SIGNALS Flashcards
What are the types of 3 position signals?
Light type is the only 3 position type
What are the classes of 3 position signals?
What are the aspects of 3 position signals?
Clear normal speed
Normal speed warning
Clear medium speed
Medium speed warning
Reduce to medium
Low speed caution
What are the 4 points for every aspect?
Points (if any)
Track ahead
Next signal
What is a clear normal speed aspect?
Points are set for the move
Track is clear to the next signal
Proceed at track speed
Next signal is at proceed
What is a normal speed warning aspect?
Points are set for the move
Track is clear to the next signal
Proceed at track speed
Next signal is at stop
What is a reduce to medium aspect?
Points are set for the move
Track is clear to the next signal
Proceed at track speed
Prepare to reduce to medium before next signal
Next signal is at medium
What is a clear medium speed aspect?
Points are set for the move
Track is clear to the next signal
Proceed at 40 km/h max
Next signal is at proceed
What is a medium speed warning aspect?
Points are set for the move
Track is clear to the next signal
Proceed at 40km/h max
Next signal is at stop
What is a stop aspect?
Points are unknown
Track may be occupied to the next signal
Must not proceed
Next signal is unknown
What is a low speed caution aspect?
Points are set for the move
Track may be occupied to the next signal
Proceed at 15 km/h
Prepare to stop of next signal is at stop
What does an illuminated “A” on a home signal mean?
Home signal is now treated as an automatic
What do banner indicators do?
Gives the aspect of the next signal that may be obscured.
It is NOT a signal itself
How are the aspects displayed on a banner indicator?
🔴 = horizontal dotted line
🟡 = diagonal dotted line
🟢 = vertical dotted line
What does an illuminated 65 or 80 represent next to a home signal displaying a “clear medium speed” aspect mean?
Indicates the required speed of the signalled section, instead of the 40 km/h limit
How are home and automatic lights identified?
Home lights are stacked vertically
Automatic lights are staggered or diagonal
What tracks can dwarf signals take you to and from?
Running line to running line
Running line to siding
Siding to running line
Siding to siding
What coloured lights can be displayed on a dwarf signal?
🔴, 🟣, 🔵, 🟡, 🟢
What is a stop aspect on a dwarf signal mean?
Points are unknown
Track may be occupied
Do not proceed
Next signal is unknown
🔴 or 🔵 or 🟣
What is a clear low speed aspect on a dwarf signal?
Points are set for the move
Track is clear to the next signal
Proceed at 15 km/h max
Next signal is at proceed
What does a low speed caution aspect mean on a dwarf signal?
Points are set for the move
Track may be occupied to the next signal
Proceed at 15 km/h max
Prepare to stop of next signal is at stop
What are the types of 2 position signals?
Light and disc
What are the classes of 2 position signals?
What aspects are used in 2 position signalling?
What are the 7 hand signals used in rail movement?
Move towards
Move slowly towards
Move away
Move away slowly
Ease up
All right
How would you indicate a stop signal?
Hands raised above head, elbows at 90 degrees or red flag
Red light
Any light colour waved violently
How would you signal move towards?
Wave arm inwardly towards body
Wave white light slowly side to side across body
How would you signal move slowly towards?
Wave arm inwardly across body, other arm raised above the head
Wave green light side to side slowly across body
How would you signal move away?
Wave arm outwardly in a circular motion
Wave white light slowly up and down
How would you signal move slowly away?
Wave arm in circular motion, with other arm raised
Wave green light slowly up and down
How would you signal ease up?
Wave arms above the head in an arch
Wave green light slowly side to side across body
How would you signal all right?
White flag, or hold arm out from body
Steady white light
What is a “normal” aspect on 2 position signals?
Points are unknown
Track may be occupied
Must not proceed
Bottom light is off/extinguished
Obey the home signal aspect
Found on siding dwarf
What is a “proceed” aspect on 2 position home signal?
Points are set for the move
Track clear to next signal
Proceed at track speed/required speed
Next signal is unknown
What is a “proceed” aspect of a 2 position dwarf or disc signal?
Points set for the move
Track may be occupied
Proceed at “reduce speed cautiously”
Next signal is unknown
What is a “proceed” aspect on a calling on and siding dwarf signal?
Points are set for the move
Track may be occupied
Proceed at “reduce speed cautiously”
Next signal is unknown
What is ABS?
Automatic Block Signalling
What is the object of ABS?
When 2 trains are travelling in the same direction, to prevent trains from entering sections of track at the same time
On bi-directional lines to prevent trains travelling in opposite directions from running at the same time
What is the space between 2 home signals on ABS called?
A Block
What is the space between any 2 signals on ABS called?
A track section
What is the defined station limits for ABS?
Between the arriving home signal and the first automatic signal after the departing signal,
If no departing signal, between the arriving home signal and the next automatic signal
What is ATC?
Automatic & Train Control
What is the object of ATC?
When 2 or more trains are proceeding in the same direction through single line sections, to prevent more than 1 train from being in a track section at a time
When trains are proceeding in opposite directions, to prevent more than 1 train from entering the single line section at the same time
What at the station limits for ATC?
Between opposing ATC home arrival signals at the crossing loop
What is the single line section?
The portion of line between crossing loops
What is a locally controlled crossing loop?
A crossing loop with an attended signal box at that location
What is a remotely controlled crossing loop?
A crossing loop where there is no signal box at that location
When are permanent way signs used?
When normal line speed is reduced due to a infrastructure fault
What are the signals used by the TFP?
Steady green/proceed
Waved green/caution
All right
Emergency stop
What does the yellow warning signal mean? Who uses it?
