Operations Fundamentals Flashcards
Operations officer
LT Robinson, over sees ops dept, ships force protection officer
Combat Info Center Officer
Ens Robinson, air/surface search, electronic warfare, control of aircraft, intelligence collection, training of CIC team
Communications officer
Ens Brashears, comms, comsec, crypto security
Primary mission of CIC
Primary- collect, display, process, evaluate, disseminate
Secondary- control and assist
Collection of info from various sources
After info is received: to eliminate non essential info
Distributing info that’s been gathered, processed and evaluated
Prioritizing contact data based on priority, capability and intent
Make available to be viewed by other than processing/eval station
Control and assist
May also collect upon exercise control of operations
Tactical Action Officer (TAO)
Direct advisor to CO from CIC, fights ship in a sense of CO
CIC Watch Officer (CICWO)
Assist TAO, assumes duties of TAO when directed by higher authority
Electronic Warfare Supervisor (EWS)
Supervised EW ops and manages IW Pic
Anti Air Warfare Coordinator (AAWC)
Commands external representation for AW coordination
Surface Warfare Coordinator (SUWC)
Commands external representation for SW coordination
Undersea Warfare Coordinator (USWC)
Commands external representation for USW coordination
Air Controllers (ASTAC/AIC/ADC)
Responsible for guidance/control of rotary type aircraft
CIC Watch Supervisor
Overall performance of CIC Watch team
Radar Operator
Manipulates radar to get best quality resolution
Shipping Officer
Advises conning. Officer of position, c/s, cpa of all surface contacts
Piloting officer
Supervises radar navigation team to ensure accurate/timely fixes
Navigation Plotter
Plot fixes of ships position using all electronic means
Operational Order (OPORDER)
Specific instructions of fleet commander on how to conduct business on AOR
Operational Plan (OPLAN)
General objectives set to complete a mission
Operational Tasking (OPTASK)
Specific details on how to achieve requirements set by FLTCOM
Task Force
10 task force groups for duration of task. Commanders of task forces 2nd fleet
Task group
10 task units for duration of task. Each under CTF20
Task unit
10 task elements for duration of task. Each under CTF20.1
Task element
Formed for duration of task. All under CTF20.1.1
Battle force
“Standing” operational naval task force
Battle group
Part of that standing task force assigned to a specific mission
Naval force transporting marine expeditionary unit
Strategic plot
Displays all elements required to make real time decisions true representation of all land, asset and contact data
Geographic plot
Land of global positional reference
Surface summary plot
Visual pic of surface, displays near real time track data
Air summary plot
Visual pic of air, displays near real time track data for air
Surface status board
Displays all critical info and status of SW assets, weapons, equipment and environment
Equipment status board
All equipment should be listed here. Radars, iff, radar repeaters, NTDS, remote radio units, direction finder, plotting equipment. 3columns: -equipment is up & operational -off and operational -out of service
Communications board
Provides current communication circuits that are being maintained. Remote unit assigned, circuit designator, frequency, circuit home
EW info board
Critical info and status of Info Warfare assets, weapons, equipment and environment
Why maintain a Nav Plot in CIC
Required by NAVDORM. Have to maintain a fix no greater than 30 min intervals to maintain situational awareness of the ships position. Compare to nav plots in bridge to maintain accuracy
Purpose of data links
No available on GHALL.
CDS/ACDS systems provide battle group with the ability to use common real time, tactical data through the use of tactical data links
Identification friend or foe
Rapid positive Is of friendly units, assist in tracking and control of air craft.
