SBA/SAQ stuff i didn't know Flashcards
haemolytic uraemic syndrome triad
- normocytic anaemia
- thrombocytopenia
when do children receive the MMR vaccine
1 year and 3 years 4 months
metabolic changes in CAH
hyponatremia, hyperkalaemia, metabolic acidosis
chemo sanctuary sites in ALL
CNS and testes
- who is affected, why?
- which factor for A, which for B
- males, x-linked
abdo xray finding in biliary atresia
double bubble
complications of chlamydia in preg
a) mother
b) baby
a) chorioamnionitis, PROM
b) conjunctivitis, pneumonia
most common cause of meningitis in neonates
lithium toxicity presentation
ataxia, seizures, slurred speech, vomiting (SE = fine tremor)
stimulant vs hallucinogens
stimulants = cocaine, MDMA (ectsasy), khat, nicotine
hallucinogens = LSD, ketamine
bloods/metabolic findings in neuroleptic malignant syndrome
- raised creatinine kinase
- raised WCC
- deranged LFTs and U&Es
- metabolic acidosis (low pH, low HCO3)
management of mild-moderate PID if coil is in situ
UNLESS severe or does not respond to tx in 48-72h, leave coil in!
broad spec abx for 14 days
which class of antidepressants can you not have cheese with? give an example of one
MAOIs e.g. phenelzine, tranylcypromine, isocarboxazid
which class of antibiotics is safe in pregnancy at any stage?
cephalosporins e.g. cefotaxime, ceftriaxone
hospital indication for PID
fever >38
secondary syphilis presentation
- 6-8 weeks from infection
- rash, glomerulonephritis, neuro sx
migraine prophylaxis in women of child-bearing age
propranolol (topiramate is normal 1st line)
which antipsychotics cause parkinsonism/pyramidal sx?
TYPICAL e.g. haloperidol
features of non epileptic attacks (5)
- sudden drop
- arms flexing and extending, pelvic thrusting
- eyes closed
- prolonged seizures (>30m)
- symptoms wax and wane
1st line tx of pericarditis
a) heparin reversal
b) warfarin reversal
a) protamine
b) vitamin K
joint fluid findings in
a) pseudogout
b) gout
a) Pseudo = Positively birefringent Rhomboid crystals (calcium Phosphate)
b) gout = Negatively birefringent Needle crystals (monosodium)
which enzymes are blocked with
a) aspirin
b) clopidogrel
a) COX-1
b) P2Y12
csf findings bacterial meningitis (4)
- turbid
- raised polymorphs (neutrophils)
- raised protein
- low glucose
what is given to help manage parkinsonism/anti-pyramidal SEs from antipsychotics?
what is the protocol for clozapine blood testing when a pt is first started on the med?
1 blood test per week for first 18 weeks
then fortnightly until 1 year
management of OCD if 12 weeks of SSRI and CBT are not working
- switch SSRI with another SSRI
- try clomipramine (TCA) if pt prefers/intolerant to SSRIs
1st line management of PTSD and another option
1 = trauma-focussed CBT
can use EMDR - if presenting between 1 and 3 months after a non-combat related trauma and refer EMDR
management of a woman with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) I found at colposcopy
discharge and screen again (FU) at 12m in the community
list 4 meds that may cause delirium
- furosemide (diuretic)
- ramipril (anti-HT)
- oxybutynin
- propranolol (B blocker)
- ranitidine (H2 blocker)
what discharge may be present in cervical cancer
red-brown, purulent
most common type of vaginal cancer
secondary (metastatic)
a surge of what hormone triggers ovulation
process of foetal descent (descent > delivery) (8)
- descent
- engagement
- flexion
- internal rotation
- crowning
- extension of presenting part
- external rotation of head
- delivery
management of pregnant woman with positive asymptomatic bacteriuria culture - what is done next?
confirm with second culture then begin culture dependent abx
amniotic fluid index (AFI)
a) polyhydramnios
b) oligohydramnios
a) >24cm
b) <5cm
most common cause of polyhydramnios
what migraine prophylactic tx is contraindicated in asthma
least common presentation in a pt with a middle cerebral artery stroke?
a) aphasia
b) headache
c) personality change
d) weakness/numbness
personality change! (more common in ACA)