Bites and Stings Flashcards
What is a clinical distinguisher of bullous arthropod from another inflammatory bullous disease?
The bullae are in a distribution of bug bites and they often form several cm tense bullae without significant edematous/erythematous bases
What causes immediate reactions to to bites or stings?
Release of histamine, serotonin, formic acid, or kinin
What do the bites of the fire ant look like?
5-10mm sterile pustules on lower extremities, can occur in a cluster as the ant can bite and then “swing” stinger around
What toxin does the fire ant have?
Solenopsin D
- Increases membrane permeability and increases histamine release
What is the toxin that bees/wasps/hornets have (Hymenoptera)?
Phospholipase A; can lead to anaphylaxis
What class of insects most often causes anaphylaxis?
Hymenoptera (bees/wasps/hornets)
What is the formal name for bed bugs?
Cimex lectularius
What is the clinical presentation of bed bugs and what causes it?
Grouped “breakfast, lunch and dinner” urticarial papules at bite sites
What toxin does lytta vesicatoria/Spanish fly have?
cantharidin (these are otherwise known as blister beetles)
What diseases can be passed by the rat flea?
Xenopsylla cheopis vector for R. Typhi (endemic typhus) and also Y pestis (bubonic plague)
What diseases can be spread by the cat flea?
Ctenocephalides felis and canis: vector for Bartonella henselae (cat scratch disease, bacillary angiomatosis) and Bartonella Quintana (bacillary angiomatosis)
What causes the lesions of lepidopterism (caterpillar dermatitis)?
Direct contact with hairs and toxin-mediated reactions (not an allergy)
What is the appearance of the dermatitis from caterpillars (lepidopterism)
Can have a train-track appearance of urticaria or hemorrhage.
- Can cause ophthalmia nodosa which are ocular reactions as hairs tend to migrate inward (looks like redness and small little papules on the surface of the eye or conjunctiva
What does the puss caterpillar look like and what lesions does it cause?
Megalopyge opercularis: lightly brown and wooly appearance. and it causes painful linear petechiae
What does the Io caterpillar look like?
Automeris io: green with longitudinal white strip
What does the gypsy caterpillar look like and what is unique about it?
Lymantria dispar: it looks like blue/purple body with red to blue papilla with numerous spines emanating from them
- The spines/hair have histamine which can become airborne
What does the saddleback caterpillar look like?
Sibine stimulae: green saddle-like area on the back
What are the 4 main ticks discussed in dermatology?
Ornithodorus, dermancentor, Ixodes, Amblyomma (lone star tick)
What does the ornithodorus tick look like?
Warty/rough, gray, and soft appearance
What does the ornithodorus tick transmit?
B. duttonii (tick-born relapsing fever)
What does the dermacentor tick look like?
One of the larger types of ticks, has a patterned brown and light brown back for males, and a distinctive lighter area in the mid-body for the males.