SHOULDER Flashcards
Borders of Quadrilateral / Quadrangular Space
long head triceps (medial)
teres minor (superior)
teres major (inferior)
humerus (lateral)

Contents of Quadrilateral / Quadrangular Space
posterior circumflex humeral artery
axillary nerve
Borders of Upper Triangular Space
teres minor (superior)
teres major (inferior)
long head of triceps (lateral)
Contents of Upper Triangular Space
circumflex humeral artery
Borders of Lower Triangular Space
teres major (superior)
long head of triceps (medial)
humerus (lateral)
Contents of Lower Triangular Space
Profunda brachii vessels
Radial nerve
During which phase of throwing is the ROTATOR CUFF under the greatest amount of stress
– RC undergoes greatest forces from eccentric contraction required to slow down the arm, it is the principal decelerator and suscpetible to tensile failure
During which phase of throwing is the ELBOW under the greatest amount of VALGUS stress?
What is the definition of PSEUDOPARALYSIS in regards to a massive rotator cuff tear?
Active elevation less than 90 degrees but full passive ROM
What is the initial treatment for multidirectional instability (MDI)?
MINIMUM of 6 months of physical therapy
– focused on scapular stabilization + RC & deltoid stregthening
Common finding in shoulders with chronic anterior instability
A medialized anteroinferior capsulolabral attachment (ALPSA lesion)
The anterior band of the IGHL is tightest with the arm in _____ degrees of abduction with the shoulder _____ rotated, creating a “hammock” that supports the humeral head.
The anterior band of the IGHL is tightest with the arm in 90 degrees of abduction with the shoulder externally rotated, creating a “hammock” that supports the humeral head.
At ____ degrees of shoulder abduction, the capsuloligamentous components of the shoulder are at their loosest.
At 45 degrees of shoulder abduction, the capsuloligamentous components of the shoulder are at their loosest.