Set 4 Flashcards
Road accidents have become endemic”
(ecology) native to or confined to a certain region • the islands have a number of interesting endemic species
“Ancholic, sthanio”
Driving licenses to infuse” discipline
Kono gune kauke poripurno kora/ shonchar kora
Cotton towels are found aplenty” in Kaliganj
In abundance • The job had challenges aplenty right from the beginning
He found guilty of culpable” homicide
Dondonio/ shastijoggo
In the lurch”
Walk as if unable to control one’s movements • The drunken man lurched into the room
= careen, keel, reel, stagger, swag
Move abruptly • The ship suddenly lurched to the left
= pitch, shift
Leave sb in the ~: karo bipoder shomoy poritteyag
Blames media to defend his bloopers”
An embarrassing mistake
= bloomer, blunder, boner, boo-boo, botch, bungle, flub, foul-up, pratfall
(baseball) a fly ball hit just past the infield
= bloop
(baseball) a ball pitched high
(Marattok Vul)
Trawler adrift” in the Bay of Bengal
Vashoman, Vashonto, , vhashte vhaste
Lured” by human traffickers into a sea voyage to Malaysia
Akorshon, prolovon, prolubdha
Hearty felicitation” to City Bank
It’s a testament” to City Bank’s embracing technology
Sesh ichchapotro/ will, jekhane willkarir bidhishommoto ghoshona thake
The new regulations will ratchet” the level down from 30ppm to 10ppm
Hook jukto datalo chaka ja ekdikei ghure hook thakate
Effort to tackle the menace”
Something that is a source of danger • earthquakes are a constant menace in Japan
= threat
A threat or the act of threatening • he spoke with desperate menace
Quirky” teaching and gimmick”
Kono odvut ovvash, mudradosh
Jonopriyota laver/ drishti akorahoner koushol
This wasn’t deemed” to be an ideal learning environment
Bisshash/ bibechona/ mone kora
Distraction can manifest” themselves in any classroom setting
Sispostovabe dekhano/ protiyoman kora
Drench” them in salt
Poripurnovabe shokto kora
To be drenched with rain
The potential of the burrs” design
Seed vessel having hooks or prickles
= bur
Rough projection left on a workpiece after drilling or cutting
Rotary file for smoothing rough edges left on a workpiece
Small bit used in dentistry or surgery
= bur
A decade later velcro”was selling worldwide
Verb: velcro |vel‑krow| Fasten with Velcro • velcro the belt Noun: Velcro |vel‑krow| Nylon fabric used as a fastening
Brand name for a slip of notepaper that has an adhesive that allows it to stick to a surface and be removed without damaging the surface
Match stick
Ibliash saytan
Kaleidoscopic” play of colors
A complex pattern of constantly changing colors and shapes
An optical toy in a tube; it produces symmetrical patterns as bits of colored glass are reflected by mirrors
Adjective: kaleidoscopic, kaleidoscopical
The dog squints” when looked at the sun
Cross one’s eyes as if in strabismus • The children squinted so as to scare each other
= squinch
Be cross-eyed; have a squint or strabismus
Partly close one’s eyes, as when hit by direct blinding light • The driver squinted as the sun hit his windshield
Squint-eyed : terachokh
The oldman is teetering” with a stick in hand
Move unsteadily, with a rocking motion
= seesaw, totter
On the verge” of collapse
Pranto/ kinara/ seshpranto
Spain is currently embroiled” in an economic crisis
Jhogray joriye pora
Basque” region of northern spain
The language of the Basque people; of no known relation to any other language
A member of a people of unknown origin living in the western Pyrenees in France and Spain
That may only speed up North Korea’s demise”
The time when something ends • it was the demise of all his plans
= death, dying
v: shompotti hostantor kora
People of the region are ethnically Flemish”
The variety of Dutch spoken in Belgium
= Flemish dialect
An ethnic group speaking Flemish and living in northern and western Belgium
outright” destruction
Kholakhuli, prottokkho, sposto
Scotland may have failed to gain independence in their 2014 referendum”
Gonovot (kono political proshner mimangshar jonno)
There’s a simmering” movement in Wales
Togbogiye fotano
Krodh, uttejona
asking to secede” from the Union
Kharij/ prithok/ bissinno hoa
This wasn’t deemed” to be an ideal learning environment
Bisshash/ bibechona/ mone kora
Distraction can manifest” themselves in any classroom setting
Sispostovabe dekhano/ protiyoman kora
Drench” them in salt
Poripurnovabe shokto kora
To be drenched with rain
The potential of the burrs” design
Seed vessel having hooks or prickles
= bur
Rough projection left on a workpiece after drilling or cutting
Rotary file for smoothing rough edges left on a workpiece
Small bit used in dentistry or surgery
= bur
A decade later velcro”was selling worldwide
Verb: velcro |vel‑krow| Fasten with Velcro • velcro the belt Noun: Velcro |vel‑krow| Nylon fabric used as a fastening
Brand name for a slip of notepaper that has an adhesive that allows it to stick to a surface and be removed without damaging the surface
Match stick
Ibliash saytan
Kaleidoscopic” play of colors
A complex pattern of constantly changing colors and shapes
