HAND / WRIST Flashcards
Common sites of compression of the ulnar nerve
Between 2 head of FCU
Arcade of Struthers
Between Osborne’s Ligament & MCL
Medial head of triceps
Medial intermuscular septum
Medial Epicondyle
Fascial bands within FCU
Anconeus Epitrochlearis (anomalous muscle)
Proximal edge of FDS aponeurosis
Which ligament is most important for CMC stability?
Zones of Guyon’s Canal (motor vs sensory)
Zone 1 = mixed
Zone 2 = motor
Zone 3 = sensory
–LEW’s mnemonic: “alphabetical! MIxed, MOtor, SENsory”
Contents of the 3rd DORSAL compartment of the hand
3 - EPL
What is the average distance between the top of the humeral head and the insertion of the pec tendon on the humerus?
5.6 cm
What is Wartenberg Sign?
persistent small finger ABDuction and EXTENSION during attempted adduction
– due to weak 3rd palmar interossei and SF lumbrical (ulnar neuropathy)

Contents of the 6th DORSAL compartment of the hand
6 - ECU
Common sites of radial nerve compression
Fibrous bands of radiocapitellar joint
Recurrent leash of henry (radial recurrent vessels)
Medial ECRB
Arcade of Froshe
Supinator (distal edge)
– LEW’s mnemonic: FREAS
What is the minimum ranges for elbow ROM needed to accomplish ADLs?
30 to 130 degrees
– Lew’s mnemonic: “100 degrees for 100% of function”
Which component of the nail bed is responsible for 90% of nail growth?
What secondary role does Vinculum Brevis Profundus?
VBP provides blood supply to FDP tendon distal to the A5 pulley

compensatory thumb IP flexion by FPL (AIN) during pinch
– due to loss of MCP flexion by adductor pollicis (ulnar neuropathy)

Which is the most common finger and most common deviation with sagittal band disruption?
LONG finger most common, deviates ULNARLY most common (due to radial sagittal band disruption)
– associated with RA and pugilists “aka KYLE injuries”
Contents of the 2nd DORSAL compartment of the hand
Contents of the 4th DORSAL compartment of the hand
4 - EDC + EIP
compensatory thumb MCP hyperextension and thumb adduction by EPL with pinch
– due to loss of IP extension and thumb adduction
(ulnar neuropathy)

What are the contraindications to performing a Proximal Row Carpectomy (PRC) for SLAC wrist?
- incompetent radio-scapho-capitate ligament (necessary to prevent ulnar subluxation)
- capito-lunate arthritis (Stage III)
Contents of the 1st DORSAL compartment of the hand
1 - APL + EPB
Describe the course of the ulnar nerve as it enters the cubital tunnel.
Pierces intramuscular septum at Arcade of STRUTHERS (8cm prox to medial epicondyle)
>> passes from anterior to posterior compartment of the arm as it enters cubital tunnel
What is Wartenburg’s Syndrome?
compressive neuropathy of the superficial sensory radial nerve (SRN)
AKA “cheiralgia paresthetica” – sensory manifestation only
– scissoring action of brachioradialis & ECRL tendons during forearm pronation
What are you testing with Resisted Long Finger extension?
Tests ECRB for lateral epicondylitis
What comprises the “floor” of the cubital tunnel?
Posterior & Transverse ligaments of MCL + elbow joint capsule
Contents of the 5th DORSAL compartment of the hand
5 - EDM
What is MASSE sign?
Flattening of the palmar arch and loss of ulnar hand elevation
– due to weak opponens digiti quinti + decreased SF MCP flexion

What comprises the “roof” of the cubital tunnel?
FCU Fascia + Osborne’s ligament