Hand Flashcards
comm probs
N disorders Dupuytrens Stenosing disorders OA RA Lumps Soft tiss inj Bony inj
Lateral 3.5 digits parasthesia/numb Thenar wasting Tunnel contents- FDS, FDP FPL, median N Nocturnal symps Phalens and tinnels Electrophysiology Motor APB test Causes- idio, hypothyr, preg, frac distal red, amyloidosis, occupat vibrat, genet, smok, DM, peyronies. Tx- treat cause, night splint, ster injec, surg (cut flexor retinac under local)
Testing Ns
Radial- sensory snuffbox. Motor ext eg EPL thumb ext.
median- sensory lat 3/3.5 digit, test side index. Motor always APB thumb to ceiling ag resis. Ok sign.
Ulnar- sensory ulnar 1.5/2 digit, test 5th. Motor finger abduc, finger crossing inrteross. Froments sign pos if bend thumb as using FPL.
Testing tendons
FDP- hold PIP (FDS) and bend tip FDS- hold 3 fingers straight, bend other FPL- thumb bends when ext wrist PL tend thumb to little finger EPL- lift thumb to ceiling EI and EDM extra tendons allow ext while fist.
N disorder symps
Parasthesia Numb Pain Weakness Loss dexterity Wasting
ulnar N inj
Cubital tunnel 95%, guyons, iatrogenic.
Motor- intrinsics, adduc pollicis, ADM, FDP.
Wasting eg inteross, hypothenar.
Tx- decomp in wrist. In elbow can decomp or trasnposit N to front elbow.
N inj types
Neuropraxia- press on N temp blocks conduc. MILD.
Axonotmesis- N sheath intact but axons disrup. MOD.
Neurotmesis- whole N disrup. SEV.
radial N inj
Wrist drop. Sat night palsy neuropraxia. Risk dam in humeral frac. Motor- wrist and finger extensors, EPL. Tx- physio and wait if neuropraxia, neurolysis if N caught in scar tiss/arnd frac, N graft if N cut, tendon transfer eg P teres or FCU then retrain brain.
N probs
C spine- disc SC comp
Brachial plexus- cervical rib
N disorder eg DM, MS
N summary
ID nerve and site Elim other probs Rel and transpose Repair Neurolysis N graft Tend transfer
worsening finger deform, not v pain.
Palmar fascia bundles
Assoc with plantar fibromatosis foot nodules, peyronies dis.
PIPJ diffic to mx, full fasciotomy, addit releases collaterals and volar plate, skin graft or Z plasty, recurrence, garrods pads post PIPJ nodule.
MCPJ easy to correct, (segmental/full/norm) fasciotomy, also collagenase injec.
Threshold? 30 deg. ?able to flatten hand.
RF- caucasian blonde blue eye, male, anti epil eg phenytoin.
trigger finger
Tendon nodules
Jumping, sticking, clicking, locking, passive straightening.
Flexor tend stuck under A1 pulley
Tx- injec, surg rel
Congenital 6mnth- 2yo. Stuck bent as lack strength. Often self resolve.
De quervans tensosynovitis
Thickened tend sheath arnd EPB and abduc PL tend
Tets- fist then ulnar dev
Injec but risk skin depigm or fat nec
flexor tend inj eg cut
Casacde, tenodesis test, squeeze test, FDS and FDP test.
Repair surg
More in wom, often bilat
Tx- conservative, trapeziectomy, repl not v succ.
hand OA
Vs RA, OA has- good bone stock, linked pattern, no soft tiss isuues, less disabling as us one jnt, no osteopenia.
Heberdens DIPJ osteophytes, bouchard PIPJ
MCPJ tx arthroplasty
PIPJ fusion or arhtroplasty
DIPJ fusion
hand RA
Sudd loss ext, swell, pain
Most comm cause spont tend rupt
Leg bef arm, prox to distal, pain and lof imp surg indics, deform, systemic probs eg interstit fibrosis.
Tend rupt- flexors and extensors, infilt, attrit, buddying, transfers
Subluxation of tend- can go from ext to flex
Nerve inj- comp by synovitis, neuropathy, the neck risk phrenic N.
jnt effects- wrist, MCPJ, swan neck, boutonniere
Lump full synovial fluid, moveable.
Occas aching
Flucs size
Self resolve
Giant cell tum of tend sheath
Malig tum
Lump classif
Origin- soft tiss/bone
Composit- cystic, solid, mixed
Nature- benign, malig
Tx- ignore eg ganglion, monit eg giant cell tum, biop, excise.
Cystic- ganglion wrist, mucous cyst finger.
Soft tiss solid- giant cell tum of tend sheath.
Bone endochondroma.
finger frac.
Displ- accept posit, closed reduc, open reduc.
Look for rot
Stabil- buddy strapping, splintage, int fix
MCP 85 deg flex PIP 110 deg DIP 65 Wrist 60 deg flex, 60 ext Radio ulnar dev arc 50 deg
Test vasc
Radial and ulnar pulse
Allens test
Cap refill
Volkmanns isch contracture
Folls interup brach A near elbow.
Musc nec causes flexion deformity
Tx like compartm synd