Sexual Flashcards
The 2 forms of sexual problems are
a) sexual dysfunction - disturbances in ability to respond sexually or experience sexual pleasure
b) paraphilia - desire to cause distress, or impairment to self or others, may involve humiliation, objects, non-consent
contrast the 19th century view of sexual activity vs now
was thought that excessive activity/self stimulation lead to exhaustion of sexual energy = erectile dysfunction.
NOW - inhibition of sexual expression - negative connotations, prude etc.,
What has influenced the change in perception of sex
Technology has normalised exposure to explicit imagery
Knowledge of STI’s spread awareness
STI are ________ in AU, HIV rates are____________
rising, stable
Cultures often adopt one of 2 attitudes towards sex_________
Sex= pleasure,
The INCORRECT statement regarding WOMEN is;
a) think less about sexual behaviours
b) have fear + anx about sex
c) have greater sex drive when not in a relationship
d) sexuality closely linked with male’s satisfaction
C - have a smaller drive when single
Which is INCORRECT regarding men;
a) men use more sex toys
b) men use internet apps more to find a partner
c) report more thoughts about sex + engaging in sex
d) men look at pornography more
A - women use toys
What is a criticism of the DSM description of sexual disorders
does not pay attention to relational components of human sexuality in describing sexual dysfunction. Important bc for WOMEN sexual dysfunction issues tend to relate closely to relationship issues for women.
Men seek sex for___________, whereas women seek_________ in sex
men - sexual attraction + physical gratification
women - relationship closeness
What are the 4 different stages of the sexual response cycle
1) desire phase - refers to sexual desire i.e. fantasies, sexual thoughts
2) excitement phase - blood flow to genitals
men - erection women - enlargement of breasts + lubrication
3) orgasm phase - sexual pleasure peaks.
men - ejac women - walls contract
4) resolution phase - relaxation + wellbeing after orgasm.
men - have a REFRACTORY period duration of which VARIES
women - usually able to respond several times to excitement = multiple orgasms possible
What are the criticisms of Kinsey’s sexual response cycle?
Some women report co-occurence of desire + excitement phase. Others report desire AFTER physical arousal
Vaginal plethysmography measures_________ whereas a penile plethysmograph measures__________
physiological arousal via amount of blood flow to the vagina BUT has little correlation with desire/excitement.
Male arousal via penile circumference.
Sexuality provides us with____________
closeness, connection, shared pleasure
The 3 categories of sexual dysfunction are_________
a) sexual desire, arousal, interest
b) orgasmic disorders
c) sexual pain
The INCORRECT statement is;
a) dysfunction should occur for 6+ months
b) dysfunction must be associated with physical illness or psychiatric disorder
c) sexual concerns arising from relationship distress do not qualify for sexual dysfunction
d) diagnosis is made based on the stage of sex cycle
B - sexual dysfunction CANNOT be associated with relational issues i.e. inability to orgasm because partner is abusive does not count as disorder
In women, arousal, desire, and interest problems are called________whereas in men, they are called________.
Women - Female sexual interest/arousal disorder
Men - Male Hypoactive sexual desire disorder
Orgasmic disorders for men and women are called ___________
Female orgasmic disorder
Erectile disorder
Sexual pain in women is called_________, whereas in men it is called_________
Women - genitopelvic pain / peentration disorder
Men - premature /delayed ejaculation
Female sexual, interest and arousal disorder likely involves
Persistent defects in desire/interest/bioloical arousal. Frequent in menopausal women DESPITE still getting lubricated, no longer aroused. MORE common in women
DSM criteria for female interest + arousal disorder is
LOW subjectivity (arousal), HIGH biological stimulation
Male hypoactive sexual desire DIFFERS from erectyle dysfunction in that
a) lack of sexual fantasies/ urges
b) failure to attain OR maintain erection through sexual activity
Which is CORRECT;
a) cultural influences are not important in sexual dysfunction
b) hypoactive sexual desire and arousal more common in UK than US
c) male and female hypoactive sexual desire+ arousal is due to low sex drive
d) erectile dysfunction prevalence generally 20%
a - ARE important
c - not necessarily, just bc don’t want sex doesn’t = disorder
Criteria for erectile dysfunction _____________
persists for 75-100% of time in 6+ months
difficulty attaining/maintaining for completion of sex
decrease in rigidity
Female sexual desire/arousal disorder have 3+ of_________
reduced interest in sexual activity; reduced erotic thoughts; reduced initiation of sexual activity / unreceptive to advances; absent excitement/ pleasure in 75-100% of encounter; reduced biological sensarions during sexual activity 75-100% of time.
Describe the features of FEMALE orgasmic disorder
persistent absence OR educed intensity of orgasm
after sexual excitement.
Women have different arousal thresholds = need different amounts of clitoral stimulation + some report they need emotional closeness BUT no difference in arousal levels while viewing erotic stimuli in women with/out orgasmic disorder
DSM - criteria for female orgasmic disorder
- if suffer 75-100% sexual encounters
- experience delay, infrequency or absence of orgasm,
- marked reduced INTENSITY of orgasm
What is defined as premature ejaculation? how is it diagnosed
Less than one minute after insertion. DSM - if on 75-100% of occasions have ejac early.
The LEAST common sexual dysfunction disorder is_______ involving_______
Delayed ejaculation, <1%; persisting difficulty in ejaculating
DSM for delayed ejaculation disorder
75-100% of encounters experience marked delay/absence in ejaculation