Fungal disease Flashcards
What are the 3 genera of dermatophytes?
microsporum, trichophyton, epidermophyton
What are the two large subgroups between each of the 3 genera of dermatophytes?
Microconidia and macroconidia
What are conidia?
An asexual spore of a fungus
What is the importance of the conidia for the different dermatophytes?
For different dermatophytes, the phenotype of either the microconidia or the macroconidia can be dx.
What is the diagnostic appearance of Microsporum dermatophytes?
Macroconidia are dx, rough-walled, often spindle-shaped, thick cell wall and multi-celled
What is the diagnostic appearance of trichophyton?
Micoconidia is diagnostic: smooth-walled, one-celled. The macroconidia are not distinctive but are often cylindric to clavate
Which type of dermatophyte doesn’t have microconidia?
Epidermophyton only have macroconidia
What is the appearance of the macroconidia in epidermophyton?
smooth-walled, club-shaped, intermediate cell wall thickness, mutli-celled, occur solitary or in clusters.
What is the difference between anthropophilic, zoophilic, and geophilic?
anthropophilic: restricted to humans Zoophilic: primarily affects animals Geophilic: found in soil
What is the different clinical responses between anthropophilic, zoophilic, and geophilic fungi?
Anthropophilic: chronic, mild inflammatory response Zoophilic: causes massive inflammatory reponse in humans Geophilic: Causes severe inflammatory response and scarring in humans
What species of dermatophytes are anthropophilic?
all trichophyton spp (except T. mentagrophytes and T. verrucosum), E. floccosum, M. audouinii, and M. ferrugineum
What dermatophyte species are zoophilic?
M. Canis (cats and dogs), M. nanum (pigs), t. Verrucosum (Cattle), and T. mentagrophytes (rodents)
What dermatophyte species are geophilic?
M. gypseum
Histology of dermatophyte infection?
Septate hyphae in stratum corneum or nail plate, brisk dermal inflammation (vs minimal in tinea versicolor) +/- neutrophilic micro-abscesses in epidermis or corneum/nail plate
What color do dermatophytes show up as in PAS or GMS?
PAS = red GMS = Black
What is chlorazol black?
Chitin stain, hyphae will be green
Describe microsporum gypseum?
Geophilic, infrequent human pathogen -Ectothrix -cinammon color, granular colony on culture -Grows rapidly (5 days) -Macroconidia: thin walled, founded ends < 6 septa -+ polished rice growth
Describe microsporum canis?
zoophilic #1 cause of tinea capitis worldwide, common cause of tinea corporis -macroconidia: thick-walled; pointed ends; >6 septae -Growth on polished rice -Culture: canary yellow reverse
Most common organism to cause tinea capitis worldwide?
Microsporum canis
Most common cause of transmission of Microsporum canis?
Kittens to humans
What type of infection does microsporum canis cause?
Inflammatory infection
Is M. Canis an endothrix or ectothrix?
Is M. audouinii an endothrix or ectothrix?
What does M. audouinii cause?
A formerly common cause of tinea capitis
Characteristics of M. audouinii?
Anthropophilic, pectinate hyphae, culture: salmon reverse color, widely spaced radial grooves, polished rice growth
What color does M. Audouinii glow with woods lamp?
What color does M. canis glow with woods lamp?
Describe trichophyton rubrum?
Anthropophilic, microconidia have a teardrop or peg-shaped “birds of a wife” appearance -Culture: reverse red color, white cottony surface
What is the most common dermatophyte worldwide?
T. rubrum
Clinical of T. rubrum?
Generally not inflammatory can cause Majocchi’s granuloma and can perforate the hair
Describe T. mentagrophytes?
Can be Zoophilic (var mentags) which is inflammatory infection w/ granular colony or anthropophilic (var interdigitale) which is non-inflammatory, cottony colony -Spiral hyphae, microconidia -In the zoophilic form microconidia abundant in round clusters -In anthropophilic form resembles T. rubrum **Positive urease test and hair penetration test** -No pigment production on rice extract-glucose agar
Describe T tonsurans?
Anthropophilic -black dot tinea capitis, non-fluorescent -large spore endothrix -microconidia are balon shaped, various sizes -Culture: yellow to cream surface, w/ feathery periphery. -Requires thiamine to grow
Is T. tonsurans endothrix or ectothrix?
Is T. violaceum endothrix or ectothrix?
What organism causes black dot tinea capitis?
T. violaceum
Describe T. violaceum?
Anthrophilic -Culture: dark violet color, cerebiform pattern, reverse also purple -thiamine growth requirement
Describe T. schoenleinii?
Anthropophilic -Dull, blue-green fluorescent tinea capitis -Air canals within hair -Knobby antler like hyphae, favic chandeliers -Culture: tan color; cerebriform -No growth requirements
Woods lamp findings from tinea capitis from T. schoenleinii?
Dull, blue-green fluorescence
What organism causes favus?
T. schoenleinii
What is favus?
Most commonly occurs as tinea capitis but can occur elsewhere. It starts perifollicular but then it turns to thick yellow adherent scales (scutula). Most commonly caused from T. Schoenleinii
Describe T verrucosum?
Zoophilic (cattle/horses), -rat tail macroconidia -Culture: tan to white, heaped up/folded -Inositol and thiamine growth requirement
Is T verrucosum ectothrix or endothrix?
What dz does T verrucosum cause?
