To be postmarked Madrid
Tener/Llevar el matasellos de Madrid (una carta navideña)
A greeting card
La felicitación
A Nativity scene
El belén
The headquarters
El cuartel general
That was the least important thing
Eso era lo de menos
To Transfer him to the man in charge (phone)
Ponerle con el encargado, Pasarle a un teniente
To Brag (about something)
Darse aires (de algo)
A shotgun
La escopeta
A badge (police)
La placa
I am not to blame
No Tengo la culpa
To cause havoc
Montar un cacao
Brazen, shameless (manner)
A jacket
La cazadora
El Jersey (Spain)
Glass (door)
On the whole, generally (the streets were deserted)
En su mayoría
Saint Nick
El Papá Noel
Tinsel (Christmas)
El espumillón
The outcome
El desenlace
To Show up to (the office)
Presentarse en (la oficina)
(News agencies) To Report on (the death of the Sargent)
Informar de
Mars (planet)
El Marte
A head nod (greeting)
El saludo con la cabeza
(The name was) to the liking of (the department)
Del gusto de
To Give a release on bail (prison)
Conceder libertad bajo fianza
(A prostitute) To make one’s debut
A fig tree
La higuera
(the neighborhood) To Be in decline
(La zona) Ir de capa caída
An anchor (boat)
La ancla
To Cordon off (the entrance)
The interviewer
Entrevistador (mf)
To Slip (under the yellow tape)
Colarse (por debajo de la cinta)
The radio station
La emisora
To Go through (the doorway)
Traspasar (la puerta)
A holster (for weapon)
La pistolera
Washroom, bathroom
El lavabo
A doorpost, doorjamb
La jamba de puerta
Sky blue (skin color)
Faded (tattoo)
The devil
El demonio
A halo (angel)
La aureola
The tiling (the floor)
El alicatado
To Sidestep (Irving, the question)
To Be on call (doctor, detective)
Estar de servicio
To Transfer (the case)
Deputy Director (of police)
El subdirector
A field, area, domain (profession)
El ámbito
Suspenders (on shirt)
Los tirantes
To Chew (on) tobacco, cigarette
To Bump into (the packet)
Golpearse con (el sobre)
To Deal with, To Interact with (boss, client)
Tratar a alguien
The damage (caused)
El destrozo
The recoil, backward movement (of gun)
El retroceso
To Propel, To Drive (the shotgun towards the doorstop)
To Shatter (the butt of gun)
Marginalized, Excluded
Right in the face
En plena cara
To Pull some strings
Mover hilos
The acting manager
El jefe en funciones
The coroner (autopsy)
Forense (mf)
To Offer to (cooperate)
Brindarse a
(to pay) A month in advance
Un mes por adelantado
Clientele, customers
La clientela
The master key
La llave maestra
A sign-in sheet, register
El registro
To Make it understood that, To Let it be known that (his visit was over)
Dar a entender que
A tax deduction
La deducción fiscal
The technician (medical, forensic)
El perito
A wireless microphone
El micrófono inalámbrico
To Cut off (the reporter)
Atajar (a ella)
The background (of the video)
El encuadre
(The coroner) To Clean up (his things, the room)
Van, truck
El furgón
Plastic wrap
El envoltorio de plástico
A gorge (of the mountains)
El desfiladero
Armor (protecting him)
La coraza
(The armor) To Corrode
To Recall (that encounter with Moore)
To Come to the surface
Aflorar (a la superficie)
To Take a drink
Tomar una consumición
A shot of whiskey
El chupito de
Rough, Unpolished (manner)
Captivity (hostage)
El cautiverio
Garbage man
El basurero
A grip (a better one)
La sujeción
To Catch (a suspect)
Antifreeze (car)
El anticongelante
A Hawaiian
Hawaiano (mf)
A rap sheet, criminal history
La hoja de antecedentes penales
Courier (mail man)
El correo
To Bump off, Kill (Jimmy)
Cargarse a alguien
A slut, whore
La zorra
To Not have a single clue (about the murder)
No Tener ni zorra
The competition of (cristal)
La competencia
A drug dealer, a drug pusher
El camello
A rock (cocaine, heroine, crack)
El pedrusco
Los derechos del autor
A hundred grams
