shock Flashcards
condition in which the total body cellular metabolism is malfunctional
what happens if shock goes untx
cellular death, organ damage, and eventual death of person
Tissue injury and the associated inflammatory response result in the production or activation of cellular molecules (i.e., cytokines, superoxide radicals, prostaglandins, adhesion molecules) that promote local cellular activation, tissue repair, and host defenses. However, sometimes this local response incites similar responses in cells that are distant from the primary insult which results in
systemic inflammation that can cause organ malfunction and shock
main causes of shock
hypoperfusion and inflammation
what must be assed in a pt w total body cellular malfunction
circulation of oxygen delivery and state of inflammation for cell toxicity
determinants of ventricular function
preload, after load, contractility, heart rate
magnitude of myocardial stretch; stimulus to muscle contraction described by Frank-Starling mechanism
inc myocardial stretch leads to inc contraction which leads to
muscle being overstretched
preload is most appropriately measured as
end diastolic volume
after load is determined by
resistance to ventricular ejection that is present in either the pulmonary (pulmonary vascular resistance) or systemic arterial tree (systemic vascular resistance); inc by obstruction or vascular constriction
what is heart rate directly proportional to
cardiac output
initial response to tissue damage by trauma
bleeding and coagulation
dec in total body or regional blood flow that is sufficient to result in cellular malfunction or death
neurohumoral response to hypoperfusion
tachycardia (epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine), vasoconstriction (norepinephrine, arginine vasopressin, angiotensin), diaphoresis (norepinephrine), oliguria with sodium and water conservation (adrenocorticotropic hormone [ACTH], Cortisol, aldosterone, arginine vasopressin), and hyperglycemia (epinephrine, glucagon, Cortisol, insufficient insulin)
reperfusion injury
myocardial impairment, usually with arrhythmia, following the opening of arterial blockage and considered to be due to oxygen derived free radicals
classic effect of hypo perfusion on cellular metabolism
anaerobic metabolism caused by an oxygen deficit
primary etiologies of hypo perfusion states in surgical patients
dec venous return and dec myocardial function
mc cause of dec venous return secondary to dec MSP
hypovolemia (inflam, infx, trauma, pancreatitis, burns, vomiting,diuresis, inad oral intake)
s/sx of hypovolemic hypoperfusion
agitation, tachypnea, peripheral vasoconstriction
labs for hypovolemic hypoperfusion
serum electrolytes, arterial blood gases, blood lactic acid concentration; BUN/Cr
tx hypovolemic hypoperfusion
control of bleeding;
IV fluids:
- crystalloid (isotonic: ringer’s lactate or 0.9%saline) (hypertonic saline)
- Colloid( rbc, ffp, albumin, processed human protein, LMW dextran, hydroxyethyl starch)
mc causes of tamponade
chest trauma and bleeding after cardiac surgery
s/sx and test results tamponade
depending on the size; hypo perfusion, distended neck veins, muffled heart sounds, inc paradoxical pulse; low voltage on elf, CVP elevated, cxr enlarged heart
tx tamponade
removal of fluid surrounding the heart; iv fluid
tension pneumothorax
reduces venous return by producing an extracavitary inc in CVP and inc venous resistance in chest
causes of tension pneumo
spontaneously from rupture of bleb or penetrating/blunt trauma
s/sx tension pneumo
dec perfusion, dec breath sounds, tympani over affected thorax, tracheal deviation away from affected side, distended neck veins
tx tension pneumo
14gauge needle into chest to release tension; closed thoracostomy; IV fluids
when a clinician decides not to administer fluid to a hypotensive pt what are they making the dx of
cardiogenic shock; makes it worse
s/sx cardiogenic shock
hypotension, tachycardia, tachypnea, peripheral vasoconstriction, distended neck veins, agitation, confusion, +/- murmurs
dx cardiogenic shock
cxr showing hydrostatic pulmonary edema, metabolic acidosis (lactic acidosis), inc CVP and PAOP, elev BUN/Cr; cardio gram shoing ischemia/infarct/arrhythmias; echo
what can be used to determine if sufficient oxygen is being provided to the tissues
pulmonary artery catheter (PAC) or central venous catheters
systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS)
2 or more:
- temp >38.5 or 90bpm
- resp rate >20br/min or Paco2 12000 or 10% immature forms
mc etiology of inad cardiac output during inflammation
dec venous return which results from both loss of intravasc fluid and vasodilation
primary effect of third space fluid accumulation
deplete plasma volume and impair venous return
third space
accumulation of extracellular and intracellular fluid in response to regional or total body cellular or tissue injury; accumulation in excess of the volume of fluid that normally occupies these regions; sequestration decreases intravascular fluid volume.
