Cutaneous manifestations of HIV Flashcards
What is the incidence of herpes zoster outbreak in HIV+ patients compared to the general population?
7-15 fold increase in risk
What are some differences noted in the lesions of molluscum contagiosum on someone with HIV-related immunosuppression as compared to what is normally seen?
- Larger lesions (>1cm)
- Coalescent lesions, verrucous lesions and more widespread distribution
Treatment for molluscum contagiosum in HIV+ patients?
Topical cidofovir is an option
Also may spontaneously resolve after starting ART
What is the prevalence of HPV in the HIV+ population as compared to the general population?
Prevalence of HPV much higher in HIV-infected patients and correlates with decreasing CD4 counts.
What differences are seen in HPV infection among patients with HIV than the general population?
There is reduced HPV clearance, more treatment-resistant lesions and accelerated development of HPV-associated carcinomas.
- Anal HPV is present in >90% of HIV+ MSM patients, most with at least one high-risk type
50% prevalence of high-grade anal intraepithelial neoplasia and 30-50 fold higher risk of anal cancer than the general population
What is oral hairy leukoplakia and at what CD4 counts does it occur at most commonly?
This results from EBV infection of the oral mucosa and presents as a hyperkeratotic, corrugated white plaque with hair-like projections on the lateral aspect of the tongue. Does not scrape off with tongue depressor
- More prevalent when CD4 <200/mm3
What does oral hairy leukoplakia mean in regards to HIV disease prognosis?
Predictor of rapid disease progression if ART is not initiated
It may go away with ART therapy
What is a likely etiology for an HIV+ who presents with new-onset horizontal band melanonychia?
Check the medication list, this may be from Zidovudine
- Zidovudine-associated melanonychia can develop longitudinal, horizontal bands or diffuse hyperpigmentation in the nails.
What inflammatory conditions, when seen alone, suggest an underlying dx of HIV?
- Eosinophilic folliculitis (unless known cause of immunosuppression otherwise)
- Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris type VI, with follicular spines and acne conglobata
What inflammatory conditions, when seen in a severe, recalcitrant, or sudden onset manner, would suggest HIV infection?
- Seborrheic dermatitis (face/scalp)
- Psoriasis vulgaris
- Reactive arthritis
What infectious diseases when seen alone raise the suspicion of HIV and justify testing?
Syphilis and other STD’s like chancroid, bacillary angiomatosis, botryomycosis, disseminated mycobacterial infection, chronic oral and anogenital HSV or disseminated HSV, zoster if multi-dermatomal, disseminated, verrucous or chronic, oral hairy leukoplakia, anogenital and oral ulcers, verrucous plaques or morbilliform eruption due to CMV, Kaposi sarcoma due to HHV-8 infection, oropharyngeal candidiasis, proximal subungual onychomycosis, disseminated cryptococcosis, disseminated dimorphic fungal infections, crusted scabies, disseminated or necrotic cutaneous leishmaniasis
Which HIV test will detect the virus soonest after infection and what is the timeline?
Quantitative PCR for HIV-1 viral load = 6-10 days
The screening tests (HIV1/2 anitgen/antibody EIA) take 16-20 days
What cutaneous findings can occur when starting ART therapy?
Flairs of cutaneous disease can occur in many types of disease with immune reconstitution. These include infections, inflammatory conditions like psoriasis, seb derm, PRP, eczema, Kaposi, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, multiple eruptive dermatofibromas, etc.
What are patients with HIV at increased risk to get with medications?
Drug rashes such as drug-induced morbilliform eruptions and SJS/TEN
What must be tested before starting the NRTI abacavir and why?
Must test for HLA-B*5701, this puts patients a very increased risk of morbilliform drug rash and DRESS
What other HIV medications are commonly associated with DRESS?
Abacavir, Nevirapine, protease inhibitors (Atazanavir, darunavir, fosamprenavir, itpranavir, lopinavir)
What ART therapy medications are known to cause lipodystrophy?
NRTIs (d4t, ddl), protease inhibitors