A machine element that transmits
torque and power.
a. Pulley
b. Bearing
c. Shaft
d. None of the above
The factor that affects the
horsepower requirement of a shaft.
a. Torque
b. Rpm shaft
c. Peripheral velocity of shaft
d. All of the above
If two shafts are perpendicular with
each other, what type of drive system
would you recommend?
Flat belt
In a design of drive shaft assembly
the weakest part should be the ____.
a. Shaft
b. Hub
c. Key
d. Keyway
e. None of the above
Rule of thumb for the length of keyway
based on the diameter of the shaft.
a. 1.5 the diameter
b. 2.0 the diameter
c. 2.5 the diameter
d. None of the above
1.5 the diameter
A machine element used to fasten shaft
pulleys and gear hubs together.
a. Bolt
b. Springs
c. Keys
d. None of the above
A grove that is placed on a shaft to
prevent the pulley from slippage.
a. Keyway
b. Keyhole
c. Key
d. None of the above
A type of key applicable for slidingtype shaft and hub assembly.
a. Parallel key
b. Woodruff key
c. Taper key
d. All of the above
Parallel key
A type of key applicable for an
assembly in which the hub is fastened to
the shaft or an assembly in which the key is
driven between the shaft and the hub.
a. Parallel key
b. Woodruff key
c. Taper key
d. All of the above
Rule of thumb for the width of keyway
based on the diameter of shaft.
a. ¼ the diameter
b. ½ the diameter
c. ¾ the diameter
d. None of the above
¼ the diameter
Rule of thumb for the depth of keyway
based on the diameter.
a. 1/8 the diameter
b. 1/4 the diameter
c. ½ the diameter
d. None of the above
1/8 the diameter
The recommended key cross-section
for shaft below 5.5 in. is ___.
a. square
b. rectangular
c. triangular
d. None of the above
The recommended key cross section
for shaft above 5.5 in. is ___.
a. square
b. rectangular
c. triangular
d. None of the above
A shaft with varying diameter along its
a. Main shaft
b. Line shaft
c. Stepper shaft
d. None of the above
Stepper shaft
The shaft diameter is 30 mm. As an
Agricultural Engineer, what size of square
keyway would you recommend?
a. 5 mm
b. 7.5 mm
c. 10 mm
d. 12.5
e. None of the above
7.5 mm
All rotating parts of agricultural
machines, as prescribed in the PAE
Standards, should be ___.
a. rigid
b. dynamically balanced
c. uniform in speed
d. None of the above
dynamically balanced
Commonly used tool in removing
hub from a shaft.
a. Hammer and cold chisel
b. Vise grip
c. Puller
d. None of the above
Reasons why a pulley is difficult to
remove from a shaft.
a. Rusted shaft
b. Fatigue failure
c. Deformed shaft
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
All of the above