Cervical plexus Flashcards
what makes up the cervical plexus
ventral primary rami of C1-C4
what do the rami of the cervical plexus receive from
These VPR all receive gray rami communicans from the superior cervical ganglion (S) and distribute sympathetic innervation through their branches.
there are two sets of branches in the cervical plexus
superficial branches are what kind of branches
all branches are cutaneous
Deep branches are what kind of branches
medial and lateral branches which are all muscular
Superficial Branches name
Lesser occipital nerve
Great auricular nerve
Transverse cervical nerve
Supraclavicular nerves
Lesser Occipital Nerve number
made out of a loop of C2 and C3 but I mostly made up of
Lesser Occipital Nerve what kind of nerve
cutaneous - superficial branch
Lesser Occipital Nerve location
The lesser occipital nerve ascends along the posterior border of sternocleidomastoid
lesser occipital nerve supplies what part of the skin
skin of the upper auricle (outer ear) and the lateral side of the head posterior to the auricle.
Great Auricular Nerve segmental innervation
C2 and C3
Great Auricular Nerve location
The great auricular nerve is a large nerve that wraps around the posterior border of sternocleidomastoid and ascends on that muscle with the external jugular vein.
Great Auricular Nerve innervation
It supplies the skin over the parotid gland, mastoid process and posterior auricle.
Transverse Cervical Nerve segmental
C2 and C3
Transverse Cervical Nerve location
The transverse cervical nerve winds around the posterior border of sternocleidomastoid and runs anteriorly.
It divides into ascending and descending branches
Transverse Cervical Nerve innervation
supply the skin of the anterolateral neck.
Supraclavicular Nerves segmental
C3 and C4.
Supraclavicular Nerves location
The supraclavicular nerve trunk emerges from beneath the posterior border of sternocleidomastoid
Divides into medial, intermediate and lateral branches.
Supraclavicular Nerves innervation
They supply the skin of the anterior chest to the 2nd rib, and the upper and posterior shoulder.
Deep Branches of the Cervical Plexus
1.) Medial series
Communicating branches to X and XII
Muscular branches to rectus capitis lateralis, rectus capitis anterior, longus capitis and longus colli
Inferior root of ansa cervicalis
Phrenic nerve
2) Lateral series
communicating branches to XI
Communicating Branches to X & XII is in what series
Communicating Branches to X & XII segmental
C1 and C2