Set 15 - TC 14 15 16 17 Flashcards
Boisterous (adj.)
Trump told a boisterous rally in Alabama that the chaotic Afghanistan exist was the most astonishing display of leadership incompetence.
as a first-year teacher she had a very hard time dealing with a class of boisterous five -year-olds.
(a very noisy crowd, person, child - slightly out of control)
Univocal (adj.)
How you got fired the first day is beyond, especially after having received such univocal instructions on how to behave.
Have you not seen the smoking sign? is there a more univocal way to prohibit smoking here?
(unambiguous - unequivocal)
Spur (n.)(v.)
Lower taxes will spur investment and help economic growth.
the findings provided the spur for further research.
(encourage, give rise to)
Panacea (n.)(c.)
There is no over-night panacea for the country’s economic problems and the sooner we acknowledge that the better.
It is only a partial remedy not a panacea.
(cure for all)
Affinity (n.)(c.)
Despite our diverse backgrounds, I immediately felt an affinity with him.
Turkey and Azerbaijan have longed enjoyed a mutual affinity, just like Turkey and Armenia have long held a mutual enmity.
anthropomorphism (n.)(uc.)
Those unfamiliar with horses might scoff at the notion of pride as a silly anthropomorphism. but the behavior is unmistakable.
sectarian (adj.)
3000 Iraqis were killed in a blizzard of sectarian violence.
others view it as a regional sectarian war between Iran’s Shia rulers one one side and on the other side the Sunni states of Saudi Arabia and Turkey.
Baroque (n.)(uc.)
a period of time in arts, culture and… that is marked by over the top decoration also means having a lot going on.
Debilitate (v.)
He was debilitated by his illness.
the state is debilitated by corruption and inefficiency.
(to make someone ill and weak, to make an organization less effective.)
Congestion (n.)
ways to reduce traffic congestion in the town square are being discussed in today’s meeting.
(The problem of too much traffic in one place.)
Contemplation (n.)
Following a period of contemplation and ascetism, he is now back to teach a class at university about Buddhism. (a period of hard thinking about something)
Privation (n.)
The following day the president struck a more conciliatory tone and acknowledged the privation and distress these families were enduring.
(not having one of your essential needs like food or safety.)
Resonate (v.)
These values have guided the Kennedy center from the beginning, but they resonate more deeply than ever today.
(make something being heard or understood deeply.)
Muddled (adj.)
the viewers usually get the two Jimmys muddled and call him Jimmy Fallon instead of Kammil.
Wary (adj.)
as kids we are all taught to be wary of strangers.
a country wary of military aggression.
(marked by keen caution, on guard)
Profusion (n.)
a profusion of masks on walkers probably delayed or prevented the acquisition of winter red noses.
Though a profusion of laws exist to protect the rights of workers in India, few are enforced.
(an abundance of something)
Utilitarian (adj.)
Marilla had a predilection for utilitarianism, utilitarian clothes, kitchenware, etc.
(intended to be practical and not attractive or comfortable)
scathing (adj.)
Although the 328-page report was scathing, it did not cite any actual evidence that Mr. Putin was aware of the plot to kill Mr. smith and had sanctioned it.
A scathing article on Trump’s financial situation by his own niece was published.
(severely criticizing)
Anecdote (n.)
His book is full of amusing anecdotes about his life in Japan.
(funny little personal story)
Relish (v.)
Anne relished nothing more than being surrounded by kindred spirits.
During her first days following her perilous escape from North Korea, she relished her new-found freedom until she faced The south’s racism against North.
(to enjoy something. relish an idea, prospect, etc.)
Evoke (v.)
Driving on the streets of a war-stricken Syria, he tried to replace the horrible picture before his eyes by evoking the good memories of him playing on those same streets as a little boy.
His speech evoked a hostile response.
(call forth emotions, feelings and responses.)
Refinement (n.)(c.)
We are hoping for a quantifiable refinement in out newly-trained speech to text engine.
The parliament approved refinements to the presidential election process.
(small improvements)
Encomium (n.)(c.)
His encomium described Bush as “great in his character, leading with decency and integrity.
(official statement of praise)
Indict (v.)
I indict the justice system as a racist institution that sought to perpetuate white supremacy.
