what organism causes gonorrhoea?
Neisseria gonorrhoea
which group of people is gonorrhoea common in ?
men who have sex with men
signs and symptoms of gonorrhoea in
a) men
b) women
c) rectal infection
a) DYSURIA (often first sign), purulent urethral discharge, epididymal tenderness
b) vaginal discharge (yellow/white), dysuria, dyspareunia, pelvic tenderness, easy bleeding
c) rectal pain, discharge, pruritus
1st line investigation for gonorrhoea - how are samples collected for women and men?
nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT)
women - vulvovaginal swab
men - first catch urine
rectal swab if anal sex
investigation for susceptibility testing before initiating abx in gonorrhoea
microscopy and culture of specimen e.g. swab, secretions
ddx for gonorrhoea
- chlamydia
- trichomonas
- BV
abx management in uncomplicated gonorrhoea if…
a) sensitivities not known
b) sensitivities known
a) single dose IM ceftriaxone 1g
b) single dose oral ciprofloxacin 500mg
where should gonorrhoea patients be referred and what advice should be given?
- GUM clinic
- abstain from sex for 7 days, test and tx other STIs
what is disseminated gonococcal infection? what can it cause?
complication of untreated gonococcal infection. can cause
- non-specific lesions
- polyarthralgia
- migratory polyarthritis
- tenosynovitis
- systemic symptoms e.g. fever, fatigue
what organism causes syphilis?
spirochete gram-negative bacteria Treponema pallidum
what are the stages of syphilis and what are they characterised by?
Primary - painless ulcer at original infection site
Secondary - 6-8w later… systemic sx (skin and mucous membranes), widespread rash, lymphadenopathy, fever, fatigue. resolving after 3-12 weeks
Latent - symptoms disappear, pt asymptomatic but still infected
Tertiary - years after initial infection, gummas (soft non cancerous growths) develop in multiple systems e.g. cardio (aneurysms, valve disease), neurosyphilis
signs and symptoms of primary syphilis
painless anogenital ulcer, takes 3-8 weeks to resolve
signs and symptoms of secondary syphilis
- maculopapular rash
- low grade fever
- lymphadenopathy
- alopecia
- oral lesions
- grey wart lesions around genitals
signs and symptoms of tertiary syphilis
depends on affected organ
- gummatous lesions
- aortic aneurysms
- neurosyphilis
signs and sx of neurosyphilis
- headache
- altered behaviour
- dementia
- paralysis
- sensory impairment
- ocular syphilis (eyes)
investigations for syphilis (3)
- microscopy of chancre fluid
- PCR testing of swab
- serology (used in screening)
what investigation can be done if neurosyphilis is suspected?
lumbar puncture
ddx for syphilis
genital herpes
management of syphilis
- referral to GUM
- screen for other STIs
- early syphilis = benzathine penicillin IM single dose
- late syphilis = benzathine penicillin IM, 3 doses as weekly intervals
name and describe the organism that causes Trichomoniasis
- trichomonas vaginalis
- highly motile, flagellated protozoan parasite
RFs for trichomoniasis
- <25
- new sex partner
- > 1 sex partner in past 12m
- prev STI
signs and sx of trichomoniasis in women
describe the characteristic discharge
- DISCHARGE - offensive, yellow-green, frothy
- vulvovaginitis - red, sore, itchy
- dysuria and dyspareunia
signs and sx of trichomoniasis in men
normally asymptomatic - may have balanitis/urethritis
what will be seen on speculum exam in a woman with trichomoniasis?
strawberry cervix (cervicitis)
investigations & results for trichomoniasis
what is diagnostic?
- GUM clinic
- pH of vaginal discharge (>4.5)
- diagnostic = charcoal swab w microscopy (HVS in women, urethral swab/urine in men)
wet mount microscopy will show motile trophozoites
management of trichomoniasis
abx, advice, other partners
- refer to GUM specialist for diagnosis, tx and contact tracing
- oral metronidazole either 400-500mg for 5-7d or OD 2g
- sexual abstinence for 1 week, treat current partner simultaneously and any partners within 4 weeks of presentation
BV vs trichomoniasis (discharge, microscopy, other sx) diffs and similarities
BV - thin white discharge, clue cells
trichomoniasis - frothy yellow-green discharge, wet mount motile trophozoites, vulvovaginitis and strawb cervix
offensive discharge, vaginal pH >4.5, tx with metronidazole
complications of trichomoniasis in preg women (4)
- preterm
- postpartum sepsis