Unos cien gramos
The narcs
Los antidrogas
To Seize (kilo of drugs)
The pan, pot
El cazo
Impurities (in the version)
Las impurezas
To Monopolize (the market)
To Be the boss, Rule the roost (the Mexicans)
Dirigir el cotarro
A gang
La pandilla
(the arrests) To Be of much use to you
Servirte de mucho
A wholesaler (drugs)
El mayorista
The complaint, lawsuit (internal affairs)
La querella
Nothing came to mind
Nada le vino a la cabeza
The curb (address painted on)
El bordillo
To seem weird to him
A Bosch se le antoja extraño algo
A book review
La reseña de libro
(to draw confusions) from (observations)
A partir de
A Christmas ornament
El adorno navideño
A shell (of animal, on person)
La coraza
A magnet (thing)
El imán
A made-for-TV movie
El largometraje para televisión
(The fire) To Crackle
Clear (sky)
Fluffy (clouds)
Candied (apple), frosted (flakes)
A lilac (floor)
La lila
helpful (policeman)
To Blow one’s brain out
Volarse / Levantarse la tapa de los sesos
(Papers) Spread out across / over (his desk)
Esparcido sobre
To Pinch (one’s nose, cheek)
Pellizcarse (la nariz, la mejilla)
The water fountain
El surtidor de agua
Hierarchical (structure)
(Bosch) To Overstep one’s bounds
Pasarse de la raya
To Have, Handle, Deal with (the case)
(The question) To Be relevant
Venir a cuento
New Year’s Eve
La Nochevieja
(Murderers escape) Unpunished
Public opinion
La confianza del público
Cockiness (of his)
La chulería
Cirrhosis of the liver
La cirrosis
The timeline
La cronología
To Tramp / Walk around (the city)
Patearse por (la ciudad)
To Save oneself the trouble (of paying him a pension)
Ahorrarse la molestia (de pagarle una pensión)
To Bring up (the topic for discussion)
Sacar (el tema)
To Be Surprised that (he wanted to leave)
A alguien le extraña que (quiera salir)
To See through (a person, to understand his or her aims)
Calar (a Pounds)
To Desire, Want, Long for (a cigarette)
(Porter) To Give advise / guidance to (Bosch)
Orientar (a alguien)
To Load / Burden someone with (all of Porter’s cases) / onto (the investigation)
Endosar a alguien con (los casos) / en (la investigación)
The street sweeper, dust man
Barrendero (mf)
The bedroom (police office)
El trastero
A surf board
La tabla de surf
The strangling / strangulation of (a priest)
La estrangulación
The stabbing of (a women)
El apuñalamiento
To Beat, Beat up (a victim)
To Be Beaten to death
Morir apaleado
To Be unsure of (which to choose)
Dudar (cuál escoger)
The morgue
El depósito de cadáveres
The deep-fryer (fast food)
La freidora
Christmas Eve
La nochebuena
A hotbed of (ideas, crime, the center of activity for something)
Un hervidero de
Personal phone number
El número particular
The telephone operator
Telefonista (mf)
The date of decease (morgue)
La fecha de defunción
The three musketeers
Los tres mosqueteros
To Guess, Offer a possibility (a time to meet)
Tantear (la hora, el peso, la cantidad)
(The homeless) To Ask someone for charity
Pedirle limosna
A street beggar
Mendigo (mf)
The work, job (police)
El curro
(The detectives) To Swarm around (the hotel)
Pulular por
Hooker, Slut
La fulana
(To tell) a lie (to internal services)
La trola
A sticky note
La nota adhesiva
In the course of (our investigation)
En el transcurso de
A condom
El preservativo
The amount (the cost, value, fixed for release on bail)
El importe
To Reject (a motion, the charge of possession, that of distribution)
The criminal ladder (to be low on)
El escalafón criminal
A cattle ranch
La finca ganadera
A bullring (of Mexicali)
El ruedo
An informant, rat (Kapps)
El soplón
Unequivocal, Unmistakable (sign that)
Inequívoco (signo)
(to wear) The sticker
El adhesivo
Visitante (mf)
A mess (bureaucratic)
La maraña
To Impede, Hinder (the work of policemen)
Territory, Domain (police units)
El feudo