Shoulder Flashcards
the shoulder girdle includes what joints
Sternoclavicular (SC)
Acromioclavicular (AC)
Scapulothoracic joints (ST)
Glenohumeral joint (GH)
Subacromial space-
Shoulder Girdle function
Position hand in space for ADL
Transmit force
IR and ER throughout the movement restraints
It will be different at different parts of the movement – different restraint to motion at different positions
Horizontal abduction examples
can you touch the top of your shoulder, and wash the back of your head
GH motion
Flexion/extension - 120
Abduction/adduction - 120
External/internal rotation – 90° &≈ 65°
Horizontal abduction/ adduction
Glenohumeral Motion with other joints - example flexion
Responsible for 120 and scapula movement is responsible for the 60 degrees of movement
Shoulder Girdle Motion is a Coordinated Motion of
G-H joint
A-C joint
S-C joint
S-T joint
Glenohumeral Motion Arthrokinematics
Combine rotation & translation to keep humeral head centered on glenoid
what happens if the humerus starts to come off the glenoid
Once the H head starts the come off the joint – we start to get funtional problems
stability and mobility in the shoulder
the shoulders has more mobility and therefore has to sacrifice stability
Flexion GH
Anterior-Superior roll, Posterior-inferior glide
Extension GH
Posterior-inferior roll, anterior-superior glide
Abduction GH
Superior roll, inferior glide
External rotation GH
posterior roll, anterior glide
Internal rotation GH ortho
anterior roll, posterior glide
Horizontal Abduction GH
posterio-lateral roll, anteromedial glide
Horizontal Adduction GH
anterio-medial roll, posterio-lateral glide
GH Capsular tightness
results in abnormal arthrokinematics and limited joint motion
Glenohumeral Motion is controlled by
these are mechanism that keep H head centered
Passive restraints
Active restraints
Interaction of passive & active restraints
GH Passive Restraints
Bony geometry
Capsuloligamentous structures - The capsule and its ligaments
Negative intra-articular pressure
Capsule is a closed structure
the Humeral head is covered with
Covered with articular cartilage
Humeral head faces
It faces superior – medially – posteriorly
necks of the humerus
Anatomical Neck – attachment of capsule and mm
Surgical neck – the sight of attachment for muscles
what is the Glenoid
Pear-shaped surface with ave. upward lift of 5°
Glenoid faces what direction
Projects laterally – anteriorly
S.I.T.S - rotator cuff
teres minor
S.I.T.S action
all act to compresses the H into the center of the G
supraspinatus action
Initiates and assists deltoid in abduction of arm and acts with rotator cuff muscles
compressing the sup portion of the H closer to the G allowing for elevation of the H head without the H-head sliding
Infraspinatus action
Shoulder ER
and acts with rotator cuff muscles
Teres Minor
Shoulder ER
and acts with rotator cuff muscles
Subscapularis action
Shoulder IR
and acts with rotator cuff muscles
tendon vascularity
The end of the tendon has bad vascularity
ringing out effect
Tension rings out the fluid that is in the tendon
why do we abd someones arm in post shoulder care
We do not want ringing out effect
Glenoid labrum
Fibrocartilaginous ridge arising from the glenoid
Primary attachment site for the glenohumeral ligaments
what does the Glenoid labrum give rise to
Long Head of Biceps (LHB) superiorly
how thick is the Glenoid labrum
Approx. 9 mm thick (deepens the joint socket)
how much does the glenoid labrum deepen the depth
Glenohumeral ligaments
External layers of the anterior and inferior walls of the joint capsule are thickened by fibrous CT
IGHL complex parts
anterior band – thickening
posterior band – thickening
axillary pouch – everything else
Does not engage until 90 degrees
supporting the inferior aspect of the shoulder.
