What is vignetting and how do you avoid it?
When your lens hood shows up in the corner of your shots.
MY PROBLEM: the lens hood was twisted.
How to fix:
1. Find the point when the hood shows up when You zoom out and the lenses show up. Do that by snapping individual photos of varying lengths. Check the meta data
- Put the long flanges on top/bottom instead of left/right.
- BOOM MIC Do I have the external mic on?
- HN1 LOCKED Is the HN1 locked in record?
- FOCUS SET - make sure auto focus is focusing on the person — lock auto focus
- which button is for video/s
What does aperture control?
The amount of light entering the lens
A higher aperture (e.g., f/16) means less light is entering the camera. This setting is better for when you want everything in your shot to be in focus — like when you’re shooting a group shot or a landscape. A lower aperture means more light is entering the camera, which is better for low-light scenarios.
What are the three pillars of photography?
- Aperture
- Shutter Speed
What is shutter speed?
Shutter speed is a measurement of time that a camera’s shutter is open—allowing light, usually after it has passed through a lens and through the aperture diaphragm, to strike a photosensitive surface, like film or a digital sensor.
What is ISO?
In very basic terms, ISO is simply a camera setting that will brighten or darken a photo. As you increase your ISO number, your photos will grow progressively brighter. For that reason, ISO can help you capture images in darker environments, or be more flexible about your aperture and shutter speed settings.
What are the consequences of an ISO that is too high?
. A photo taken at too high of an ISO will show a lot of grain, also known as noise.
What is the advantage to having a heavy tripod?
Less chance it will topple, like during a standup
How do you decide how to set your ISO?
How much light does the the shot have. More light = lower ISO
How do you decide how to set your ISO?
More light = lower ISO
What are the typical ISO ranges on a camera?
From 100 to 6400.
A few go down to 80 ISO and as high as 25,000 ISO
What is the best ISO for a bright, sunny day?
100 or 200 ISO is the best ISO for a bright, sunny day,
What is the best ISO for a cloudy day - or indoors with window light portraits?
400 ISO
What is the best ISO for indoors without a flash?
800 ISO