Disclosure and Inspection Flashcards
What is the usual order for disclosure in the small claims track?
Included in directions given on allocation, usually 14 days before hearing to file and serve documents relied upon.
What is the usual order for disclosure in the fast track and intermediate track?
Included in directions given on allocation, Court will make an order for disclosure having regard to overriding objective and limiting disclosure to what is necessary to deal with case justly.
Usually order for standard disclosure.
What is the usual order for disclosure in the multi-track?
Disclosure report filed and served not less than 14 days before CMC (not personal injury claims).
Conversation between the parties to agree a draft disclosure order not less than 7 days before the CMC.
Court makes appropriate disclosure order: there is no ‘usual’ order.
When does the duty of disclosure cease to exist?
The duty of disclosure continues until proceedings are concluded.
Outline the scope of standard disclosure under CPR 31.6.
CPR 31.6-Standard disclosure requires a party to disclose only-
(a) the documents on which he relies; and
(b) the documents which-
(i) adversely affect his own case;
(ii) adversely affect another party’s case; or
(iii) support another party’s case; and
(c) the documents which he is required to disclose by a relevant PD.
What is the definition of a document under CPR 31.4?
A document is defined very widely and is anything which records information. It can therefore include videos, emails, photos, texts, voicemails and metadata.
What is the definition of control under CPR 31.8?
Control is defined widely. It means:
(a) The document is (or was) in the physical possession of the party; or
(b) The party has (or has had) a right to possession of the document
(c) The party has (or has had) a right to inspect or take copies of the document
What kind of search must be carried out after an order for standard disclosure is made?
A reasonable search must be made.
What factors determine whether a reasonable search for documents has been made?
-Number of documents involved
-The nature/complexity of the proceedings
-How difficult/expensive it is to retrieve any document
-Significance of any document likely to be found
In what two circumstances can parts of a document be redacted?
-If the information attracts privilege, but the remainder does not, then the privileged part should be redacted
-If the information is totally irrelevant to dispute, it can be redacted e.g. confidential/commercially sensitive information
What is waiver of privilege?
When a party deliberately allows inspection of a privileged document if it considers that the document helps its case.
What is the effect of waiver of privilege in part of a wholly-privileged document?
It will lead to waiver of privilege over the remainder of the document.
Can a party inspect a document referred to in a statement of case, a witness statement, a witness summary, an affidavit and an expert’s report?
Yes, CPR 31.14 allows for this.
What is the procedure for inspection?
A party wishing to inspect documents must send a written notice to the other side who must allow inspection within 7 days of receipt of the notice.
Can a party rely on a document in respect of which they fail to permit inspection?
No, this is not allowed.