Sim Lab CTR Cards Flashcards
Vaginal bleeding with or without discomfort
Spontaneous abortion
Placenta previa
Placental abruption
Lesions of the cervix or vagina
Bloody show
Swelling of fingers or puffiness of face or around eyes
Excessive edema
Continuous pounding headache
Chronic HTN
Visual disturbances (blurred vision, dimness, flashing lights, spots before the eyes)
Worsening preeclampsia
Persistent or severe abdominal or epigastric pain
Ectopic pregnancy
Worsening preeclampsia
Placental abruption
Chills or fever
Persistent vomiting
Hyperemesis gravidarum
Change in frequency or strength of fetal movements
Fetal compromise or death
Signs or symptoms of preterm labor
Uterine contractions
Constant or irregular low backache
Pelvic pressure
Watery vaginal discharge
How short is too short for intervals between contractions?
Should not be shorter than 45-60 seconds
What would happen due to maternal hypotension?
May divert blood flow away from the placenta to ensure adequate perfusion to maternal brain and heart
What would happen due to maternal hypertension?
May be associated with vasospastic in spiral arteries, which supply the intervillous spaces of the placenta
PPH risk factors
Grand multi parity (5 or more)
Over distention of the uterus (large baby, twins, hydramnios)
Precipitous labor (less than 3 hours)
Prolonged labor
Retained placenta
Placenta previa or accrete or placental abruption
Drugs (tocolytics, magnesium sulfate, general anesthesia, prolonged use of oxytocin)
Operative procedures (c/s, vacuum extraction, forceps)
Risks for infection
Operative procedures
Multiple cervical examinations
Prolonged labor
Prolonged rupture of membranes
Manual extraction of placenta or retained fragments
Bacterial colonization in lower genital tract
Symptoms of a distended bladder
Location of fundus above baseline level
Fundus displaced to side from midline
Excessive lochia
Bladder discomfort
Bulge of bladder above symphasis
Frequent voiding of less than 150 mL (may indicate urinary retention with overflow)