Shoulder Flashcards
Post disloc
Causes int rot, limited ext rot.
Light bulb sign
Postero lat or medil. Risk all 3 Ns.
Us closed reduc.
Shoulder movements
Flex- pec maj, deltoid ant, coracobrachialis
Ext- deltoid post, lat dorsi, pec maj, teres maj.
Abduc- suprapsinatus 15 deg then deltoid
Adduc- pec maj, lat dorsi, teres maj, subscap
Med rot- pec maj, deltoid mid, lat dorsi, teres maj, subscap.
Lat rot- teres minor, infraspinatus
scapula movements
Elevation- levator scap, trapezius
Depression- serratus ant, pec minor
Forward protraction- serratus ant, pec maj
Retraction- trapezius, rhomboid
Impingement tests
Painful arc btw 60-120 abduc, exacerbated by thumb down.
Neers- passive flexio with pronation/int rot while stabilise scapula.
Hawkins- shoulder and elbow 90 degs, pain on passive int rot
Rot cuff tests
Lift off subscap
Belly press for subscap
Empty beer can supraspinatus.
Ext rot ag resis for infrapsinatus and t minor.
Drop arm when slow adduc from 160 deg. Drop means dam at least 2 tendons.
Lag sign infraspinatus and t minor. Flex and abduc 90 deg and ext rot and hold.
Hornblower- abduc shoulder ad flex elbow 90, ext rot ag resis.
AC jnt tests
Scarf- pos if LOC pain in SCJ
Painful arc
Tendinopathy or partial rot cuff tear causes tend to catch in subacromial sp dur abduc.
Rot cuff mx
Open or arthroscopic repair to tendon, unless over 70yo.
If under 70 then re att tendon, sling 6 wk, physio.
Full tear never heals alone.
If over 70 then injec and physio.
Impingement syndrome
On abduc 70-140 deg. Pain in deltoid.
Nocturnal pain.
Supraspinatus tendinopathy or partial rupt- physio and PK, subascromial bursa CS injec, subacrom decomp surg.
Calcifying tendinopathy- lot inflamm. Physio, NSAID, ster injec, occas Ca excision.
ACJ OA- rest, NSAID, ster injec. Excis last resort.
Sclerosisi of acromion and its tuberosity.
Ix- US rot cuff.
Mx gen- ster up to 3 injecs, physio, subacromial decomp.
frozen shoulder
-pain and freezing- up to 1 yr. active and passive abduc reduced to under 90, ext rot under 30.
-frozen- pain settles but stiff. 6-12 mnth.
-thawing- regain ROM. 1-3 yr.
can be assoc with cervical spondylosis, DM, thyr dis.
Tx- physio init bad but LT good, NSAID, CS injec, surgic rel. MUA. Stretch exercises. Distension arthrogram saline injec under press, leave, interval rel (esp coracohumeral lig) foll by physio.
ext rot restric over 50% means frozen shoulder v likely. Global ROM restric and ant pain.
Frac clavicle
Us direct force
Comm mid third. Prox frag pulled super by SCM.
Mx- broad arm sling, foll up XR 6wk.
ORIF if v displ- high risk non union.
Risk brach plexus inj, SC vessels. Pneumothorax complic.
ant disloc
95% Signs- loss contour, ant bulge. Risk to axillary N Mx- Simple reduc-longit traction in abduction with gentle humerus press. Kochers method reduc Supp in int rot with broad arm sling
Humerus frac
Shaft- humeral brace and traction with collar and cuff sling.
Immob 8-12 wk.
Risk radial N.
surg locking or comp plating.
Atraumatic instabil (recurr disloc) Structural eg artic surf, capsule.
Jnt laxity.
AMBRI- atraumatic, multidirec, bilat, rehab, inferior capsular shift surg if rehab fails.
traumatic instabil (recurr disloc) Structural eg Bankart
TUBS- traumatic, unilat, bankart, surgic tx.
Bankart- avulsion of glenoid labrum.
Hill sachs lesion- impaction frac of humeral head foll ant disloc.
habitual instabil
Non structural eg abn musc patt. Often bilat.
Scapula position
Anteverted 30 degs
cephalic V posit
Btw deltoid and pec maj
Supraspinatus outlet contents
Supraspinatus tendon
Subacromial bursa.
Abduction to 15 deg
Suprascapular N
Ext rot
Suprascapular N
Teres minor
Ext rot
Axillary N
Int rot
Upper and lower subscapular N
joint stabilisers
Labrum- incrs depth 30 % Ligs Capsule Muscles Neg press Contact/friction.