The method of treating metal by
applying welding deposit to strengthen
the peg-tooth of a rice thresher.
a. Heat treatment
b. Welding
c. Hard facing
d. None of the above
Hard facing
The mixing of two or more substances
one of which is iron.
a. Casting
b. Forging
c. Alloying
d. None of the above
A heat treatment method to increase
the hardness of steel by rapid cooling.
a. Tempering
b. Quenching
c. Annealing
d. None of the above
The process of making products by
pouring melted metal into a mold and
then allowing it to cool.
a. Hot working process
b. Casting
c. Powder metallurgy
d. None of the above
The cutting of holes on a material by
means of shearing process.
a. Drilling
b. Punching
c. Boring
d. None of the above
A welding process that uses an
a. Gas welding
b. Resistance welding
c. Arc welding
d. None of the above
Arc welding
Filing is classified as ___.
a. cold working
b. hot working
c. casting
d. None of the above
cold working
A gas-metallic arc welding that uses
inert gas shielding to produce a cleaner
and sounder weld compared with that of
conventional welding.
a. Gas welding
b. MIG welding
c. TIG welding
d. All of the above
MIG welding
A widely used method of welding
aluminum, copper, stainless steel, and
other difficult-to-weld metals.
a. TIG welding
b. MIG welding
c. Gas welding
d. All of the above
TIG welding
A welding process commonly used
for thin metal sheets.
a. Brazing
b. Soldering
c. Spot welding
d. None of the above
A welding process wherein current is
allowed to pass through the prongs of
the welding machine which joined two
metal sheets together.
a. Resistance welding
b. Oxyacetylene welding
c. Arc welding
d. None of the above
Resistance welding
A tool that can cut metal bars faster.
a. Shear cutter
b. Band saw
c. Grinding wheel
d. None of the above
Grinding wheel
Welding job is to be performed at the
engine drive of a multiple-pass rice mill.
What would you recommend to prevent
possible accident during the repair work?
a. Remove the engine from the drive.
b. Disconnect the line from the terminal
of the battery.
c. Remove the ground line of the
welding machine from the engine drive.
d. None of the above
Disconnect the line from the terminal
of the battery.
A device suitable for cutting stainless
steel plates.
a. Shear cutter
b. Plasma cutter
c. Acetylene gas cutter
d. All of the above
Plasma cutter
A machine tool used to reduce the
diameter of a metal.
a. Router
b. Power drill
c. Lathe
d. None of the above
The basic hand tools that must be
provided by manufacturers to buyers of
a. Open wrench and adjustable wrench
b. Philip and flat-screw driver
c. Spark-plug wrench
d. All of the above
The welding rod electrode is
designated as E6013, what is the tensile
strength of the joint when welded
a. 120 ksi (kips per square inch)
b. 60 ksi
c. 30 ksi
d. None of the above
60 ksi
A C-300 sand paper is finer than ___.
a. C-120
b. C-400
c. C-600
d. None of the above
If a welding rod is 1/8 in. in diameter
E6013, the recommended amperage for
the welding machine is ___.
a. 75 amp
b. 100 amp
c. 125 amp
d. 150 amp
e. None of the above
125 amp
In what position does the electrode
In Item 19 above can be used?
a. Flat
b. Horizontal
c. Vertical
d. Overhead
e. All of the above
f. None of the above
Which of the following position is not
possible to be weld with arc welding
a. Flat
b. Horizontal
c. Overhead
d. None of the above
The producer of one or several types
of farm machinery and usually does not
sell other items from other
a. Manufacturer
b. Manufacturer-dealer
c. Dealer
d. None of the above
These producers manufacture their
own line of items and sell together with
either consigned items or several brands
of single cylinder engines, pumps, pump
set, and other types of farm machinery.
a. Manufacturer
b. Manufacturer-dealer
c. Dealer
d. None of the above
They carry several items and brand
from varied sources and usually do not
engaged in manufacture and fabrication.
a. Manufacturer
b. Manufacturer-dealer
c. Dealer
d. None of the above
A manufacturer capable of mass
producing agricultural machines for it has
almost a complete line of equipment
needed in manufacturing.
a. Small-size manufacturer
b. Medium-size manufacturer
c. Large-size manufacturer
d. None of the above
Large-size manufacturer
A manufacturing enterprise capable
of manufacturing agricultural machines
by piece only.
a. Small-size manufacturer
b. Medium-size manufacturer
c. Large-size manufacturer
d. None of the above
Small-size manufacturer
A manufacturer capable to operate
and produce agricultural machine by
batch and does mass production of small
machines whenever needed.
a. Small-size manufacturer
b. Medium-size manufacturer
c. Large-size manufacturer
d. None of the above
Medium-size manufacturer
A classification of manufacturer that
fabricate only one machine at a time and
usually has one to two workers
commissioned to do the entire work to
produce the machine.
a. By mass production
b. By batch
c. By piece
d. None of the above
By piece
A classification of manufacturer that
fabricate the machine in several number
of pieces as per contract with the dealer.
