Sexually transmitted infections Flashcards
What type of organism causes syphilis?
Treponema pallidum, gram negative spirochete
What is the difference between the early and late effects of congenital syphilis?
Early congenital (<2 years old)
Late congenital (>2 years old)
What are the early congenital signs of syphilis?
Snuffles, dactylitis, Parrot’s pseudoparalysis, epiphysitis, and hepatitis
Snuffles is one of earliest signs, that and bulous erosions. Snuffles is the mucus seen around the nose and mouth of newborns with congenital syphilis that has lots of spirochetes in it
What are some late congenital signs of syphilis?
Keratitis, mulberry molars, Hutchinson’s teeth (notched/peg-shaped incisors), rhagades (linear scars at angles of mouth), saddle nose, Higoumenakis syndrome, Clutton’s joints, optic atrophy, corneal opacities, CN8 deafness
What distinguishes primary syphilis and how long is the incubation period?
The primary chancre is the distinguishing factor. The average period is 3 weeks til chancre but can be 10-90 days
How long does it take for the RPR or VRDL to be positive?
4-5 weeks
How long does it take for the FTA-ABS for syphilis to be positive?
Positive by 3 weeks
How early can the IgM Elisa pick up syphilis?
Within a week, it is the earliest positive turning test
What is the clinical presentation of syphilis chancre?
Painless, well defined, indurated ulcer. Often a/w enlarged lymph nodes
What things can cause false + VRDL?
Viruses: CMV, EBV, hepatitis
Drugs: Hydralazine, chlorpromazine, others
Rheumatologic disease: rheumatic fever, RA, lupus/APLS
Other infxns: leprosy, malaria,
How long after the presentation of the chancre does secondary syphilis emerge?
Usually, 3-10 weeks after the chancre
How long does the rash of secondary syphilis usually last?
Usually lasts 3-12 weeks but can relapse in 25%
What are the common clinical findings of secondary syphilis?
Prodrome: malaise, fever, lymph node enlargement, arthralgia
Papulosquamous/maculopapular generalized rash that is classically “copper-colored” w/ papules/plaques on palms and soles
Can have moth-eaten alopecia
split papules
condyloma lata, mucous patches in the oropharynx, hypopigmented macules on neck
If you see a papule at the corner of the mouth in someone w/ syphilis that is split in half by the angle of the mouth (half on each side), what is this?
Split papule or syphilitic perléche
How long after secondary syphilis does tertiary syphilis occur?
If it occurs, it usually occurs months to years after secondary rash (period in between is called latency)
What lesions are seen in tertiary syphilis?
- Gummas (skin, bone, liver, organs)
- Aortitis (cardiovascular syphilis)
- tabes dorsalis, paresis, meningitis, ataxia, optic atrophy, argyll-Robertson papule