brachial plexus Flashcards
Components of Brachial Plexus
VPR of C5-C8 and greater part of T1
Small contri-butions from C4 and T2
Contributions to the brachial plexus from the ventral primary rami of C4 and T2 can vary
Components of Brachial Plexus - C4 is large
This is a prefixed type of plexus.
T2 is frequently lacking
T1 contribution is reduced.
Components of Brachial Plexus - C4 is reduced or absent
postfixed type of plexus.
C5 contribution is usually reduced
T1 is larger than normal
T2 is always present
Organization of Brachial Plexus
Remember To Drink Cold Beer
Terminal Branches
VPR of C5-T1 (small contributions from C4 & T2)
Upper - C5, C6
Middle - C7
Lower - C8, T1
Terminal Branches
Musculocutaneous nerve
Median nerve
Ulnar nerve
Axillary nerve
Radial nerve
The trunks and divisions of the brachial plexus are located
in the posterior triangle of the neck, emerging from between scalenus anterior and scalenus medius.
where does the subclavian artery arrise
posterior triangle of the neck
between scalenus anterior and scalenus medius.
neurovascular compression syndrome result from
if the scalenus anterior and scalenus medius spasm, they may compress the nerves and artery
clavicle and subclavius muscle and the brachial plexus
The brachial plexus then passes behind them
what muscle does the brachial plexus lie on
upper part of serratus anterior and subscapularis muscles
C5 and C6 receive gray rami from
middle cervical ganglion
C7 and C8 receive gray rami from
the cervicothoracic ganglion
T1 receives gray rami from and sends white rami to
the cervicothoracic ganglion
Supraclavicular branch of the brachial plexus
branches arising from the roots or trunks (proximal to the clavicle),
Infraclavicular branch of the brachial plexus
branches arising from the cords (distal to the clavicle)
Supraclavicular Branches names
Dorsal scapular nerve
Long thoracic nerve
Suprascapular nerve
The nerve to subclavius
Dorsal Scapular Nerve segmental
Dorsal Scapular Nerve pierces what
pierces scalenus medius
Dorsal Scapular Nerve runs with what nerve
runs with the dorsal scapular artery to the vertebral border of the scapula
Dorsal Scapular Nerve innervation
twig to levator scapulae
then runs deep to rhomboids major and minor to innervate both of those muscles.
Long Thoracic Nerve segmental
C5, C6, C7 VPR
Long Thoracic Nerve innervates
serratus anterior
Long Thoracic Nerve runs with
lateral thoracic artery
Suprascapular Nerve segmental
C5, C6
Suprascapular Nerve arrise from what part of the brachial plexus
upper trunk
Suprascapular Nerve path
runs deep to trapezius –> suprascapular notch under the superior transverse scapular ligament –> supraspinous fossa –> spinoglenoid notch –> infraspinous fossa
Suprascapular Nerve run with
suprascapular artery
travels over the transverse scapular ligament
Suprascapular Nerve muscular innervation
supraspinatus and infraspinatus
Suprascapular nerve cut innervation
sensory branches to the shoulder joint, AC joint and scapula
infraclavicular branches names
lateral and medial pectoral nerves
upper and lower subscapular nerves
thoracodorsal nerve
axillary nerve
musculocutaneous nerve
medial cutaneous nerves of the arm and forearm
median nerve
ulnar nerve
radial nerve
Lateral Pectoral Nerve segmental
C5, C6, C7
Lateral Pectoral Nerve from what part of the brachial plexus
the lateral cord
Lateral Pectoral Nerve innervates
deep surface of pectoralis major.
forms a loop with the medial pectoral nerve to supply pectoralis minor.
Medial Pectoral Nerve segmental
C8, T1
Medial Pectoral Nerve from what part of the brachial plexus
the medial cord
Medial Pectoral Nerve innervation
supplies pectoralis minor.
also sends some branches to supply pectoralis major.
