Silvi sytems specifics Flashcards
When is CC system the best to use?
- best suited to early serial species
- best on mesic sites where site sensitivity is not an issue
- visual issues not a concern
- fiber production is the main management
- planned artificial regen
- if site prep could damage residuals
negative aspects of CC?
- lowest level of wildlife habitat retention
- lowest visual quality
What is the point of the retention system?
- This approach is meant to address biodiversity issues by retaining structural elements of the original stand.
- Not intended for regeneration but to create structure. Not harvested until culmination of new stand.
- depends on minimizing distance between standing edges
- limited by species tolerance to shade, wind firmness, and accessibility during harvest.
how does the retention system work?
patches of a stand are left standing while the rest is clearcut. patches to remain until next rotation.
Describe the seed tree system?
Stand removed over 2 entries. Mostly harvested while seed trees are left behind to restock site. When regeneration is complete, seed trees are removed. Seedbed must be appropriate for seed.
What are some important things to remember when using seed tree system.
- Choose healthy, wind firm trees with good phenotypes. Make sure the trees left behind will regen site quickly. (this is done by carefully monitoring stand so you know when you are going to have a good cone crop.)
- As long as you have met your stocking requirements, the regen destroyed while harvesting seed trees will be of minor consequence.
On steep ground, which seed tree system would be preferred?
Group seed tree, because it will be easier to harvest a group. Seed travels further on slope so less trees needed.
Why would you want to remove the seed trees as a pose to leaving them?
- If intolerant species, the seed trees will hinder development.
- seed trees are often the most valuable.
What are two species that work well with seed tree?
Western larch and IDF in the interior.
Why might you remove seed trees over 2 cuts?
to leave the understory time to adapt sun leaves.
What 4 things determine how many trees per ha. to leave as seed trees?
- Species
- Slope (topo)
- Wind patterns
- size (8-80 ha)
What is a general rule when comparing soil moisture and site sensitivity?
the higher the moisture, the more sensitive the site.
How can you increase seed germination with the seed tree system?
- time harvest to maximize germination potential (keep in mind site sensitivity).
- plan for optimum wind dispersal.
- increase opening size (to an extent)
Describe the shelterwood system
- Offers the highest level of stand protection by maintaining an understory at the same time as allowing the establishment of an even aged stand.
- longer time of establishment (20 y)
What type of sites are the shelterwood system most suited to?
- sites that require continuous occupancy to stabilize and protect soils.
- sites that require good cover for wildlife/aesthetics
- tend to be drought prone or hot
- can be used on wet sites, but must be done when frozen