Shapes 2 lecture 3 Flashcards
syn peri-planar
0c . eclipsed.
Me groups are facing upwards
gauche / synclincal
Me is next to H
Me are opposite sides
The anti-periplanar conformation, with the two methyl groups opposite each other, is
the most stable of all.
the eclipsed conformations
are not stable since any rotation leads to a more stable conformation.
why does eclipse conformation have an higher energy than staggered ?
electrons in bond repel each other
this replusion is highest at eclipsed conformation
what helps to reduce the energy of staggered conformations?
anti sigma bonds and sigma bonds stabilize each other on different Carbons. This if the carbons are parerrel then it is more likely to have stabilize
why does antibonding orbital stabilize the bond
bonding orbital donates electrons to anti bonding, This reduces the replusive effect
all internal angles of a cyclo is
may difffer form the expect 109.5 due to ring strains
comparing the heat of combustion with the value measured for the straight chain molecule
can determine the stability of the ring
more energy in bond strain means
more energy is released in combustion
closeness in rings
When atoms are close together, their proximity is highly unfavorable and causes steric hindrance.
bonds are
disorted in rings
gauche interaction
The gauche interaction is a steric interaction that results between two groups on the adjacent carbon atoms in a Newman projection.