cytopathic hypoxia
cells behave as if there is too little oxygen because of an inflammation-induced alteration in cellular function, not because there is too little oxygen provided for cells to function properly
s/sx of severe inflammation
temp/hypothermia, tachycardia, tachypnea, hypotension w warm or cold extremities, change in mental status, respiratory insuff, ileum, oliguria, inc urine protein, elev hemoglobin, thrombocytopenia, leukocytosis, leukopenia, inc serum glucose, dec ionized calcium
pts at risk for severe inflammation
recently acquired a ds (pancreatitis) or injury; underlying condition or recently underwent a procedure; sig episode of hypoperfusion
characteristics of the pt who is at risk for shock
trauma or burn, vascular catastrophe (ruptured aneurysm), acute cardiac ds, acute abdominal ds, severe extra abdominal infx
bedside exam indicators of shock
hypotension, tachycardia, tachypnea, hyperthermia/hypothermia, peripheral vasoconstriction and cool extremities, hypotension w warm extremities, agitation and altered mental status, oliguria
common lab abnorm w shock
metabolic acidosis, elev BUN/Cr, leukocytosis or leukopenia, elevated blood glucose, dec platelet count, dec ionized calcium
the hypotensive supine adult who does not have a cardiogenic process most often has lost how much intravasc fluid and what is the tx
30% (1500ml in 70kg); placement w isotonic cystalloid solution; 3:1 ratio to begin plasma volume
if dec venous return is cause of hypo perfusion what should be done
dx eval of cause while simultaneously restoring circulation w fluid infusion
bedside indicators of excellent circulation
normal blood pressure and pulse; normal mental status, warm extremities, urine output >0.5, resolution of metabolic acidosis
monitors of circulation status
cardiac index (>4.5), mixed venous O2 sat (>70%), central venous o2 stat (70%), oxygen delivery (>600), oxygen consumption (>170)
A 65-year-old man is severely injured in a dump truck rollover accident. He has sustained bilateral femur fractures, a pelvic fracture, and a pulmonary contusion. A pulmonary artery catheter is placed in order to guide you in the optimization of his hemodynamic status and guide his resuscitation. Correction of which current value will have the most dramatic impact on his oxygen delivery?
A. Measured cardiac output of 2 L/minute
B. Serum hemoglobin of 12 mg/dL
C. Arterial PO2 of 82 mm Hg
D. Arterial oxygen saturation of 93%
E. Pulmonary capillary occlusive pressure of 10 mm Hg (Lawrence 108)
Lawrence. Essentials of General Surgery, 5th Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 09/2012. VitalBook file.
Answer: A
Oxygen delivery is delineated by the relationship O2D = (CO × CaO2 × 10). 10 is a factor to convert mL O2/100 mL blood to mL O2/L blood. The key components of the relationship are CO (measured cardiac output, which in turn is defined by the relationship CO = HR × stroke volume) and arterial oxygen content (CaO2, defined as CaO2 = 1.39 × Hgb × SaO2 + (PaO2 × 0.0031)). Of the answers listed, the most deranged from baseline is a CO of 2L/minute (average adult normal values are 4.5 L/minute for women and 5 L/minute for men), and, given the mathematical relationship of the O2D equation, it will have the greatest impact on this value when corrected. The values given for hemoglobin (B), arterial oxygen saturation (C), and pulmonary artery occlusive pressure (E) are all near or within normal values. Even relatively dramatic changes in arterial PO2 will have a minimal impact on O2D given the correction factor of 0.0031 as delineated in the CaO2 equation (answer C). (Lawrence 109)
Lawrence. Essentials of General Surgery, 5th Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 09/2012. VitalBook file.
A 75-year-old woman with a history of congestive heart failure underwent elective sigmoid resection for severe recurrent diverticulitis. Postoperatively, she experiences shortness of breath. Physical exam and chest radiography suggest the presence of pulmonary edema. Which of the following parameters is the most accurate determinant of her left ventricular preload?
A. Central venous pressure
B. Pulmonary artery occlusive pressure
C. Systemic vascular resistance
D. Pulmonary venous pressure
E. Left ventricular end-diastolic volume (Lawrence 108)
Lawrence. Essentials of General Surgery, 5th Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 09/2012. VitalBook file.
Answer: E
Preload is defined as the amount of myocardial stretch prior to myocardial contraction. Increased stretch leading to increased myocardial contraction is described by the Frank-Starling mechanism. Preload is most closely related to end-diastolic volume (answer E). Several other factors, including central venous pressure, pulmonary artery occlusive pressure, and pulmonary venous pressure, may also be used to estimate preload, but they are not as accurate as left ventricular end-diastolic volume for this purpose (answers A, B, and D). Systemic vascular resistance (C) is not mathematically related to preload. (Lawrence 109)
Lawrence. Essentials of General Surgery, 5th Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 09/2012. VitalBook file.
