Crown 02 Flashcards
Autumnal (adj.)
- Mother says that rice pudding will help stave off chills and cold and other autumnal ailments.
- Many of the authors whose writings were published in this version of the Paris collection were caught in the last years of their lives which has lent an autumnal air to the collection.
(1. related to autumn - characteristic of late maturity verging on decline.)
Scintillating (adj.)
Rebecca was apparently at her most scintillating - brilliant talker as she has the reputation of being.
a scintillating conversation - performance
(interesting - clever - amusing - brilliant - درخشان)
Console (v.)
She consoled her with the fact that no one else had done well in the exam either.
He consoled himself that he will see Kate soon.
(To make someone feel better when they are sad or disappointed.)
Tenure (n.)(uc.)
It is becoming increasingly difficult to acquire academic tenure.
(The right to stay permanently in a teaching job)
The company has doubled its value during his tenure.
(The period of time when someone has an important position or job)
Detritus (n.)(uc.)
Pieces of waste that remain after something has been broken up or used.
perturbed (adj.)
My unexpected arrival did not perturb him in the least.
He was perturbed that she did not look happy.
(worried about something that has happened or will happen.)
Perturb (v.)
They were perturbed by her capricious behavior.
(1. to make someone unsettled or worried or annoyed)
Nuclear weapons could be used to perturb the orbit of an asteroid.
(2. Subject to an influence tending to perturb the normal or regular state or path.)
Assert (v.)
To state firmly (Somehow insist) that something is true.
Oversight (n.)(c.)(uc.)
I assure you that this was purely an oversight on my part.
(1. a mistake in which you forget something or you do not notice something - an unintentional failure to notice something)
Effective oversight of the financial reporting process.
(2. Supervision, surveillance)
Provisional (adj.)
Bani Sadr’s provisional government
We accept provisional bookings by phone.
(Likely or able to be changed in the future.)
Etch (v.)
A gravestone with three names etched on it.
etch in your mind/ memory = so fixed that you cannot forget it.
A coach’s job is to instill determination into his players.
We aim to instill a sense of duty into the kids.
(instill confidence, fear, etc. into somebody = to teach them to behave in a certain way after a period of time.)
Inadmissible (adj.)
The evidence was ruled inadmissible by the court of law, so the jury could not hear it.
(not admissible - from admission)
Apposite (adj.)
For this matter there is one apposite book that may be worth a closer look.
His observations are indeed apposite to the current discussion.
(Suitable to what is happening and being discussed.)
Factitious (adj.)
Brokers created a factitious demand for stocks.
artificial - unreal - contrived by art rather than by nature.
Ardor (n.)
They sang the song with real ardor.
The rebellion was a cerebral one, driven less by ardor than by reason and calculation.
(passion and intense emotion)
Enthrall (v.)
The kids were enthralled by the story she was telling.
To make someone so interested that they watch or listen very carefully
Unfazed (adj.)
The prime minister looked completely unfazed by the protesters.
(not shocked or confused by a difficult or bad situation)
Verve (n.)(uc.)
She played the Hungarian dance with great verve.
excitement, energy, enthusiasm
Non-sequitur (n.)(c.)
Marxist-Leninism does not have a capitalist aspect, capitalist Marxism is a complete non-sequitur.
(A reply that have nothing to do with its precedes. a conclusion that does not follow the line of logic.)