brachial plexus diseases Flashcards
what is Erb’s Palsy
In this condition, there is an injury to the upper trunk of the brachial plexus
Erb’s Palsy could be result of
a fall on to the side of the head and shoulder or from a birth injury.
what does erb’s palsy effect (what muscles are effected)
There will be weakness in the muscles receiving innervation from C5 and C6
deltoid, biceps, brachialis, brachioradialis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus and supinator.
Erb’s Palsy characteristics
The characteristic posturing is with the arm hanging by the side & medially rotated, and the forearm extended & pronated
what is Klumpke’s Paralysis
an injury to the lower trunk of the brachial plexus involving nerve fibers that came from the C8 and T1 levels.
Klumpke’s Paralysis characteristics
weakness in the intrinsic muscles of the hand and the wrist and finger flexors.
what is Crutch Paralysis
occurs due to excessive pressure from crutch pads on the nerves running through the axilla
Crutch Paralysis normal effects what nerves
radial nerve is the first to be injured, then the ulnar nerve.
what is Sleep Palsies
a consequence of prolonged pressure on the nerves in the axilla
occurs with deep sleeps when under the influence of alcohol or drugs, where the person will fall asleep with the arm hanging over the back of a chair
what is the axillary nerve most injured
fracture to the surgical neck of the humerus
from a posterior shoulder dislocation.
Median Nerve Injury
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
a compression syndrome involving the median nerve where it runs under the flexor retinaculum at the wrist
this syndrome can be very devastating for hand function due to the loss of thumb opposition and sensation in the lateral hand
where is the ulnar most likely to be injured
behind the medial epicondyle where it runs through the Cubital Tunnel.
Ulnar Nerve Injury can result in
“Claw hand”
extension of the MCP joints and flexion of the IP joints.
Radial Nerve Injury is seen with
Crutch Paralysis
Sleep Palsies
Entrapped in the Arcade of Frosche - two heads of the supinator
what are the characteristics of Radial Nerve Injury
wrist drop with this injury due to weakness in the extensor muscles of the forearm, but no loss of sensation.