An optical toy in a tube; it produces symmetrical patterns as bits of colored glass are reflected by mirrors
Adjective: kaleidoscopic, kaleidoscopical
The dog squints” when looked at the sun
Cross one’s eyes as if in strabismus • The children squinted so as to scare each other
= squinch
Be cross-eyed; have a squint or strabismus
Partly close one’s eyes, as when hit by direct blinding light • The driver squinted as the sun hit his windshield
Squint-eyed : terachokh
The oldman is teetering” with a stick in hand
Move unsteadily, with a rocking motion
= seesaw, totter
On the verge” of collapse
Pranto/ kinara/ seshpranto
Spain is currently embroiled” in an economic crisis
Jhogray joriye pora
Basque” region of northern spain
The language of the Basque people; of no known relation to any other language
A member of a people of unknown origin living in the western Pyrenees in France and Spain
That may only speed up North Korea’s demise”
The time when something ends • it was the demise of all his plans
= death, dying
v: shompotti hostantor kora
People of the region are ethnically Flemish”
The variety of Dutch spoken in Belgium
= Flemish dialect
An ethnic group speaking Flemish and living in northern and western Belgium
outright” destruction
Kholakhuli, prottokkho, sposto
Scotland may have failed to gain independence in their 2014 referendum”
Gonovot (kono political proshner mimangshar jonno)
There’s a simmering” movement in Wales
Togbogiye fotano
Krodh, uttejona
asking to secede” from the Union
Kharij/ prithok/ bissinno hoa
Quirky” teaching and gimmick”
This wasn’t deemed” to be an ideal learning environment
Bisshash/ bibechona/ mone kora
Distraction can manifest” themselves in any classroom setting
Sispostovabe dekhano/ protiyoman kora
Drench” them in salt
Poripurnovabe shokto kora
To be drenched with rain
The potential of the burrs” design
Seed vessel having hooks or prickles
= bur
Rough projection left on a workpiece after drilling or cutting
Rotary file for smoothing rough edges left on a workpiece
Small bit used in dentistry or surgery
= bur
A decade later velcro”was selling worldwide
Verb: velcro |vel‑krow| Fasten with Velcro • velcro the belt Noun: Velcro |vel‑krow| Nylon fabric used as a fastening
Brand name for a slip of notepaper that has an adhesive that allows it to stick to a surface and be removed without damaging the surface
Match stick
Ibliash saytan
Kaleidoscopic” play of colors
A complex pattern of constantly changing colors and shapes
An optical toy in a tube; it produces symmetrical patterns as bits of colored glass are reflected by mirrors
Adjective: kaleidoscopic, kaleidoscopical
The dog squints” when looked at the sun
Cross one’s eyes as if in strabismus • The children squinted so as to scare each other
= squinch
Be cross-eyed; have a squint or strabismus
Partly close one’s eyes, as when hit by direct blinding light • The driver squinted as the sun hit his windshield
Squint-eyed : terachokh
The oldman is teetering” with a stick in hand
Move unsteadily, with a rocking motion
= seesaw, totter
On the verge” of collapse
Pranto/ kinara/ seshpranto
Spain is currently embroiled” in an economic crisis
Jhogray joriye pora
Basque” region of northern spain
The language of the Basque people; of no known relation to any other language
A member of a people of unknown origin living in the western Pyrenees in France and Spain
That may only speed up North Korea’s demise”
The time when something ends • it was the demise of all his plans
= death, dying
v: shompotti hostantor kora
People of the region are ethnically Flemish”
The variety of Dutch spoken in Belgium
= Flemish dialect
An ethnic group speaking Flemish and living in northern and western Belgium
outright” destruction
Kholakhuli, prottokkho, sposto
Scotland may have failed to gain independence in their 2014 referendum”
Gonovot (kono political proshner mimangshar jonno)
There’s a simmering” movement in Wales
Togbogiye fotano
Krodh, uttejona
asking to secede” from the Union
Kharij/ prithok/ bissinno hoa
It is one of the most secluded” countries in the world
Keep away from others • He secluded himself in his study to write a book
= sequester, sequestrate, withdraw
Bissinno/ oshomprikto kora
Troops were getting syphilis” from engaging with French prostitution
Shongkramok jouno bedhi
An escape from the suffering unrequited” love caused him
Not returned in kind • unrequited (unanswered) love
= unanswered, unreciprocated
≈ nonreciprocal
the revamped* smartphone will start being sold in other markets
punorgothito/nirman kora
They have an upper class clientele*
Customers collectively
The purported* marriage was void.
The purport of his statement is quite clear
Dabi kora
Ontornihito ortho, Sharmormo
He groped* for his glasses in the darkness of the bedroom
Search blindly or uncertainly
Fondle for sexual pleasure
They fondled* in the back seat of the taxi
Touch or stroke lightly in a loving or endearing manner
smear* campaign against me, says Trump
Damage the reputation of (someone) by false accusations