SG2 Migration Flashcards
What % of the Mexican population is living under the poverty line?
What is the mean wage differential in USA compared to Mexico?
10:1 ( 10x higher in USA)
What is a Coyote?
Smugglers that help migrants illegally cross the border
What is the desert called that borders Mexico and Arizona?
Sonoran Desert
What is the river called that borders Mexico and Texas?
The Rio Grande
What is the Bracero Programme?
Mexicans were allowed to migrate to USA for low paid agricultural on a seasonal basis and once the work is done they must return home
What is Operation Wetback?
The deportation of Mexicans who has illegally entered the USA
What is the Immigration and Nationality act?
Quota set on the number of immigrants allowed into the USA
When Visas’ are required so it started a wave of illegal immigrants
What is the Immigration Reform and Control act?
> 2 million Mexicans granted legal residence but at the same time border enforcement was increased so many Mexicans began to permanently settle in the US
Why are there flows of people from the USA into Mexico?
entrepreneurs who have set up maquilas in Mexico’s border towns to take advantage of cheap labour and free trade with NAFTA
Why are there flows of people from Guatemala to Mexico?
flee their own country due to a violent civil war and natural disaster (El Fuego)
normally transmigration heading north to USA
Why are there flows of people from Spain to Mexico?
hispanic influences and better work opportunities in Mexico
Why are there flows of people of Mexico to USA?
reduce their relative poverty
largest bilateral corridor
Why are there flows of people from Mexico to Canada?
The Seasonal Workers Agricultural Programme allows Mexicans to work as farm labourers in Canada
Why are the flows of people of people from Mexicans to Spain?
highly skilled Mexican professionals are recruited to operate in senior positions within large companies in Spain
What is NAFTA?
North American Free Trade Association
Employs 3 million Mexican workers
Allows free trade between Canada USA and Mexico
What is HTAs?
The Home Town Association is the social networks that migrants from the same town or village in Mexico to establish their new US communities
Provide 3:1 $ - for every $3 made $1 dollar is matched for social projects
What is the US-Mexico Binational Group on Bridges and Borders?
The crossing is an agreement that both countries will maintain and improve border infrastructure, as well as enforce border patrols and checks in order to reduce illegal migrant flows