a. By mass production
b. By batch
c. By piece
d. None of the above
By batch
A classification of manufacturer that
produces a machine beyond the number
of pieces produced in the batch system
and still produce the machine, even
without direct order or purchase from
the customer or dealer, for possible
unseen market.
a. By mass production
b. By batch
c. By piece
d. None of the above
By mass production
Which of the following organizations
supports the agricultural machinery
manufacturing industry in the
a. AMMDA – Agricultural Machinery
Manufacturers and Distributors
Association of the Philippines
b. MIAP - Metal Industries Association
of the Philippines
c. LAMMA- Laguna Agro-Industrial
Machinery Manufacturer Association,
d. All of the above
e. Two of the above
The process of heating and cooling
metals in their solid state so as to change
their properties.
a. Heat treatment
b. Hardening
c. Tempering
d. None of the above
Heat treatment
Which of the following properties of
metal that is changed by heat treatment?
a. Hardness
b. Toughness
c. Machinability
d. Elasticity
e. All of the above
f. Two of the above
The resulting grain particle when
steel is heated through its uppertransformation temperature and
becomes a very hard steel when
suddenly cooled.
a. Very fine
b. Coarse
c. Very course
d. None of the above
The process of heating metal slowly
to proper hardening temperature and
then cooling rapidly by quenching in
water, brine or oil.
a. Hardening
b. Tempering
c. Quenching
d. None of the above
High-carbon steel when hardened
becomes ___ due to internal stresses
resulting from rapid cooling.
a. soft
b. hard
c. very brittle
d. None of the above
very brittle
Hardened piece of high-carbon steel
to prevent cracks or shatters requires an
additional heat treatment process called
___, which is done by allowing the
material to slowly cool to ambient for a
longer period of time, before it can be
a. quenching
b. tempering
c. hardening
d. None of the above
Which of the following statements is
a. The amount of carbon content largely
determine the maximum hardness the
heat treatment will produce.
b. The carbon content on steel makes
steel hardening possible.
c. Pure iron cannot be hardened by heat
d. Plain carbon steel is composed
principally of iron and carbon.
e. All of the above
f. Two of the above
Which of the following welding
equipment is most suitable in welding
copper and aluminum?
a. Arc welding machine
b. MIG welding machine
c. TIG welding machine
d. All of the above
TIG welding machine
A welding process which uses
liquefied petroleum gas and oxygen to
melt metal and join them by means of
a. Oxyacetylene welding
b. TIG welding
c. Plasma welding
d. None of the above
Which of the following welding
equipment uses carbon dioxide gas as
cooling element?
a. Arc welding machine
b. MIG welding machine
c. TIG welding machine
d. All of the above
MIG welding machine
Which of the following welding
equipment uses argon gas as cooling
a. Arc welding machine
b. MIG welding machine
c. TIG welding machine
d. All of the above
TIG welding machine
Which of the following welding
equipment does not use any gas as
cooling element?
a. Arc welding machine
b. MIG welding machine
c. TIG welding machine
d. All of the above
Arc welding machine
The welding method commonly used
for non-ferrous metal at relatively low
temperature of around 427°C.
a. Soldering
b. Brazing
c. TIG welding
d. None of the above
The solder used in soldering process
consists of ___ lead and tin.
a. 50/50
b. 40/60
c. 30/70
d. None of the above
In oxyacetylene welding, the taller
cylinder is where the ___ is stored.
a. oxygen
b. acetylene
c. carbon dioxide
d. None of the above
A material used as coating in metals
to be joined by soldering in order to
prevent oxidation.
a. Acid
b. Alkaline
c. Flux
d. None of the above
A method of welding that uses nonferrous rod heated with oxyacetylene
torch at a temperature relatively above
a. Soldering
b. Brazing
c. Resistance welding
d. None of the above
The flux used during brazing to
remove oxidation on metals being joined.
a. Borax powder
b. Sodium borate
c. All of the above
d. None of the above
The bronze welding rod used in
brazing basically consists of ___ copper
and zinc.
a. 60/40
b. 50/50
c. 40/60
d. None of the above
The shorter but larger diameter
storage tank of oxyacetylene welding is for
a. oxygen
b. acetylene
c. carbon dioxide
d. None of the above
Acetylene cylinder at full pressure
contains ___.
a. 150 psi
b. 250 psi
c. 350 psi
d. None of the above
250 psi
Oxygen cylinder at full pressure
contains ___.
a. 1100 psi
b. 2200 psi
c. 3300 psi
d. None of the above
2200 psi
The component of a welding
machine used to mix the gas and the
oxygen in an oxyacetylene welding
a. Hose
b. Torch
c. Regulator
d. None of the above
Which of the following is not part of
an oxyacetylene welding equipment?
a. Oxygen and acetylene tanks
b. Regulator
c. Hose
d. Blow pipe
e. Lighter
f. Tongs
g. None of the above
h. All of the above
In oxyacetylene welding, if the
mixture of oxygen is too much with the
acetylene, it will produce ___.
