GRE Mock 3 - Part 4 Flashcards
Contrail (n.)(c.)
A line of white steam in the sky by a plane.
Benighted (adj.)
What if problems once thought to be dispatched to a benighted past are back with a vengeance?
we are the benighted prisoners in a cave, and Plato, this enlightened philosopher is trying to drag us into the light.
(Be+night = taken over by darkness
Having no knowledge or understanding OPP enlightened)
Obtuse (adj.)
Maybe I’m being obtuse but I don’t understand what you are upset about.
either he is normally stupid or deliberately obtuse.
(slow to understand thing in an annoying way)
Vociferous (adj.)
a vociferous opponent of the plan.
expressing your opinions loudly and strongly
Immaterial (adj.)
When you sign a document it is wholly immaterial whether you have read it carefully or not.
(not important - irrelevant)
Prophylactic (adj.)
Be happy about a thing without needing to coat it in prophylactic pessimism. Don’t give in to the defensive reflex to pre-disappoint yourself.
-Prophylactic antibiotics
(intended to prevent disease)
Extirpate (v.)
Nor did it completely disappear despite repeated attempts to extirpate it.
(To completely destroy something that in unpleasant or unwanted.)
Obstinate (adj.)
What we see is an obstinate refusal to change.
Unerring (adj.)
Prices reflect an unerring judgement of market forces.
insatiable (adj.)
Impossible to satisfy
Chimera (n.)(c.)
Texas is far from alone in its fixation on the chimera of voter fraud, which in the real world is virtually nonexistent.
Invective (n.)
When his father realized what he was about to say, he led out a stream of invective.
(harsh - abusive language)
Cluck (n.)(c.)(usu. sing.)
She shook her head with a disapproving cluck.
Clucks of disapproval about the Americans’ political apathy have grown louder in recent years.
(a sound made by your tongue to show disapproval)
Strenuous (adj.)
Doctor advised Ken to avoid strenuous exercise.
Sherry’s been making a strenuous effort to lose weight.
(needing a lot of effort or strength. determined and active)
Negligible (adj.)
Too slight or unimportant to have any effect
You realize it but it is so trivial that you can dismiss it as unimportant.