Pre-Action & Starting a Claim Flashcards
What are the consequences for non-compliance with the pre-action protocol?
The most likely consequence of non-compliance will relate to costs and interest.
The PD also states that the Court may stay the proceedings until the relevant steps are taken. When deciding whether to impose a sanction for non-compliance, the Court will consider the overall effect of the non-compliance on the other party.
Will there be sanctions imposed for trivial breaches/minor infringements of the pre-action protocol?
No, it is unlikely.
What should a party do where a limitation period is about to expire?
Where a limitation period is about to expire, it will be necessary to issue proceedings and apply for a stay after issue in order that the pre-action procedure can be followed.
Outline the pre-action protocol for personal injury claims.
C should write Letter of Notification to potential D giving brief details
Parties to consider any rehabilitation needs and how to address them
C should write to D under a full Letter of Claim
D to acknowledge Letter of Claim within 21 days and provide Letter of Response within 3 months of letter acknowledging claim
If denied, the parties should disclose key documents, engage in negotiations and make settlement proposals. C should send schedule of loss
Joint selection of quantum expert, or C discloses report and D sends written questions
Outline the PD for pre-action conduct in claims other than personal injury.
C to write to D with full Letter of Claim
D should send a Letter of Response within a reasonable period either accepting or rejecting the claim
Parties should disclose key documents, engage in appropriate negotiations and make settlement proposals
Where should non personal injury claims up to £100,000 be issued?
County Court
Where should non personal injury claims over £100,000 be issued?
County Court or High Court
Where should personal injury claims less than £50,000 be issued?
County Court
Where should personal injury claims of £50,000 or more be issued?
County Court or High Court
What should be disregarded when considering what Court to issue a claim?
- Interest
- Costs
- Any counterclaim
- Contributory negligence
- Any deduction of social security benefits
What is the penalty for issuing in the wrong Court?
The Court may transfer the case and order the C to pay the costs of the transfer.
There is a separate sanction for wrongly beginning a matter in the High Court, the penalty being any costs awarded in the claim can be deducted by up to 25%.
What is required to issue a claim at Court?
Copies of the Claim Form, one for each of:
-the Court file
-the C
-the D
and the Court issue fee.
When can the Money Claim Online service be used?
This service can only be used for money claims with a value of up to £100,000 which are against no more than two defendants.
When is a certificate of service required to be filed?
When the Cl Sol are serving proceedings, must be filed within 21 days of service.
When must the claim form be served after issue?
Where the claim form is being served in the jurisdiction, the ‘relevant step’ to serve the claim form must be completed before 12am midnight on the calendar day four months after the date of issue of the claim form.
If the claim form is not served within this time, then the claim will fail automatically.