Sherpath Ch 39: Activity and Movement Flashcards
what does evaluation help determine?
determines if mobility outcomes were met and if the interventions were helpful in meeting the outcomes.
body mechanics to help prevent injury include:
avoid twisting
engage core
bend at knees
shift weight
keep trunk erect
why is positioning important?
involves placing a patient in a position that promotes health and comfort
why should the nurse keep the patient’s legs and ankles uncrossed?
crossing the legs and ankles can lead to pooling and occlusion of blood
what is logrolling?
-involves moving the entire body as a unit, ensuring that the patient’s spine remains aligned during positioning and requires the assistance of at least one or two other personnel
-During logrolling, a pillow is placed between the patient’s legs and remains there as long as the patient is in a side-lying position.
positioning aids
splints and braces
hand rolls
trochanter rolls
transfer aids
transfer boards
friction-reducing sheets
trapeze bars
mechanical lifts
what is ambulation?
why is exercise a priority intervention after injury, illness, or surgery?
enhances muscle strength, maintains joint flexibility, reduces joint pain and stiffness, and decreases bone reabsorption
classification of exercises:
1. muscle status: isotonic or isometric)
2. energy status: (aerobic or anaerobic)
-isotonic: a form of active exercise in which muscles contract and cause movement, remains constant (walking, changing positions)
-isometric: Requires muscles to tense and relax but involves no joint movement (kegal exercises)
-aerobic: Requires oxygen to produce energy (rigorous ambulation, receptive stair-climbing)
-anaerobic: Requires no oxygen to produce energy to build strength and body mass (Heavy weight-lifting)
when do we use ROM exercises?
active vs passive ROM
-If patients are restricted to bed rest, active or passive ROM exercises must be done to prevent complications from being stationary for a long period of time
-Active ROM exercises are done by the patient.
-Passive ROM exercises are done by someone else
breathing exercises
deep breathing
incentive spirometry
cardiovascular system: limited mobility are at a risk for?
deep vein thrombosis (DVT), or blood clots, because of pooled blood
-Anticoagulant therapy (heparin, enoxaparin, or warfarin) may be given prophylactically or for treatment of DVT or VTE
patients receiving anticoagulant therapy may?
may bleed too much and will bleed with minor injuries; therefore watch for bruising and bleeding gums, and use soft toothbrushes and electric razors
intervention for DVT
-antiembolism stockings: tight stockings made of elastic
-sequential compression devices (SCDs): sleeves made of plastic and cloth that fit over the patient’s legs and are attached to an electric air pump that intermittently inflates and deflates the sleeves
intervention and evaluation of GI system:
what is altered?
-Digestion, nutrition, and bowel elimination are all altered
-intervention: related to nutrition are aimed at ensuring patient intake of adequate nutrients to maintain and rebuild the body
-anorexia, constipation or at risk,
skin protectors
-heel and elbow protectors
-pressure-relief ankle-foot orthotic (PRAFO) boots
Interventions and Evaluation of Integumentary System
-preventing skin breakdown or promoting healing in areas in which skin breakdown has already occurred
-repositioning, special mattresses, Braden Scale, linens are dry, clean and nonwrinkled, adequate nutrition
Psychosocial Interventions and Evaluation
Interventions focus on preventing social isolation