Additional Claims and Changing Parties Flashcards
What is the classic counterclaim under CPR 20.4?
A claim by the D against the C. A counterclaim is a separate claim to the main claim and is normally made at the same time the D files its defence.
If a counterclaim is made after the defence, is the Court’s permission required?
What is the defence of set off?
The defence of set-off is a legal right that allows a party to reduce their liability to another party by using money owed to them to offset the amount they owe. It can be used as a defence to a claim in whole or in part.
What is the time for serving a defence to a counterclaim?
A defence to a counterclaim must be served within 14 days after service of the counterclaim.
If a C wishing to defend a counterclaim fails to serve a defence, what are the consequences?
Default judgment might be entered by the D.
What is the definition of an additional claim?
Any claim other than the claim by the C against the D.
What is a counterclaim against a person other than the C and what is required to bring one?
This type of counterclaim is unusual in practice and is outlined in CPR 20.5.
The D’s own cause of action must be against the C and some other party who is, for example, jointly liable with the C to the D.
There must be some connection between the C and the third party.
What is a contribution?
A right of someone to recover from a third person all or part of the amount which he himself is liable to pay.
What is an indemnity?
A right of someone to recover from a third person the whole amount which he himself is liable to pay.
How does a D make a claim for a contribution/indemnity from an existing party to proceedings?
By filing a contribution notice with the Court and serving that notice on the other party.
Is permission from the Court needed to file a classic counterclaim under CPR 20.4?
No, if filed at the same time as/with the defence.
Permission is required any other time.
Is permission from the Court needed to file a counterclaim against a person other than the C under CPR 20.5?
Yes, permission is always required.
Is permission from the Court needed to file a claim for a contribution/indemnity from an existing party under CPR 20.6?
No, if filed at the same time as/with the defence.
Permission is required any other time.
Is permission from the Court needed to file an an additional claim against a third party under CPR 20.7?
No, if the additional claim is issued before or at the same time the defence is filed.
Permission is required any other time.
Is it possible to apply for default judgment against an existing party that does not reply to a contribution notice?
No, it is not possible.