Upper and Lower Subscapular Nerves
C5 and C6
upper subscapular nerve from what part of the brachial
posterior cord
upper subscapular innervation
lower subscapular nerve from what part of the brachial
posterior cord
lower subscapular nerve innervation
teres major and subscapularis.
Thoracodorsal Nerve segmental
C6, C7, C8
Thoracodorsal Nerve from what part of the brachial
posterior cord between the upper and lower subscapular nerves
Thoracodorsal Nerve innervation
lattissimus dorsi.
Thoracodorsal Nerve runs with
thoracodorsal branch of the subscapular artery
Axillary Nerve segmental
C5, C6
Axillary Nerve from what part of the brachial
terminal branches of the posterior cord
Axillary Nerve travels with what
posterior circumflex vessels to the back of the humerus.
Axillary Nerve is part of what space
quadrangular space
with the posterior circumflex humeral artery and across the back of the surgical neck of the humerus
Axillary Nerve musculature innervation
deltoid and teres minor.
Axillary Nerve cutaneous branch
superior lateral cutaneous nerve of the arm
superior lateral cutaneous nerve of the arm innervates what
skin over the lower deltoid.
Musculocutaneous Nerve segmental
C5, C6, C7
Musculocutaneous Nerve what part of the brachial
a terminal branch of the lateral cord
Musculocutaneous Nerve pierces what muscle
the coracobrachialis
Musculocutaneous Nerve descends where
between the biceps brachii and brachialis muscles
Musculocutaneous Nerve innervation
coracobrachialis, biceps brachii and most of brachialis.
Musculocutaneous Nerve becomes what nerve and where
Lateral to the biceps tendon, the musculoctaneous nerve pierces the deep fascia to become the lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm
lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm
lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm supplies what
supplies the skin of the lateral forearm
from the Musculocutaneous Nerve
Medial Cutaneous Nerve of Arm segmental
C8, T1
Medial Cutaneous Nerve of Arm what part of the brachial plexus
arises off the medial cord
Medial Cutaneous Nerve of Arm receive a branch from where
intercostobrachial nerve from T2
Medial Cutaneous Nerve of Arm descend where on the arm
descends on the arm medial to the brachial artery and basilic vein
Medial Cutaneous Nerve of Arm supplies the skin of what
medial arm
Medial Cutaneous Nerve of forearm segmental
C8, T1
Medial Cutaneous Nerve of Forearm what part of the brachial plexus
arises from the medial cord
Medial Cutaneous Nerve of Forearm perieces what
pierces the brachial fascia with the basilic vein and distributes its branches.
Medial Cutaneous Nerve of Forearm innervation
skin over the biceps and the medial forearm.
Median Nerve segmental
all - C5, C6, C7, C8, T1
Median Nerve descends the arm with
brachial art
descends deep to flexor digitorum superficialis.
Median Nerve cubital fossa
medial to the brachial artery
Median Nerve where does it enter the forearm
between the two heads of pronator teres
potential area for entrapment,
Median Nerve At the wrist
the median nerve lies between the tendons of flexor digitorum superficialis and flexor carpi radialis.
under the flexor retinaculum
carpal tunnel
fascial tunnel at the wrist
a common site for entrapment of the median nerve.
Branches of the Median Nerve - Autonomic fibers
to the brachial artery in the arm
Branches of the Median Nerve - Articular branches
to the elbow and proximal radioulnar joints
Branches of the Median Nerve - Muscular branches forearm
Pronator teres
Flexor carpi radialis
Palmaris longus
Flexor digitorum superficialis
what branch does the median nerve give out
anterior interosseous nerve
anterior interosseous nerve travels where
descends on the interosseous membrane with the anterior interosseous artery.
Anterior interosseous nerve distribution - Articular branches to
Distal radioulnar jt
Radiocarpal and intercarpal jts
MCP and IP joints.