Coracohumeral ligament location
superior to SGHL
Coracohumeral ligament taut with what motion
taut with Adduction & inferior translation of the humeral head; ER
Function of GH Capsule
what is stability based on
dependent on joint orientation
ER restraint is dependent on what
Dependent on arm position
0 of Abduction: restrict to ER
C-H ligament
SGHL – sp GH ligament
45 of Abduction: restraint
90 of Abduction
Anterior band IGHL
Subscapularis - Restraints to External Rotation at what postion
Effective restraint to ER with arm at side - 0
Ineffective restraint to ER with arm abducted to 900
Restraints to Internal Rotation is dependent on
Dependent on arm position
Restraints to Internal Rotation - 0 of Abduction
Posterior band IGHL
Restraints to Internal Rotation - 45 of Abduction
Anterior and Posterior band IGHL
Restraints to Internal Rotation - 90 of Abduction
Anterior and Posterior band IGHL
properties of Posterior dislocation
very unstable, not seen often
Restraints to Inferior Translation - 0 of Abduction
Restraints to Inferior Translation - 90 of Abduction
Acromioclavicular Joint
A and clavicle
disc in the the AC joint
allows for translation motion, does not move that much – do not want to much movement
Acromioclavicular Joint- Joint capsule is reinforced by
Reinforced superiorly & inferior by A-C ligaments
Coracoclavicular ligaments is seen in what joint
AC joint
the two parts of the Coracoclavicular ligaments
conoid (medial)
trapezoid (lateral)
Coracoclavicular Ligaments is what
combined ligament is the primary support ligament of the AC Joint
Deltoid & Upper trap with the Acromioclavicular Joint
Deltoid & Upper trap cover the jt
Acromioclavicular Joint Movements
Axial rotation of clavicle (spin)
Adjusts the angulation between scapula & clavicle
Sternoclavicluar Joint is what kind of joint
Sellar Joint
Sternoclavicluar Joint link what
links the appendicular skeleton with the axial skeleton, saddle (concave-vex
Sup/inf direction Sternoclavicluar Joint
Proximal clavicle:
Ant/post Sternoclavicluar Joint
Proximal clavicle:
Sternoclavicular Joint Motions
Protraction/retraction (ant/post)
(concave surface is moving)
Elevation/depression (sup/inf)
(convex surface is moving)
Axial rotation (spin)
Sternoclavicular Joint Intra-articular disc
strengthens articulation & acts as shock absorber
Interclavicular ligament is part of which joint
Sternoclavicular Joint
Interclavicular ligament
connects medial ends of left & right clavicles
Rare as injury
Costoclavicular ligament is part of which joint
Sternoclavicular Joint
Costoclavicular ligament runs from
Attached below to the upper and medial part of the cartilage of the first rib, and is fixed above to the costal tuberosity on the under surface of the clavicle
sternoclavicular (SC) joint
is the linkage between the clavicle (collarbone) and the sternum (breastbone)
is S-T joint a true of false joint
false - it is not a true joint
Glenoid funtion for the humerous
Glenoid serves as platform for humeral head
how many muscle attachment are there in the scapula
Site of muscle attachment (17)
Scapula function
Serves to transfer force from trunk to upper extremity
Resting Position of Scapula - humerol head
the h-head rest on the inferior lip of the G
Resting Position of Scapula
Medial border nearly vertical
Abducted approximately 6 cm from spine
Tilted anteriorly approximately 200
5 – 10° of upward rotation
35° of IR
Resting Position of Scapula - dominent side
Downwardly rotated
Anteriorly tilted
Support of Scapula
Scapular muscles
Suspension of scapula from clavicle at AC joint
Medial end of clavicle supported by SC joint
Subacromial Space is bounded by
Humeral head inferiorly
Coraco-acromial arch superiorly
Structures Within Subacromial Space
Long head of biceps
Superior capsule
Supraspinatus tendon
Upper margins of subscapularis & infraspinatus tendons
Subacromial bursa
Inferior surface of A-C joint
Elevation of arm requires- greater trochanter
external rotation of humerus to clear greater tubercle
upward rotation of scapula to elevate lateral end of acromion
Primary impingement
Narrowing of the space based on the
Secondary impingement
functional stenosis of subacromial space due to abnormal arthrokinematics
primer mover - Scapulohumeral
Pectoralis major
Latissimus dorsi
Teres major
Rotator Cuff Muscles
teres minor
h-head and the RC muscles
keep the h-head on the glenoid
all cover the humoral head
Supraspinatus actions