Inflammatory tinea barbae, kerion-like tinea barbae, corporis, and capitis
Describe E. floccosum
Anthropophilic -culture: flat feathery colonies, yellow-brown reverse -Macroconidia- club-shaped in clusters like beavertail
What disease is caused by E. floccosum?
Tinea cruris, tinea pedis, no hair invasion
What areas are not affected by tinea corporis?
Hands, feet, groin, face, scalp
Predisposing factors for tinea corporis?
DM, HIV, immunosuppression, animal/human contact, chronic scalp/foot/hand reservoir
What dermatophytes cause tinea corporis?
Microsporum, trichophyton, epidermophyton
What are the most common causes of tinea corporis?
T rubrum, T. mentagrophytes, M. canis
Clinical of tinea corporis?
Annular, erythematous, scaling plaques, often with an active border and central clearing. This annular shape has led to the lay-term “ringworm” Papules, vesicles, and crusting may develop in the active border
When should oral tx for tinea corporis be considered?
Widespread, severe, granulomatous, or verrucous lesions
Is the yield of KOH decreased or improved w/ tinea incognito?
Presentation of tinea incognito?
Patches or papules and plaques with less erythema and more subtle scale
What is tinea profunda?
Excessive inflammatory response to the dermatophyte, like kerion in the scalp.
What is tinea imbricata?
Dermatophytosis caused by the anthropophilic dermatophyte T. concentricum. It causes chronic infections in an equatorial band encompassing the South Pacific, Asia, and Central and South America. The clinical presentation consists of concentric annular rings resembling erythema gyratum repens (but with less redness/erythema often)
What is nodular perifolliculitis?
Usually caused by T. rubrum. -follicular papulopustules or granulomatous nodules that result from a deep dermatophyte folliculitis with disruption of the follicular wall -Most common: women who have tinea pedis or onychomycosis and shave their legs, and it can also occur in the setting of immunosuppression -The lesions may be extensive or even vegetating, and a prolonged granulomatous reaction can develop
What is Majocchi’s granuloma?
Erythematous papules/nodules around hair follicles, particularly lower legs (may arise from tinea pedis) -Dermatophyte grows down hair follicles producing a folliculitis
Predisposing factors for Majocchi’s granuloma?
- shaving legs (women), or topical steroid use
Most common pathogens to cause Majocchi’s granuloma?
T. Rubrum (most common) T. mentagrophytes
Treatment for Majocchi’s granuloma?
Systemic antifungals
Important distribution finding in tinea cruris to distinguish from candida?
Spares the scrotum
Most common pathogens causing tinea cruris?
Tinea rubrum> epidermophyton floccosum, Tinea interdigitale, Tinea mentagrophytes
What is tinea manuum?
Scaly, dry, hyperkeratotic lesions of palmar surfaces, often involves both feet and one hand.
Treatment for tinea manuum?
Need to use systemic usually, topicals rarely effective
Most common pathogens of Tinea manuum?
T. Rubrum, T. mentags, E. floccosum
Most common pathogens of Tinea Barbae?
T. mentagrophytes, T. verruscosum, T. rubrum, T. sonsurans
Clinical of tinea barbae?
Typically unilateral on face/neck -Papules/pustules
What pathogens usually cause tinea faciei?
Usually zoophilic species -T mentag, M. canis > T.rubrum
Presentation of tinea faciei?
Scaling present in <2/3 cases, erythematous follicular based papules, often in an annular distribution. -Itches and burns, often worse after sun exposure -most common in kids
Treatment of tinea faciei?
Systemic antifungals
What is the #1 cause of tinea capitis in the US?
Trichophyton tonsurans (less inflammatory than M. canis)
What is the #1 cause of tinea capitis in the world?
Microsporum canis (more inflammatory)
Clinical of tinea capitis?
Circular scaling patches +/- pustules +/- LAD May have black dots from broken hairs in endothrix infxn -Disease primarily of childhood, increased in black/males
Treatment for tinea capitis?
systemic antifungal
What antifungal is first line for kids with tinea capitis?
Which dermatophytes are ectothrix?
M. canis, M. audouinii, M. ferrugineum, M. distortum, M. gypseum, T. rubrum (rarely) -notice microsporum mostly ectothrix and trychophyton mostly endothrix
Which dermatophytes are endothrix?
T. tonsurans, T. violaceum, T. soudanense, T. gourvilli, T. yaoundei, T. rubrum (rarely) -notice microsporum mostly ectothrix and trychophyton mostly endothrix
Which dermatophytes cause yellow fluorescence with woods lamp?
Mostly the microsporum (ectothrix) -M. canis, M. audouinii, M. ferrugineum, M. distortum
What is the substance that fluoresces w/ Wood’s lamp in ectothrix species?
What is kerion?
Boggy inflamed nodule/abscess w/ pustules and possible LAD which may lead to scarring
Most common organisms to cause kerion?
M. canis, T. verrucosum, T. mentagrophytes, T. Tonsurans
What is pityriasis amiantacea and what can help distinguish it from tinea capitis?
Usually, thick yellow-white overlapping scales underlying skin normal, red or scaly. Causes can be psoriasis, LSC, seb derm, rarely tinea. -Usually partial scalp involvement, rarely whole scalp. -Some hair loss common… but regrows
Most common pathogens associated with tinea pedis?
T. rubrum >E. floccosum (moccasin), T. interdigitale (interdigital)
Most common pathogen associated with vesicular/bullous tinea?
T. mentagrophytes