Disease Dilemmas SG1 Flashcards
What does Communicable mean?
A disease which is spreadable from host to host (person, animal or insect)
Disease can either be contagious or non contagious
What does infections mean?
A disease caused by a pathogen, such as a virus, bacteria, parasite or fungi
What does endemic mean?
Type of disease that exists permanently in a geographical area or a population group
What does zoonotic mean?
An infectious disease which is transmitted from an animal to a human
What does non-communicable mean?
Any disease which cannot be spread between people as it is non-infectious or non-contagious
What does contagious mean?
A disease which is spread from person to person
What does pandemic mean?
An epidemic that went worldwide
What is a vector?
A living organism which can transmit infectious disease between humans or from animals to humans
What is an epidemic?
An outbreak of a disease that attacks many people at the same time and spreads through the population of a geographical area
Are contagious diseases are always infectious?
Are communicable diseases are always contagious?
What is hierarchical diffusion?
The spread of disease through an ordered sequence of classes or places (from large cities to small villages)
What is expansion diffusion?
Whena disease spreads from one place to another
Intense concentrations in the place of origin but weakens as it spreads to the other places
What is relocation diffusion?
When the disease leaves the area of origin and moves into new areas
What is contagious diffusion?
Diffusion through person to person contact
What are the steps in the Hagerstand model and what do they indicate?
Primary step - There is a strong contrast in incidence between the areas of outbreak and more remote areas
Expansion step - Diffusion is centrifugal as new centres of disease outbreak occur at distance from the source
Saturation step - Diffusion of the disease decelerates as the incidence of the disease reaches its peak
Condensation step - The number of new cases of disease is more equal in all locations, irrespective of distance from source
What are the socioeconomic barriers to disease diffusion?
Political Borders Curfews Quarantine Vaccination Programmes Health Education
What are physical factors that increases the prevalence of malaria and why?
Temperature - Between 18 and 40 degrees C the mosquito takes more blood meals therefore increasing the number of eggs laid so then there are more vectors
Water Sources - Stagnant water means more places for eggs to be laid so more vectors to spread malaria
Relative Humidity - If this is over 60% the mosquito has better chance of survival and therefore reproduction
Precipitation - Increased precipitation means more water sources for eggs to be laid and vectors to be born
Relief - Places over 2000m are to cold for malaria to survive