A 22-year-old man is transported emergently to the hospital after sustaining a stab wound to the left chest. On initial survey, his airway is patent and he is breathing spontaneously, but he appears to be in shock. Which of the following findings best supports your working diagnosis of pericardial tamponade?
A. Central venous pressure of 8 mm Hg
B. Crisp S1S2 on cardiac auscultation
C. Paradoxical pulse of 18 mm Hg
D. Left atrial distention
E. Increased QRS voltage on ECG (Lawrence 108)
Lawrence. Essentials of General Surgery, 5th Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 09/2012. VitalBook file.
Answer: C
As the disease process progresses, pericardial tamponade results in decreased venous return, with resultant decreased stroke volume, hypoperfusion, and shock. Clinical evidence of tamponade includes an increased paradoxical pulse (>15 mm Hg; answer C). Other signs include elevated central venous pressure (rather than normal, answer A), muffled heart sounds (rather than crisp S1S2, answer B), left atrial collapse (rather than distension, answer D), and decreased QRS voltage on ECG (answer E). (Lawrence 109)
Lawrence. Essentials of General Surgery, 5th Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 09/2012. VitalBook file.
Two weeks following a severe motorcycle crash, a 25-year-old woman remains intubated in the surgical ICU. You are called to the bedside to evaluate a change in her condition. On evaluation, her vital signs include temperature of 39°C, heart rate of 110 beats/minute, respiratory rate of 22, blood pressure of 88/50, and arterial oxygen saturation of 96%. Her urine output has been 20 mL over the past 8 hours. On exam, she is in moderate distress and appears confused. She has crackles posteriorly in her left lung fields and her extremities are warm. A bronchoalveolar lavage is performed revealing Gram-negative rods. What is your diagnosis?
A. Atelectasis
B. Septic shock
C. Systemic inflammatory response syndrome
D. Allergic reaction to penicillin
E. Pulmonary embolus (Lawrence 108)
Lawrence. Essentials of General Surgery, 5th Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 09/2012. VitalBook file.
Answer: B
Although inflammation is a normal response to tissue injury, the patient in the above scenario is displaying evidence of a dysfunctional inflammatory response. The derangements noted are too severe for atelectasis (answer A), which is associated with slight fever and normal blood pressure. Although allergic reactions (answer D) can be associated with cardiovascular collapse, there is no history of recent medication administration given. Pulmonary embolus (answer E) may present as tachycardia and hypotension but is typically also associated with hypoxia.
To meet the definition of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome, or SIRS, a patient must have two or more of the following conditions: (1) temperature >38.5°C or 90 beats/minute; (3) respiratory rate >20 breaths/minute or Paco2 12,000 cells/mm3, 10% immature forms. Although the patient in the scenario meets these criteria (answer C), the additional presence of end-organ dysfunction (hypotension, oliguria) and infection (Gram-negative rods on bronchoalveolar lavage [BAL]) make the diagnosis of septic shock more appropriate (answer B). (Lawrence 109)
Lawrence. Essentials of General Surgery, 5th Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 09/2012. VitalBook file.
A 34-year-old woman is thrown from a horse during a trail ride and brought to the emergency department 60 minutes after the accident. She is awake but appears to be mildly confused. She complains of left chest pain that is worsened with inspiration as well as generalized abdominal pain. On exam, her airway is patent and breathing unlabored. Her pulse is 110 beats/minute. Her blood pressure is 85/62. Her breath sounds are equal bilaterally. Her neck veins are flat and her skin is cool. She is tender over her left lower ribs and left upper quadrant. You suspect that she has sustained an injury to her spleen with resultant hemorrhage. Approximately what percentage of intravascular volume loss has she experienced?
A. 0%
B. 10%
C. 20%
D. 30%
E. 50% (Lawrence 108-109)
Lawrence. Essentials of General Surgery, 5th Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 09/2012. VitalBook file.
Answer: D
The patient described in the scenario has suffered a splenic injury and progressive hemorrhage over the course of the hour leading up to presentation. She is demonstrating progressive hemodynamic effects from volume loss as described in Table 5-12, including mild tachycardia and hypotension, altered mental status, and decreased skin perfusion. Blood volume loss of 0% to 10% produces little change in hemodynamics or physical exam (answers A and B). Blood loss of 20% over 1 hour results in increased pulse, but normal blood pressure, mentation, and skin palpation (answer C). Blood loss of 30% is associated with mild hypotension, tachycardia, altered mental status, skin vasoconstriction, and decreased urine output (answer D; correct answer). Loss of 50% of blood volume is associated with severe physiological derangements, including profound hypotension, severe tachycardia, obtunded mental status, and anuria (answer E). (Lawrence 109)
Lawrence. Essentials of General Surgery, 5th Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 09/2012. VitalBook file.