Settlement and ADR Flashcards
What is the central rationale behind Part 36?
That parties who make realistic proposals to settle actions should get some benefit if these are not accepted and it turns out at trial they should have been accepted.
When can a Part 36 offer be made and who can it be made by?
At any stage of proceedings, including pre-action and can be made by either party.
What is a Calderbank offer?
An offer, usually communicated in writing and headed ‘WPSATC’, such that it cannot be referred to the judge until costs are considered after trial, but at that point can be relied upon. Such an offer does not need to comply with Part 36.
What are the key requirements of a Part 36 offer?
a) Be in writing;
b) Make clear it is made pursuant to Part 36;
c) Specify a period of not less than 21 days within which the offeree will be liable for the offeror’s costs if the offer is accepted (relevant period);
d) State whether it relates to the whole or part of the claim; and
e) State whether it takes into account any counterclaim.
When is a Part 36 offer made?
When it is served on the offeree.
Do the Part 36 consequences of acceptance have effect when an offer is made and accepted pre-action?
What is the time limit for an offeree to seek clarification of the terms of a Part 36 offer?
The offeree can seek clarification of the terms of the offer within 7 days of service.
If a Part 36 offer has already been accepted, can it be withdrawn?
No, and its terms cannot be changed either.
Can a Part 36 offer be withdrawn/amended within the relevant period?
Yes, but only with Court permission and the notice of withdrawal/change will only take effect at the end of the relevant period.
Does a Part 36 offer remain open for acceptance unless it has been withdrawn?
Yes, this remains the case even after the relevant period has expired, unless the offer is expressed to be withdrawn automatically at the end of the relevant period.
How can a party accept a Part 36 offer?
-Serve written notice of acceptance
-If the case is issued, the acceptance also needs to be filed at Court
What are the consequences of accepting a Part 36 offer (stay and settlement sum)?
-The claim will be stayed and not continue to trial
-The D has 14 days from acceptance to pay the settlement amount agreed unless otherwise agreed in writing
If acceptance is made within the relevant period, what are the costs consequences?
If accepted before the expiry of the relevant period, the C is entitled to its costs of the proceedings up to the date the notice of acceptance was served on the offeror.
If acceptance is made after expiry of the relevant period, what are the costs consequences?
The Court will determine liability for costs unless the parties agree them but the Court must, unless it considers it unjust to do so, order that:
-the C be awarded costs up to the date the relevant period expired; and
-the offeree do pay the offeror’s costs for the period from the date of expiry of the relevant period to the date of acceptance.
Who do determines the costs consequences if a Part 36 offer is accepted less than 21 days before trial?
In this situation, if the parties do not agree liability for costs the Court must determine liability.
What is the trigger when a D’s Part 36 offer is not accepted?
The trigger is where a C fails to obtain a judgment more advantageous than a D’s Part 36 offer.
What are the costs penalties imposed on the C when they fail to obtain a judgment more advantageous than a D’s Part 36 offer at trial?
Unless it considers it unjust to do so, the Court must order that:
a) The C pay the D’s costs from the date the relevant period expired; and
b) Interest on those costs.