5 modes:
Mode 1-2digits-General ID of mission signal
Mode 2-4digits-personal ID code
Mode 3A-4digits-air traffic control
Mode4-4digits-military only
Mode C-4digits-altitude
Tactical Air Navigation (TACAN)
Homing beacon to assis aircraft in locating ship
Gyro Repeater
Provides true north read out for use in navigation, provides into to DRT allowing for accurate geographic plot
Radar repeaters
Visual display of radar, sweep of repeater is in sync with radar
Digital Dead Reckoning Tracer
Topographical, true, strategic plot can be converted into geographical plot
Means of external comms using UHF, HF or satellite comms
Not available on GHALL, computer based navigation, planing and monitoring
Atmospheric conditions effect radars
Compositions of the atmosphere sometimes course waves to follow cured paths, abnormally long/short radar ranges
Sea return affecting radar
Caused by radar reflected from wave tops near the ship
Weather affecting radar
Can detect storm clouds and rain
Height of antenna and target affecting radar
Higher the radar antenna greater detection range. Higher a target is above water the sooner it will enter radar field of vision
Pilot house
Maintain current contact picture for OOD. Contact c/s/cpa
Signal bridge
Signalman assist in identifying contacts visually
Radio central
Contacted for changed and maintaining comms plan iaw current situation
Weapons stations
Ships weapons controller in contact with weapons stations and assigning them to threats
Used by combat as means of positively identifying contacts
Purpose of Emission Control (EMCON)
Denies enemy use of electromagnetic spectrum 8 modes: A- most restrictive A1 A2 B B1 B2 C D-least restrictive
Electronic Support
Interception and exploitation of enemy emissions
Electronic Attack
Degradation of electronic capability of the enemy forces by jamming, electronic deception and use of decoy
Electronic Protection
Protection of own forces from inception, exploitation, targeting of electronic emissions
Super Rapid Booming offboard Chaff(SRBOC). Launcher tube angles: 1,3,5,6-45 degrees/2,4-60 degrees. 6 tubes per launcher. 6 Ready Service Locker (RSL)- each holds 35 rounds. 6 SRBOC ON 06 level
Chaff seduction
MK214 RCS; 22,000m2
ML216 RCS; 10,000m2
Infra Red
MK245 RCS; 5 submunitions, walk off effect
MK 234; active electronic decoy 1,000,000m2 (means quick/swift)
4 launchers on 06 level
Air warfare
Standard missiles, deny enemy of effective use of air assets
Surface Warfare
Harpoon, deny enemy use of surface assets
Undersea Warfare
Torpedoes, deny enemy use of sub assets
Command and control Warfare
Action required to intercept/exploit enemy the use of asset management
Amphibious warfare
Movement of troops, supplies, and vehicles to shore of enemy
Mine warfare
Actions required to conduct mining/counter mining
Information warfare
Collect, process, analyze, intel/media
Maritime Interdiction Operations
Reduce smuggling, keep waterways safe for merchant traffic
Non combatant Evaluation Operations
Evacuated personnel from locations in foreign countries
Search and rescue
Actions required to locate and rescue a downed aircraft or individual in distress
Humanitarian assistance and disaster response
Material/logistical assistance provided for humanitarian purposes
AGER-2 (USS Pueblo)
American ELINT/SIGINT banner class tech. Research ship. Boarded/captured by North Korea forces in 23JAN1968. NK says Pueblo strayed into waters, US says it wasn’t. Still held by NK today
Submarine tenders
Aircraft carrier, primarily AW platform, command and control platform
Command ship
Littoral combat ship
Amphibious assault
Amphibious assault
Amphibious transport deck
Landing dock- holds up to 5 LCAC or 3 LCU
Mine counter measure
Coastal patrol craft
Ammo ship
Hospital ship
Cargo/ammo ship
Fast combat support ship
Salvage ship
Fleet ocean tug
Missile range instrumentation
Ocean/air surveillance ship
Surveying ship/oceanographic ship
Cable repair ship
Attack submarine
Strategic missile submarine
Cruise missile submarine
F/A-18 hornet/growler
Strike interdictor, EW support
F-35 joint strike fighter
Perform ground attack, recon, air defense mission with stealth
EA-6B prowler
EW & jamming
S-3 Viking
USW/ASW work in concert with towed array escorts, long range detection, EW support
ES-3 shadow
USW/ASW work in concert with towed array escorts, long range detection, EW support
E-2 hawkeye
Used for direction of AD, air strikes ops
P-3 Orion
Primary USW/SUW & long range detection
AV-8 Harrier
Combat air support, strike V/STOL capable
C-2 greyhound
Carry supplies and mail to and from aircraft carriers
C-130 Hercules
Military transport aircraft
CH-53 sea stallion/super stallion
Assault, transport, support ops
MH-53 sea dragon
MCM ops
CH-46 sea knight
Support/assault for USMC and resupply for USN
SH-60 Sea hawk (HH-60) (MH-60)
Medium range SUW and strike, SAR, spec warfare ops
AH-1 super cobra
Close support helo/attack helo
MV-22 osprey
V/STOL long range transport
Fast transport
Utility landing craft
Mechanized landing craft
Land surface assault elements of the landing force and their equipment in a single lift
Recovery craft
Flags/pennants/Day shapes
Comm tactical signals, let ships know our intent
Flashing light directional
Search lights
Flashing light Omni-directional
Yard arm blinkers
Comm with other ships
Indicate vessel in distress
Can only be seen by Nancy receiver
Flash (Z) messages
Fast as possible, less than 10 min time allotted for delivery of message
Immediate (O) message
30 min time allotted for delivery
Priority (P) messages
3 hrs times allotted for delivery of message to personnel command
Routine (R) messages
6 hrs allotted for delivery of a message to personnel command
Reduce message traffic, used to clear message back log after extended
Essential elements of friendly information
7 rules that govern Info passed over ext circuits
EEFI violation has occurred, correct response is roger out.
