Naval Heritage Flashcards
Sailors Creed
I am a unite states sailor. I will support and defend the constitution or the United States of American and I will obey the orders of those appointed over me. I represent the fighting spirit of the navy and those who have gone before me to defend freedom and democracy around the world.
1 General Order
To take charge of this post and all government property in view.
2 General Order
To walk my post in a military manner, keeping always on the alert, and observing everything that takes place writhing sight or hearing.
3 General Order
To report all violations of orders I am instructed to inforce
4 General Order
To repeat all calls more distant from the guardhouse than my own
5 General Order
To quit my post only when properly relieved.
6 General Order
To receive, obey, and pass on the the sentry who relieves me all orders from the commanding officer, command duty officer, officer of the deck and officers and petty officers of the watch only.
7 General Order
To talk to. I one except in the line of duty.
8 General Order
To give the alarm in case of fire or disorder.
9 General Order
To call the officer of the deck in any case not covered by instructions.
10 General Order
To salute all officers and colors and standards not cases
11 General Order
To be especially watchful at night and during the time for challenging to challenge all persons on or near my post and to allow no one to pass without proper authority.
Navy Core Values
Honor, courage, commitment
3 major classes of warship existed at the inception of the navy
Ships of the line: 64-100 guns
Frigates: 28-44 guns
Sloops of war: 10-20 guns
Oldest commissioned vessel
Navy’s Birthday
October 13, 1775; 2nd contentions congress authorized the purchase of 2 vessels
Conditions leading to the formation of the navy
To protect markets and sea lanes
First ship names after an enlisted man
GM1 Osmond Ingram (DD255) died on ship in WW1. Torpedo came to ship where ammo was, GM1 jettison ammo, torpedo hit killing him.
History of hand salute
Originated by raising helmet visits, sign of respect
History of saluting the ensign
Ensign is symbol or democracy in military service that members have died for
Dipping the ensign
In the days of sailing ships, they dipped sails. Merchant ship dips ensign, Navy ship dips ensign upon closest approach & brings back up, merchant ship then raises ensign
History of gun salute
Fire all cannons at once before pulling into port, sign of good faith.
21- Washington Bday, Independence Day, Memorial Day, president, head of state
19- Secretary of State, when representing head of state
17- admiral
15- vice admiral
13- rear admiral upper half
11- rear admiral lower half
Courtesies rendered during colors/national anthem
Required to stop & render salute in uniform if outside. Stand still if in civies
National flag
Stars and Stripes
Any national flag
Merchant ensign
Fly different than ensign, whatever ship flys that is their country of origin
Top of pole
To take up
Union Jack
Just 50 stars
Voyage of the great white fleet
16DEC1907. 13 battleships & eacorts, battleship divisions from ATL fleet began 2 yr voyage around the world to ship US sea power. Ships painted white.
Attack on Pearl Harbor
7DEC1941. Surprise attack launched in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. 21 ships sunk/destroyed, 188 aircraft destroyed, 159 damaged, 2,403 military/civilians killed, 1,778 personnel wounded
Battle of Coral Sea
7-8MAY1942. 1st over the horizon battle. Carrier to carrier
Battle of Normandy
6JUNE1944. Largest amphibious assault. Involved over 2500 water craft
Battle of Midway
3-5JUNE1942. Turning point in pacific war. Broke Japanese navy code. Sunk 3 of their carriers in 1 day, more the following day.
12-15NOV1942. 1st US offensive in pacific war. DD437 Sullivan’s. Named after 5 Sullivan brothers who died on cruiser. 1st ship names after more than 1 person
Battle of Leyte gulf
Imperial Japanese navy virtually destroyed
CVL22 first of new class of carriers converted from cruiser hulls
29JULY1967. CV59 Zuni rocket accidentally fired from F-4 Phantom into a parked and armed A-4 Skyhawk crew fought fire on flight deck and hand carried bombs to throw over the side for 13 hrs. Crew fought secondary fires below decks for another 12 hrs. 134 dead, 64 injured
17MAR1987. FFG31 mirage F-1 fighter jet from Iraq fired 2 Exocet AM30 air->surface mussels and torea 10x15ft hole in side. 37 killed
12OCT2000. DDG67. Aden Harbor, Yemen 17 dead, 39 injured.
September 11, 2011 attacks
Series of airline highjackings and suicide attacked. Committed by 19 militants associated with Islamic extremist group al qaeda against targets in IS. Deadliest terrorist attacks on US soil in history. 2,750 killed in NY, 184 killed at pentagon, 40 killed in Pennsylvania, 19 terrorists killed. Attack on US caused an enormous US effort to combat terrorism globally.