Sheep CNS Diseases Flashcards
At what age do sheep usually get classical scrapie or atypical scrapie?
Classical scrapie - between 2 and 5 years old
Atypical scrapie - over five years old
How is classical scrapie spread?
Via colostrum and milk
What causes scrapie?
Prp prion protein in sheep’s brain is converted to abnormal form to produce disease
How many groups are there in the national scrapie plan of PrP genotyping of sheep?
5 groups
How would you diagnose scrapie?
Confirmation on brain histopathology
What does the compulsory scrapie flock scheme require when a case of scrapie is found?
Cull all ruminants on holding OR
Genotype all and cull all susceptible plus goats
What is the most common symptom of listeriosis in sheep?
What age of sheep usually get meningoencephalitis due to listeriosis?
18-24 months
How should you treat listeriosis in sheep?
High doses of penicillin preparation IV
What are the maximum recovery rates for listeriosis in sheep?
What age of sheep usually get CCN?
Lambs < 1 year
What causes CCN?
Thiamine deficiency
What are the clinical signs of CCN?
Dull, wander aimlessly, appear blind
Ataxic and staggering gait
Recumbent with opisthonus
What is the scientific name for Gid in sheep?
How does louping ill spread?