Suspected intruder on the net
High frequency
3MHz- 30MHz up to 50 NM
From line in message
Who m
Ship2shore and ship2ship communications
Radio comms-UHF/HF secure and non secure, satellite comms, SIPRNET-secure/secret, NIPRNET-nonsecure
INMARSAT/pots-nonsecure/secure, phones- non secure
Very high frequency
30 MHz- 300MHz, 20 NM on surface, is LOS
Ultra high frequency
300MHz- 3GHz, 20 NM on surface, is LOS
Super high frequency
3GHz-30 GHz
Extremely high frequency
Electronic Key Management System
Provides capability for auto; generation accounting, distribution, destruction and management of electronic key as well as physical key and no key COMSEC related items.
EKMS manager
Individual designated in writing by CO to manage COMSEC material issued to EKMS account
Opportunity/capability to obtain knowledge
Classified/secret/top secret
Classification level needed to complete job
Information leak
Need to know
Official duties require access
Restricted area
Only personnel with appropriate clearance/need to know
Confidential classification
Blue cover, damage
Secret classification
red cover, serious damage
Top secret classification
Orange cover, exceptionally grave damage
Unclassified classification
No classification level
NORFORN classification
Info not releasable to foreign government
Sensitive compartmented information. must be handled within formal access control systems established by the Director of National Intelligence
For Official Use Only FOUO
identify information or material that, although unclassified, may not be appropriate for public release
Responsibilities upon discord of compromise or suspected compromise
Report to security manager during working hours, CDO after working hours
Emergency Destruction
Ships plan to provide efficient, complete destruction of classified material in even of emergency
Initial CASREP
Notify superiors off ship of current situation, mission area affected, what it is and how to fix it, ETR
If change occurs to report
Correction CASREP
Corrections made
Cancellation CASREP
When equipment is scheduled to be repaired
Initiating dept on a CASREP
Description, supporting info for equipment of outside assistance needed
Operations requirement for CASREP
OPS sends out SITREP to update status of ships mission area
Supply’s requirement for CASREP
If parts are needed
Relationship between casualty category and mission
2-least mission impact
3-serious impact
4-ship not capable of performing mission
Logistics request. Make known lowistics requirement of ship in port
Movement Report. Source of location info for us to collect location data, process info by applying dead Reckoning routines
OPREP-3 Pinncale
Sever impact involving foreign national, any incident with high media interect. I.e.- oil spill
OPREP-3 Navy Blue
Minor but news worthy involving foreign nationals
Unit situation report. Minor incidents CO wants to layout in detail to Chain Of Command
Status Of Resources & Training Systems. Provides info on ships mission areas
Planning Board For Training
Planning and tracking all Command training requirements
Long Range Training Plan
LRTP. Ships training for 24 month cycle
Short Range Training Plan
SRTP. Quarterly training
Ships Training Cycle
Basic-TYCOMS responsibility for basic phase training, focus on unit level training.
Intermediate-fleet commanders responsibility, focus on warfare team training
Advance-continue and develop and refine integrated battle group warfare schools