Anterior interosseous nerve distribution - Muscular branches
deep muscles of anterior forearm:
Flexor digitorum profundus (lat. 1/2)
Flexor pollicis longus
Pronator quadratus
Branches of Median Nerve - Muscular branches hand
Superficial head of flexor pollicis brevis
Abductor pollicis brevis
Opponens pollicis
1st and 2nd lumbricals
Median nerve - The cutaneous distribution
palmar surface of the hand and fingers from the thumb to the lateral side of the ring finger, and the corresponding nail beds on the dorsum of the fingers
Ulnar Nerve segmental
C7, C8, T1
Ulnar Nerve is from where in the brachial plexus
terminal branch of the medial cord
Ulnar Nerve descends the medial arm with
superior ulnar collateral artery
Ulnar Nerve passes through what fascia bridge
Arcade of Struthers
where does the Ulnar Nerve pass at the elbow
passes behind the medial epicondyle through the Cubital Tunnel
area of entrapment
what is the Arcade of Struthers
a fascial bridge formed between the medial intermuscular septum and the medial head of the triceps
area for entrapment
Ulnar Nerve in the anteromedial forearm passes where
passes between the two heads of flexor carpi ulnaris
in the forearm what does the Ulnar Nerve descend with
ulnar artery.
At the wrist the location of the Ulnar Nerve
ulnar nerve is lateral to the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon and medial to the ulnar artery
what does the Ulnar Nerve passes into the hand with and where
It passes into the hand with the ulnar artery, both deep to the volar carpal ligament but superficial to the flexor retinaculum
Tunnel of Guyon
an osseofibrous tunnel
created by:
created between the pisiform and the hook of the hamate
covered by the volar carpal ligament
floor of the tunnel is formed by the flexor retinaculum and the pisohamate ligament.
potential site of entrapment
Ulnar Nerve travels with what in the hand and under what
deep palmar branch of the ulnar artery
Tunnel of Guyon
Branches of the Ulnar Nerve - Articular branch
Articular branch to elbow
Branches of the Ulnar Nerve - Muscular branches
Flexor carpi ulnaris
Flexor digitorum profundus (medial 1/2)
- Palmaris brevis
Branches of the Ulnar Nerve - Cutaneous branches
to palmar and dorsal medial hand, little finger and medial side of the ring finger
Deep terminal branch is muscular - ulnar nerve
Abductor digiti minimi
Flexor digiti minimi
Opponens digiti minimi
3rd & 4th lumbricals
Adductor pollicis
Deep head of flexor pollicis brevis
Radial Nerve travels where in the arm
radial nerve passes behind the arm and descends in the radial groove of the humerus between the lateral and medial heads of the triceps
what does the Radial Nerve travel with in the arm
arteria profunda brachii
what does the Radial Nerve pierce to get to the front of the arm
pierces the lateral intermuscular septum to reach the anterior surface
what does the Radial Nerve do in front of the lateral epicondyle
divides into superficial and deep branches.
deep branch of Radial Nerve travels where
passes between the two heads of the supinator through the Arcade of Frosche
area of entrapment
what does the deep Radial Nerve emerge as after piercing the supinator
posterior interosseous nerve
Radial Nerve - muscular branches
Triceps brachii
Brachialis (C7 from radial; C5,6 from musculocutaneous)
Extensor carpi radialis longus
Radial Nerve - sensory nerves
Posterior cutaneous nerve of arm
Inferior lateral cutaneous nerve of arm
Posterior cutaneous nerve of forearm
Articular branches to elbow joint
Superficial Branch of Radial Nerve supplies what
divides into 4 or 5 dorsal digital nerves to supply the skin of
- lateral thenar eminence
- dorsal thumb
- index and middle fingers
- lateral half of ring finger
(up to the nail beds)
Deep brach of the Radial Nerve - descends between and travels with what
superficial and deep extensor muscles of the forearm with the posterior interosseous artery.
deep brach of the Radial Nerve - musculature
Extensor carpi radialis brevis
Extensor digitorum
Extensor digiti minimi
Extensor carpi ulnaris
Extensor pollicis longus
Extensor indicis
Abductor pollicis longus
Extensor pollicis brevis
Radial Nerve segmental
C5, C6, C7, C8, T1
the largest branch of the brachial plexus
Radial Nerve