Characterisation part 1 Flashcards
this causes the nucleu to flip up or down in a magnetic field
what is the difference between up or down with radiowaves ?
a radio photon
EM spectrum are
causes molecules to rotate
uses microwaves for spectroscopy techniques?
This causes the bonds to vibrate
Visible light
causes Electrons in large conjugated molecule chemical bonds to move from ground state to an excited level
the same as visible light but this can be done with smaller molecules.
leads to bonds breaking
X rays
eject core electrons from the molecule
why do x ray photon eject core electrons
the photon is equal to the energy that binds the core electron to the nucleus.
frequency * wavelength
1 / wavelength
do different elements have different energy levels?
do different elements have different spectroscopy results?
why do different elements have different energy levels ?
Each element has a different nuclear charge and the outermost electron(s) is responsible for the atomic emission spectrum.
Since the effective nuclear charge is different, those outermost electrons experience a different potential energy. Their kinetic energy is also different from element to element.
electrons etc obey the rules of
quantum mechanics
obeying the rules of quantum mechanics means that?
it has wave like properties
quantum mechanics suggest that
energy is discreet quanta and energy values
since atoms obey the rules
the further away the electron is from the nucleus
the higher the energy
what equation shows the relationship of the energy of two energy levels ?