Set 6 - Telegram (8-26) Flashcards
Exuberance (n.)
- He increased the volume and they sang along, there was an exuberance to the song, its rhythmic joyfulness filled the room with lightness.
(joyful enthusiasm)
Strew (v.)
- A photograph of the crime scene shows evidence markers strewn throughout the street and the sidewalk.
- The jargon-strewn tradition of academic criticism.
(to scatter all around)
Propitiate (v.)
Ibrahim was ready to sacrifice his son to propitiate god.
to appease
accentuate (v.)
a dress that accentuated her curves.
- if we continue to destroy the amazon the way we do, the climatic anomalies become more and more accentuated.
(make something more noticeable)
Presage (v.)
- The number of moderate earthquakes that have been happening recently presage a larger quake soon.
- transmission and hospitalizations are surging, presaging more deaths.
Occlude (v.)
Gant disclosed that he suffered from a heart attack and he underwent a surgery to insert two stents in an occluded artery.
(obstruct, impede)
Mannered (adj.)
The author’s unfortunate predilection for mannered turns of phrases and complicated metaphors had a tendency to occlude her work’s straightforward themes.
(artificial, intended to elicit admire, used to show disapproval)
versatile (adj.)
it was such a thrill and an honor to work opposite one of the most versatile actresses of the town, who is adept at both tragedy and comedy.
the owl’s versatile toe moves in all different directions.
Adjunct to (n.)
whereas color is an adjunct element to graphics and sometimes sculpture it is virtually indispensable from all forms of paintings.
(something that is added to something bigger and more important and it’s not an essential part of it.)
Onerous (adj.)
I did all I could to circumvent the onerous task of rewriting the documents but I eventually gave in.
many do not even know that assistance is available; therefore, they are still struggling with onerous application forms.
Prodigy (n.)(c.)
The 14-year-old basketball prodigy from Louisiana breezed to championship on Thursday night.
(a precocious star in a field.)
Polymath (n.)(c.)
He is a polymath who plays the piano, speaks half a dozen languages and reads James Joyce.
(a man of various skills, versatile)
Tyro (n.)(c.)
Any tyro scriptwriter in Hollywood would tell you that they want their films to be character-driven.
I fell into almost all traps awaiting a tyro author.
Ante (n.)
He upped the ante by promising to donate 500 million vaccines to poorer countries.
(The original contribution players make in a game of poker.)
Philistine (adj.)
Trump is a narcissistic philistine whose college degree is questionable and he has bent the American culture toward him.
I am completely philistine when it comes to paintings.
(indifferent or hostile toward intellectual pursuit)
Transgress (v.)
Those who are willing to transgress the established codes force the rules to change.
he said scientific experimentation on animals is one matter, but attempting to create new life is a line that should not be transgressed.
Wistful (adj.)
she is wistful when she thinks of her old house and the grocery kiosk she and her husband used to run.
(thinking sadly of something you would like to have but you don’t especially something you had in the past.)
Whimsical (adj.)
aesthetically I thought it was so cool, over the top and whimsical.
victim of a whimsical prosecution.