Abductor – first 30
external rotator
Superior compressor
supraspinatus innervation
Suprascapular Nerve
external rotator
Posterior compressor
infraspinatus innervation
Suprascapular Nerve
Teres minor actions
external rotator
weak adductor
Posterior compressor
teres minor innervation
Axillary Nerve
Subscapularis action
internal rotator
Balance in the frontal plane for the ER
Depresses the h-head
subscapularis innervation
U/L Subscapular Nerve
RC fails to cover two regions of the capsule
Inferiorly and the rotator interval
where is the rotator interval
A triangular area b/t supraspinatus, subscapularis, and the base of the coracoid
The rotator interval is reinforce by
the long head of the tendon and corachumeral ligament
in the shoudler where is the area of the most dislocations
Rotator interval – RIC
Supraspinatus assists deltoid with what action
what muscles depresses humeral head
teres minor, infraspinatus, and subscapularis
Transverse plane force couple
anterior vs. posterior RC
Subscapularis (anterior) vs. Infraspinatus & Teres Minor (posterior)
What direction does the transverse plane force couple pull
pull the glenoid into the humorous
Frontal plane force couple muscles
deltoid vs. inferior RC (INF, Teres Minor, Subscapularis)
action of the frontal plane force couple
the deltoid raises the arm and the inferior RC counteracts this movement
RC contract - pulling the humorous centered inferior – becoming the inferior compressor
Disruption of transverse plane results in
results in either anterior or posterior migration of humeral head
Disruption in the transverse plane may occur as a result of
Disruption of frontal plane force (superior vs. inferior) couple
results in superior migration of humeral head
Ringing out effect only for what muscle
ringing out is seen with what action
is the Supraspinatus needed in the forcce couples
Essential force couples maintained
We still need balance between the ant and post
Supraspinatus tear strength & function
Normal strength & function possible
Supraspinatus/Posterior Cuff tear result
Essential force couples disrupted
ER weakness
little elevation is possible
Supraspinatus/Subscapularis tear
essential force couple is disrtupted
IR weakness
little elvation as possible
Massive Tear in the rotator cuff
Essential force couples disrupted
Weakness with internal & external rotation
Little active elevation possible
more then one group is effected
Pittsburgh Dynamic Shoulder Testing Model - 6 DF
scapular plane abduction
horizontal abduction/adduction
Global Rotator Cuff Tear
Rotator Cuff & Joint capsule – transected from inferior border of subscapularis tendon through infraspinatus & teres minor tendon
Infraspinatus/Teres Minor reduce strain on what ligamant
Reduces strain on anterior band of IGHLC
Biceps tendon force increases what
torsional rigidity for ER
does the biceps tendon have an effect on the IGHL
No effect on strain of IGHLC- complex
SLAP lesion effects what mucsle
long head of the biceps
This decrease the ability of the long head of the biceps to act a s a compressor
Sup labral lesion running ant to post
biceps tendon does what kind of compression
Anterior Stabilizer as Capsuloligamentous Stability Decreases
Scapulothoracic Muscles
Serratus anterior
Levator scapulae
Pectoralis minor
traps innervation
Spinal Accessory N.
serratus anterior inv
long thoracic
rhomboid (minor and major) inv
dorsal scapular
levator scapulae inv
dorsal scapular
pectoral minor inv
medial pectoral
subclavius inv
nerve to subclavius
Elevation/depression in the Scapulothoracic muscles
Composite of SC & AC joint rotations
Vertical axis
Protraction/retraction in the Scapulothoracic muscles
Summation of horizontal plane rotations at SC & AC
Medial – lateral axis
Upward/downward rotation Scapulothoracic muscles
Summation of clavicular elevation at SC joint & scapular upward rotation at the AC joint
The coupled rotations are essential to the full 60° of upward rotation
Normally follows a path close to it’s scapular plane
Force Couple at Scapulothoracic Joint
Serratus anterior
Upper trapezius
lower/middlt rap
total degree of elevation in the arm
120- GH
60 - ST
Force Couple at Scapulothoracic Joint- serratus anterior
pulls the scapula anteriorly and medially
Force Couple at Scapulothoracic Joint - upper trap
pulls the scapula medially
Force Couple at Scapulothoracic Joint - middle and lower scapula
stabilizes the scapula during upward rotation