Used by the outer hand signaller
Indicates warning due to works being performed further along the line
What does the red hand signal mean? Who uses it?
Used by the Inner hand signaller
Indicates train MUST stop
What does a steady green hand signal mean? Who uses it?
Inner hand signaller
Indicates that normal running can proceed
What does a slowly waved green hand signal mean? Who uses it?
Inner hand signaller
Indicates caution, and speed must be reduced to 25 km/h max
If a lower speed is required red flag will be shown and signaller will inform driver of required speed. Green waved slowly will then be shown
What is the positioning of TFP in the inner suburban area?
Outer flag is 2 fixed signals away from point of work
Inner flag is 100m from point of work
No ATW used
What is the positioning of TFP for the suburban area?
ATWs placed
Outer flag is 1200m OR 3 signals OR nearest signal box from point of work
Inner flag is 200m from point of work
What is the positioning of TFP in the country area?
ATWs used
Outer flag is 2000-4000m OR 3 signals OR nearest signal box away from point of work
Inner flag is 200m from point of work
What is the positioning and procedure for ATWs?
3 detonators spaced 10m apart from each other
Drivers must:
- reduce speed
- sound long whistle
- press Memory Aid Device
- keep lookout for flag, prepare to stop
What are the 4 permanent way boards?
Normal short
What is a warning board?
Fishtailed yellow board with a red “W”
Yellow speed board with caution speed requirement in black
Located 1200m from point of work
What is a caution board?
Yellow circular board with red “C”
Yellow board with black speed requirement
Positioned 200m before point of work
Speed indicated must be adhered to until normal/normal short
What is a normal short board?
White board with black “NS”
Positioned 200m after point of work
Indicates where the driver can resume normal working speed
What is a normal board?
White board with black “N”
Indicates where normal track speed can be resumed
Located 1200m after point of work
Used for longer trains, where the normal short board does not clear the train from the point of work
What are route indicators?
Indicate the route the driver will take when passing the corresponding signal
What are the types of route indicators?
What are the sub types of letter and arrow indicators?
- painted
- illuminated
- dual gauge
- illuminated
- theatre
What are line indicators?
refer signals to the corresponding line using them in high density signal areas
They are NOT route indicators
What are the 3 types of train stops?
Speed proving
Where are Automatic Train Stops located?
On all 3 position home and automatic signals
What is the speed requirement for a speed proving train stop?
25km/h (generally)
What are the 3 exceptions for passing an ABS home signal at danger?
Defective signal
Track circuited (no low speed caution)
Single line working
What gives the driver authority to pass an ABS defective home signal?
Points - Signallers Caution Order
No points - Verbal instructions
What gives the driver authority to pass an ABS track circuited home signal?
Verbal instructions
Competent employee pilot
What gives the driver authority to pass an ABS home signal when performing single line working?
The Pilots authority
What are the exceptions for ABS disc and dwarf signals?
Single line working
What gives the driver authority to pass a defective ABS disc/dwarf signal?
Verbal instructions or hand signaller
What gives the driver authority to pass an ABS dwarf/disc signal under single line working?
The pilots authority
What are the exceptions for ABS automatic signals?
Rule 1 - section 3
Assisting a disabled train
What must the driver consider about an automatic signal at stop?
Never assume the signal is defective; only that the track ahead is obstructed, occupied or damaged
What factors must be considered before passing an automatic signal under rule 1 section 3?
Ensure there are no defects/external factors inhibiting safe progress:
- gradients
- defective equipment
- poor weather conditions
What must the driver do before performing a rule 1 section 3?
Call the rule 1 section 3 recorded message and provide:
- name
- motor car number
- signal number
What speed must the train be performing during a rule 1 section 3 movement?
Extreme caution,
defined as:
- no more than 25km/h, or lower signed speed
- be able to stop in half the distance seen
- always be prepared to find the section obstructed or occupied
What gives the driver authority to pass an automatic signal when assisting a disabled train?
The driver of the disabled train OR
Train control once disabled train is protected
What are SCOs for ABS and ATC?
ABS - Signallers Caution Order
ATC - System Caution Order
How are SCOs received by the driver?
At attended locations:
- transmitted or handed to the driver
At unattended locations:
- dictated, handed or transmitted to the driver
What do drivers do with any SCO?
They must be retained and submitted with an incident report at the end of the shift
What do drivers do when caution orders are cancelled?
At attended locations:
- hand to signaller
At unattended locations:
- cancelled by driver and submitted with incident report
How are train authorities issued to drivers?
At attended locations:
- handed
At unattended locations:
- dictated by train controller
How are train authorities cancelled?
At attended location:
- handed to signaller who cancels it
At unattended location:
- driver cancels form similar to reactive track access form (“CANCELLED”, time, date, signature)
What are the exceptions for an ATC home departure signal?
Assisting a disabled train
What are the exceptions for an ATC home arrival signal?
How are drivers given authority to pass a defective ATC home departure signal?
Attended location:
- ATC Systems Caution Order
Unattended location:
- dictated or transmitted ATC System Caution Order
How are drivers given authority to pass an ATC home departure signal to assist a disabled train?
At attended location:
Train authority
At unattended location:
- dictated train authority
How are drivers given authority to pass a defective ATC home arrival signal?
At attended locations:
- Signallers Caution Order
At unattended locations:
- dictated or transmitted Signallers Caution Order
What do home signals protect?
Signal boxes
Level crossings
What is the whistle procedure for 2 trains entering a level crossing at the same time?
Both trains sound a continuous whistle until both reach the crossing
What does DIDRA stand for in relation to whistles?
Appropriate to the distance
What is an emergency whistle?
Series of short urgent blasts of the whistle