a. carbonizing flame
b. oxidation flame
c. neutral flame
d. None of the above
oxidation flame
If acetylene is too much with the
oxygen, it will produce ___.
a. carbonizing flame
b. oxidation flame
c. neutral flame
d. None of the above
carbonizing flame
If there is a proper mixture of
acetylene and oxygen, it will produce
a. carbonizing flame
b. oxidation flame
c. neutral flame
d. None of the above
neutral flame
ces of metal sheets together using the
flow of electric current of around
120,000 Amp.
a. Arc welding
b. Plasma welding
c. Resistance welding
d. None of the above
Resistance welding
The other term used for resistance or
spot welding.
a. Full welding
b. Tack welding
c. Intermittent welding
d. None of the above
Tack welding
Welding too long in resistance
welding will create ___.
a. good weld
b. hole in metals being weld
c. weak weld in metals
d. None of the above
hole in metals being weld
Which of the following uses a fluxcoated welding rod?
a. MIG welding equipment
b. Oxyacetylene welding equipment
c. Arc welding equipment
d. None of the above
Arc welding equipment
E6013 electrode is used for ___.
a. steel alloy
b. mild steel
c. tool steel
d. None of the above
mild steel
E7025 is used for ___.
a. steel alloy
b. mild steel
c. tool steel
d. None of the above
steel alloy
The recommended current for 1/8-in.
a. 60 amp
b. 100 amp
c. 250 amp
d. None of the above
100 amp
The recommended current for 1/16 -
in. electrode.
a. 60 amp
b. 100 amp
c. 250 amp
d. None of the above
60 amp
The recommended current for ¼-in.
a. 60 amp
b. 100 amp
c. 250 amp
d. None of the above
250 amp
Which of the following is not a
machine tool?
a. Lathe
b. Shaper and planers
c. Drill Press
d. Mill machines
e. Grinder
f. None of the above
A metal milling process of making the
handle of a tool rough to provide a
better grip.
a. Boring
b. Cutting
c. Knurling
d. None of the above
Machine tools commonly used in
making slots, keyways, etc.
a. Drill press
b. Lathe
c. Shaper
d. None of the above
The process of forming metal by
pushing it on a metal die.
a. Extrusion
b. Forging
c. Rolling
d. None of the above
A shop tool used for measuring the
outside and inside diameter of a metal.
a. Square
b. Caliper
c. Trammel
d. None of the above
A tool used to scribe large circle or
arc in a piece of metal that works
similarly with divider.
a. Square
b. Scriber
c. Trammel
d. None of the above
A tool used to drive a cross recess
a. Ordinary flat-crew driver
b. Phillip screw driver
c. Allen wrench-screw driver
d. All of the above
Phillip screw driver
A tool used to drive slotted machine
a. Ordinary flat-screw driver
b. Phillip screw driver
c. Allen wrench-screw driver
d. All of the above
Ordinary flat-screw driver
A thermal cycle involving heating to,
and holding at a suitable temperature and
then cooling at a suitable rate for such
purposes as reducing hardness, improving
machinability, facilitating cold working,
producing a desired microstructure, or
obtaining desired mechanical or other
a. Annealing
b. Stress relieving
c. Case hardening
d. Quenching and tempering
e. None of the above
A thermal cycle involving heating to a
suitable temperature usually 1000 to 1200
F, holding long enough to reduce residual
stress from either cold deformation or
thermal treatment and the cooling slowly
enough to minimize the development of
new residual stresses.
a. Annealing
b. Stress relieving
c. Case hardening
d. Quenching and Tempering
e. None of the above
Stress relieving
A one or more process of hardening
steel in which the outer portion, or case, is
made substantially harder then the inner
portion, or core.
a. Annealing
b. Stress relieving
c. Case hardening
d. Quenching and Tempering
e. None of the above
Case hardening
A process of reheating metal to a
temperature below the transformation
range and then cooling at any desired rate
to improve the ductility and toughness of
the material.
a. Quenching
b. Tempering
c. Annealing
d. None of the above
A thermal process used to increase the
hardness and strength of steel by
austenitizing then followed by cooling at a
rate sufficient to achieve partial or
complete transformation of metal to
a. Tempering
b. Quenching
c. Annealing
d. None of the above
It is one of the heat treatment
processes of steel and other ferrous alloys
where these materials are heated above
their critical temperatures long enough for
transformations to take place.
a. Austenitizing
b. Tempering
c. Annealing
d. None of the above
Austenitizing temperature for different
grades of carbon, alloys and tool steels.
a. 100 C to below 400 C
b. 400 C to 800 C
c. Above 800 C to 1200 C
d. None of the above
400 C to 800 C
Material formed in carbon steels by the
rapid cooling (quenching) of the austenite
form of iron at such a high rate that carbon
atoms do not have time to diffuse out of
the crystal structure in large enough
quantities to form cementite (Fe3C).
a. Austenitize
b. Martensite
c. All of the above
d. None of the above