How do you determine the total length of a solid rivet for installation?
The grip length +1.5 x the rivet diameter.
What is done with the rivet head stem when a self plugging rivet is installed?
The stem is pulled until it snaps off and the remaning projecting part is trimmed flush with the head.
Give examples self plugging mechanical lock rivets.
CherryLOCK, CherryMAX, CherrySST, HulkLOCK and OLYMPIC-LOCK.
What methods are used in forming sheet metal?
Shrinking, Stretching, Bumping, Crimping, Folding.
What factors are used to determine setback?
Bend radius and material thickness
What calculation must be made when bending sheet metal?
Bend Allowance and setback.
What must be done when two bends intersect to prevent cracking?
Relief holes are drilled at the intersection/corner.
What is a joggle?
Its the offset formed on a part to allow clerance for a sheet or another mating part.
What is the purpose of lightning holes cut in rib sections?
To reduce weight and increase off stiffness.
Describe rivet head markings for A,B,D,AD and DD rivets:
A – Are Plain, B – Have a Cross, D – Have a Raised Dot, AD – Have a Dimple, DD – Have a double dash.
What are the correct dimensions on a properly formed rivet head.(shop head)
1 ½ the shank diameter and ½ the shank of diameter hight.
How do you determine the proper material to be used for a repair of an all metal aircraft?
Use the same type and thickness of the material that was used in the original structure.
What is the single row spacing and edge distance for protruding head rivets?
Edge 2 x diameter; Spacing 3 x diameter.
Describe the criteria for replacement of a 2024 rivet with a 2117 rivet for general repairs.
For 5/32 or less diameter, use the next larger size rivet 2117 and the edge/spacing distance meet the minimum
What is the major type of damage to aluminum structures that is caused by exposure to the weather