(to officially charge someone with a criminal offence)
Valorize (v.)
Despite various claims of being a hardcore feminist, he makes remarks that still valorize traditional gender roles.
Excoriate (v.)
the critics soon started excoriating Biden for his silence and his absence. allies also urged him to address the nation.
(the harshest way to tell someone off)
Quandary (n.)(c.)
Kate was in a quandary over whether to go or not.
They were in a quandary about how to blend their vastly different tastes.
Ploy (n.)(c.)
It was obviously a ploy to distract me and keep me from anything else inflammatory in the districts.
(a clever way of tricking someone)
wherewithal (n.)
Families with resources are more likely to have the wherewithal to buy sufficient internet access and enroll their students in online classes.
Does he have the wherewithal creativity to make it as a solo act?
(the means to do something)
(The wherewithal to do something)
Solemnity (n.)
Macron used the word faut which in French carries much more solemnity than the usual fault or error, something closer to an offence.
his talks in a low but sure voice, diminished by age, but deepened in solemnity.
(The quality of being serious in quality and manner.)
Supplant (v.)
Internet users should not allow the reasoning process be supplanted by the mere accumulation of raw data.
pseudoscience (n.)
An activity that resembles science but is based on fallacious assumptions.
Spike (v.)(n.)
Some of the countries using the Chinese vaccine saw huge delta spikes this summer.
The spike has pushed Malaysia’s death toll per capita to among the highest in Asia.
(a sudden and large increase)
Harbinger (n.)(c.)
The festival’s top honor is commonly viewed as an Oscar harbinger.
The public pressure on big oil companies may be a harbinger of fossil fuel production declines.
Portent (n.)(c.)
Some people believe that ravens are portents of death.
It was a chilling portent of the repression Taliban posed on women during their last time in power.
Lull (n.)(c.)
one business owner said that the money will be a welcomed boost at a time when there is a natural lull, and people have a few less pounds in their pocket to spend.
(a period of time when there is lower activity than usual.)
Respite (n.)(uc.)
The trip was a welcome respite from the pressure of work.
the pain went on without respite.
( a break from something that is usually hard or unpleasant.)
Entice (v.)
Our special offers are intended to entice people to buy.
The company hopes to entice shareholders to agree to a merger.
Tenacity( n.)
Oshin appealed to people because of her tenacity in the face of hardship.
(persistent determination)
Mr. smith is talking in one long-winded breath and does not even come up for air.
a long-winded negotiation requires a tenacious negotiator.
(rambling - talking too much- also for a process complicated.)
invoke (v.)
The seller invoked an exclusion clause in the guarantee.
The UN threatened to invoke sanctions if the talks were broken off.
Concur (v.)
He resigned because he did not concur with the division of the country into three different republics.
(agree with)
Contentious (adj.)
Animal welfare did not become a contentious issue until the late 1970s.
An end to the contentious dispute among Shias and Sunnis does not seem impending.
(controversial -argumentative)
Customary (adj.)
Each guest, as was customary, brought a gift for the bride to be - except for old aunt Sylvia.
it is customary for men to propose to women.
overextend (v.)
He overextended himself when he accepted the additional assignment.
Iran is overextended - fighting a coronavirus pandemic, a tanking economy and public unrest.
(asiri zorlamak)
Remuneration (n.)
They are kind people, and even though I have offered remuneration for their hospitality, they won’t hear of it.
I suggested that offering remuneration for her support. would send the wrong message and we should find another way to thank her.
(the pay you give someone for something they have done for you.)
Languish (v.)
West ham united is currently languishing at the bottom of the league.
I am sure you don’t want to languish in dungeons of Limerick jail for the rest of your life.
(پوسیدن مثلا در زندان)
unassuming (adj.)
He was the most unassuming member of the band, rarely making headlines.
(modest, not interested in receiving attention)
Cutting (adj.)
It is a pretty coward move to make cutting remarks about someone who is not even there to defend herself.
Emily always managed to say something cutting, whether it was about my looks, my weight, my job, whenever we met at a party.
(unkind and aimed at hurting someone.)
Sedition (n.)(uc.)
He was initially charged with sedition, rioting and crimes under anti-terrorism laws but the charges were dropped the next day.
(speech, writing, etc. intended to encourage people to disobey the government.)