Set 6 Flashcards
изящество, утонченность
great skill or style
It was a disappointing performance that lacked finesse.
прощальный, прощальный привет
done at the time someone is leaving a place or job
- We said our farewells to our dear friends.
- a farewell speech
- We gave Latoya a farewell party on her last day.
оспаривать, ставить под сомнение
to cause people to doubt someone’s character, qualities, or reputation by criticizing them
Are you impugning my competence as a professional designer?
/kənˈtempərəri, kənˈtempəri/
Shakespeare and his contemporaries
преднамеренный, умышленный, обдуманный, обдумать
done intentionally, or planned
careful and without hurry
- This was a deliberate attempt by them to deceive us.
- Her movements were calm and deliberate.
уныло, без всякого выражения
to say something in a direct and certain way
without showing any emotion or interest
- He flatly refused to answer our questions.
- “He’s gone,” she said flatly.
Мне, и вправду, надо взяться за ум (приняться за дело, собраться с силами, взять себя в руки)
tackle a task with determination
I do have to buckle down.
несостоятельный, неубедительный
an untenable position
абсолютный, полнейший, огромный
used to emphasize how strong a feeling or quality is
used to emphasize the large size or amount of something
- a look of sheer delight/joy
- sheer determination/hard work
- the delays are due to the sheer volume of traffic
разоблочать, опровергать
put the lie to
The existence of these viable alternatives puts the lie to the idea that we are forced to give up on reality in quantum physics
прихоть, причуда
unusual, funny, and pleasant ideas or qualities
something that is intended to be strange and humorous but in fact has little real meaning or value
a sudden wish or idea, especially one that cannot be reasonably explained
- Add a touch of whimsy to your room with these cat sculptures.
- The film combines whimsy and tragedy in equal measure.
- Personally I’ve always considered mime to be a lot of whimsy.
- Is this just one of his whimsies?
смутный, туманный, рассеянный, отсутствующий
not clear or certain
showing that someone is not thinking clearly or does not understand
- I have a vague idea of where the hotel is.
- He was a bit vague about directions.
- a vague expression
a period of time that is so long that it cannot be measured
I’ve been waiting eons for my new computer.
вероломство, предательство
behaviour that is not loyal
удрученный, подавленный, потупленный (о взгляде)
sad or disappointed
If someone’s eyes are downcast, they are looking down
отдалять, отталкивать
to make someone stop supporting and liking you
to make someone feel that they are different and do not belong to a group
- The government’s comments have alienated many teachers.
- Disagreements can alienate teenagers from their families.
безучастность, бесстрастие
the quality of not expressing emotion or of not reacting to a situation
- He is a bookish man of extreme impassivity.
- Their mother’s expression changed from impassivity to quiet satisfaction.
шерстяной, расплывчатый
- a green woolly hat
- The world is a wild and wooly place, with plenty of room for weirdness.
to quickly close and then open one eye, in order to be friendly or to show that something is a joke
She smiled and winked at me.
придумывать, разрабатывать
to design or invent something such as a system, plan, or piece of equipment
He devised a now-famous thought experiment: Schrödinger’s cat
вытереть, вытирать
leak out
extreme rudeness without any ability to understand that your behaviour is not acceptable to other people
He was silent all through the meal and then had the effrontery to complain that I looked bored!
something embarrassing that someone says or does without intending to
The minister has made a series of embarrassing gaffes.