sewage treatment - tertiary treatment Flashcards
What does tertiary treatment involve?
it involves the removal of phosphorus and nitrogen compounds from effluents.
what does the water contain before going through this treatment?
The water contains dissolved nitrates from organic waste and dissolved phosphates from washing powders
The water contains dissolved nitrates from organic waste and dissolved phosphates from washing powders.
What happens if these are left in the water?
If left in the water these substances can cause eutrophication
What is the removal of nitrogen affected through?
The removal of nitrogen is affected through the biological oxidation of nitrogen from ammonia to nitrate (nitrification), followed by denitrification, the reduction of nitrate to nitrogen gas.
What is nitrification?
ammonia to nitrate
What is denitrification?
nitrate to nitrogen gas
How is nitrogen gas disposed of from the water?
nitrogen gas is released into the atmosphere and thus removed from the water
Where do phosphates come from?
house hold detergents (washing powders or washing-up liquids)
Where do nitrates come from?
nitrates come from organic materials in sewage
How do nitrates and phosphates cause pollution?
They cause pollution by eutrophication
How are phosphates removed from the water? (3)
by precipitation, e.g. by adding aluminum sulfate.
phosphates precipitate out of the water as aluminum phosphate
Al^3+ + PO4^3- —> AlPO4↓
they can also be removed by adding iron (|||) chloride. This removes the phosphates as iron (|||) phosphate
Lime may also be used to precipitate phosphates. (calcium carbonate)
How are the precipitates formed (to remove the phosphates) taken out of the water?
the insoluble phosphate compounds are allowed to settle out and are removed before the final effluent is discharged into waterways
What ions must be added in order to remove the phosphates?
calcium or aluminium or chlorine ions
How may nitrogen be present in the water?
in the form of ammonia, nitrite compounds, nitrate compounds or organic compounds containing nitrogen
Is it cheap/expensive or easy/hard to remove nitrogen?
The removal of all the nitrogen compounds is difficult and expensive
how is are nitrogen compounds removed from the water? (2)(hence why it is expensive)
denitrifying bacteria are used to convert nitrate ions to nitrogen gas.
Another method involves the use of ion exchange to remove nitrate ions from the effluent but this is expensive.
What is the effluent placed into when removing nitrogen?
the effluent is placed in a tank that has no free oxygen and the bacteria (denitrifying bacteria) take the oxygen atoms from the nitrate ions, converting them into nitrogen gas
Why is tertiary treatment not always carried at all sewage treatment plants?
because it is expensive
define tertiary treatment of sewage
tertiary treatment of sewage is a process involving the removal of phosphorus compounds by precipitation and the removal of nitrogen compounds by biological and ion-exchange methods