Shipboard Organization & Administration Flashcards
Commanding Officer
CDR Fiona Halfbritter- commensurate with his/her responsibility
Executive Officer
CDR Culver- direct representative of CO
MC Robinson- dissemination/promotion of Command policy
Department Head
LT Robinson- organize & train department for battle readiness
Division Officer
ENS Robinson- responsible for duties assigned to division
Leading Chief Petty Officer (LCPO)/Leading Petty Officer (LPO)
Assist DIVO
Work Center Supervisor
In charge of maintenance group, responsible to DIVO-> DEPT head for 3M system operation
Divisional Damage Control Petty Officer (DCPO)
Responsible for damage control functions
Command Career Counseler
NC1 Aclin- manage effective retention program
Ships 3M Coordinator
DCC Insonia- coordinating the planning, execution, documentation of ships maintenance
CO appoints and determines priorities of program
Command Financial Specialist
Financial info, training, counseling
Drug Alcohol Prevention Assistant (DAPA)
Administration of command alcohol/drug abuse program
Medical Department
Maintain health of command
Safety Officer
Comprehensive safety program. Objective established by CO
Divisional Safety Petty Officer
Assist safety PO individual. Safety upkeep
Security Manager
Security of classified info and personnel security
Point of contact after and assault has occurred
Resource for handling formal/informal complaints
Administrative Bill
POD- daily routine of ship
Operational Bill
Operations of ship that require team support to complete
Emergency Bill
Assign responsibilities for controlling effects of major emergency or disaster on ship
Special Bill
Ops not done on regular basis
Battle Bill
Instruction for specific threats, provide maximum readiness to counter a threat
Watch, Quarter and Station Bill
CO summary of assignments
8 o clock reports
Provide CO/CDO with evening update of all equipment
12 o clock reports
Provides daily report of shops current status of fuel & water, muster, draft, magazine temperature, small boats
Types of Discharges
Honorable, General, Other Than Honorable, Dishonorable, Bad Conduct
Rank and point value helps
Good conduct awards
3 yr basis for conduct without incident 2 pts towards advancement
Eligibility for reenlistment
Recommend or not
Block 41
Page 2
Dependency application of emergency data
Page 4
List of all schools current and qualifications received
Page 13
Provide administration remarks
Enlisted Distribution Verification
13 sections. List PRDs, EAOSs, Gains, losses, alpha list of crew, NECs, billets authorized, navy manning plan. Update monthly
Report and Disposition of Offenses
Report Chit. NAVPERS 1626/7. Used to bring charges against a person for UCMJ charges
Operational Risk Management (ORM)
Avoid injury