Set 1 Flashcards
Health sector growth ( lauded )
Praise, glorify or honour
A day when you are not required to work
Media ( frenzy )
Noun: frenzy |fren‑zee| State of violent mental agitation. The rock musician worked the crowd of young girls into a frenzy = craze, delirium, fury, hysteria (Unmottota)
( scenic ) beauty of city
Adjective: scenic |see‑nik| Used of locations; having beautiful natural scenery • scenic drives ≈ beautiful Of or relating to the stage or stage scenery • scenic design Derived Noun: scene, scenery Adverb: scenically (Natuke)
( parapet ) falls on him
Noun: parapet |per‑u‑pit| |'per‑uˌpet| A low wall along the edge of a roof or balcony Fortification consisting of a low wall = breastwork Derived Adjective: parapeted (Prachir)
( Delectable ) fruits/ Ramadan buffet
Adjective: delectable
|di’lek‑tu‑bul| |de’lek‑tu‑bul|
Extremely pleasing to the sense of taste • the dessert was delectable
= delicious, luscious, pleasant-tasting, scrumptious, toothsome, yummy
≈ tasty
Capable of arousing desire • the delectable Miss Haynes
= sexually attractive
≈ desirable
Noun: delectability, delectableness
Adverb: delectably
Fruits that are less ( hyped )
Verb: hype |hIp| Publicize in an exaggerated and often misleading manner Derived Verb: overhype (Protarona kora)
( Underdogs ) waiting to claim the first position
One at a disadvantage and expected to lose • his sympathies were always with the underdog
(Jibon songrame porajito)
( devouring) eid ( delicacies)
Eat immoderately • Some people can devour a pound of meat in the course of one meal
= consume, down, go through
Eat greedily • he devoured three sandwiches
= guttle, pig, raven
(Pet pure khaoa/ grass kora)
Fathom) this big budget
Verb: Come to understand = bottom, penetrate Measure the depth of (a body of water) with a sounding line = sound
I am a self-proclaimed) dhallywood film connoisseur)
Proclaimed to be or described as such by oneself, without endorsement by others • self-proclaimed experts
≈ declared
Brad pit flicks)
A form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement • they went to a flick every Saturday night
= film, motion picture, motion-picture show, movie, moving picture, moving-picture show, pic, picture, picture show
I sat there pondering)
Verb: ponder
Think deeply about a subject or question over a period of time • The scientist must stop to observe and start to ponder
= chew over, contemplate, excogitate, meditate, mull, mull over, muse, reflect, ruminate, speculate, think over
Aforementioned ) attractions
Being the one previously mentioned or spoken of • works of all the aforementioned authors
= aforesaids., said
Summed up ) as christen Stewart
Give a summary (of) • he summed up his results
= resume, run over, summarize
Be a summary of • The abstract sums up the main ideas in the paper
= sum, summarize
Insufferable damsel) in distress
A young unmarried woman
= damoiselle, damosel, damozel, demoiselle
Every feminist’s) nightmare
A supporter of feminism
= libber, women’s liberationist, women’s rightist
Feminist in my cringe)
Draw back, as with fear or pain • she cringed when they showed the slaughtering of the calf
= blench, flinch, funk, quail, recoil, shrink, squinch, wince
An avid) John Dep fan
(often followed by ‘for’) ardently or excessively desirous • an avid ambition to succeed • avid for adventure • the esurient eyes of an avid curiosity
= devouring, esurient, greedy
Shopping ( spree)
A brief indulgence of your impulses
= fling
Strategies of power in a hippocrec
Not found
Power outage)
A temporary suspension of operation (as of computers) • there will be a network outage from 8 to 10 a.m.
( bivrat )
Roads are always in shabby) state
Showing signs of wear and tear • shabby furniture
= moth-eaten, ratty, tatty
≈ worn
( jirno )
Political parties were poised) against each other
Be motionless, in suspension • The bird poised for a few moments before it attacked
Prepare (oneself) for something unpleasant or difficult
= brace
Moved by) the cover story
Add salt to their injuries through sheer apathy
Complete and without restriction or qualification; sometimes used informally as an intensifier • got the job through sheer persistence • sheer stupidity
= absolute, downright, out-and-out, rank, right-down
( nisok )
The write-up” was really thought provoking”
A short account of the news • the write up of his speech
= account, news report, report, story
(Uddipok) Causing or tending to cause anger or resentment • a provoking delay at the airport
= agitating, agitative
≈ provocative
Known as its own turf”
Surface layer of ground containing a mat of grass and grass roots
= greensward, sod, sward
( ghor dourer maath )
In the electioneering” days
The campaign of a candidate to be elected
= campaigning, candidacy, political campaign
( vote vikkha )
AL leaders quite vociferously” called the city the party’s second bastion” after gopalganj.
Conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry • a vociferous mob
= blatant, clamant, clamorous, strident
≈ noisy
( kolohopurno )
A stronghold into which people could go for shelter during a battle = citadel Projecting part of a rampart or other fortification ( kella )
Investigate five outbreaks”
A sudden violent spontaneous occurrence (usually of some undesirable condition) • the outbreak of hostilities
= eruption, irruption
( pradurvab )
Suffering from mass psychogenic” illness
Mental or emotional rather than physiological in origin • a psychogenic disorder
≈ mental
Avoid a debacle” in the next election
A disastrous or embarrassing failure
= débâcle, fiasco
Democracy: implements and impediments”
Something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress
= balk, check, deterrent, handicap, hinderance, hindrance
( protibondhok, ontoray )
The margin” of votes by which he is defeated
An amount beyond the minimum necessary • the margin of victory
Nature’s exquisite” beauty
Intense or sharp • felt exquisite pleasure • suffered exquisite pain
= keen
≈ intense
( nidarun )
Mountains studded” by green pine
Dotted or adorned with or as with studs or nailheads; usually used in combination • diamond-studded belt • star-studded heavens
≈ adorned, decorated
Unforgettable serene” experience
Completely clear and fine • serene skies and a bright blue sea
≈ clear
Go into a contemplative” mood
Deeply or seriously thoughtful • Byron lives on not only in his poetry, but also in his creation of the ‘Byronic hero’ - the persona of a contemplative melancholy young man
= brooding, broody, meditative, musing, pensive, pondering, reflective, ruminative
≈ thoughtful
( dhanporayon )
The road had horseshoe” turns
U-shaped plate nailed to underside of horse’s hoof
= shoe
They seemed to be affirming” the ideals of the great nation
To declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true • Before God I affirm I am innocent
= assert, aver, avow, swan, swear, verify
Sustained” work
Maintained at length without interruption or weakening • sustained flight
≈ continuous, uninterrupted
Sculpture carved” with ingenuity”
Engrave or cut by chipping away at a surface • carve one’s name into the bark
= chip at
( Khodai kora )
The power of creative imagination = cleverness, ingeniousness, inventiveness ( dokkhota )
An amphitheater” at the top of the Mount Rushmore.
(dramaturgy) a sloping gallery with seats for spectators (as in an operating room or theater)
= amphitheater
A small township” nearby
[N. American] An administrative division of a county • the township is responsible for snow removal
= town
( jela, pourashava )
Spectacular sight which evokes reverence” for their selfless service to the nation.
Regard with feelings of respect and reverence; consider hallowed, exalted or be in awe of • reverence God as your father
= fear, revere, venerate
( sroddha nibedon )
We asked a Texan” driver where he was going
Of or relating to or characteristic of Texas or its residents
The land around was barren”, devoid” of trees
An uninhabited wilderness that is worthless for cultivation • the barrens of central Africa
= waste, wasteland
( onurbor )
Completely wanting or lacking • the sentence was devoid of meaning
= barren, destitute, empty, free, innocent
≈ nonexistent
( borjito )
Craters” spewing” mud
A bowl-shaped geological formation at the top of a volcano
= volcanic crater
A bowl-shaped depression formed by the impact of a meteorite or bomb
( jalamukh )
Expel or eject (saliva or phlegm or sputum) from the mouth • The father of the victim spewed at the alleged murderer
= spit, spue
( bomi / thuthu fela )
Deer some with big antlers”
Deciduous horn of a member of the deer family
Cinnamon” bear but not the Grizzly”
Reddish-brown color phase of the American black bear
Powerful brownish-yellow bear of the uplands of western North America
= Ursus arctos horribilis, Ursus horribilis, grizzly bear, silver-tip, silvertip
Its grassroots now stand humiliated and demoralised”
Corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality • Socrates was accused of demoralising young men
= corrupt, debase, debauch, deprave, misdirect, pervert, profane, subvert, vitiate
( niti nosto kora )
Its leadership does not introspect”
Reflect on one’s own thoughts and feelings • Each psychologist can introspect only his own mental processes
( ontor drishti )
Show brinkmanship”
The policy of pushing a dangerous situation to the brink of disaster (to the limits of safety)
= brinksmanship
The way proverbial bad apples” spoil the whole bunch
Not found
Awami Leaguers’ unbridled corruption
Not restrained or controlled • unbridled rage
= unchecked, uncurbed, ungoverned
≈ unrestrained
( lagamhin )
Student wing’s thuggery” and gangsterism
Violent or brutal acts as of thugs
Noun: thug
During its helicon” days
A tuba that coils over the shoulder of the musician
= bombardon
The first step to restore sanity”
Normal or sound powers of mind • there is a narrow line between sanity and insanity
= saneness
This being a Bison”-country
Any of several large humped bovids having shaggy manes and large heads and short horns
An amphitheater awaiting the geyser” to do its miracle
A spring that discharges hot water and steam
[British] A gas-fired water heater
cattle and horse ranches”
Farm consisting of a large tract of land along with facilities needed to raise livestock (especially cattle)
= cattle farm, cattle ranch, spread
Overlooking the meadows”
A field where grass or alfalfa are grown to be made into hay
= hayfield
( trinovumi )
Recollected in tranquility” for a very long time
A state of peace and quiet
= quietness, quietude, tranquillity
( shantipurno obostha )
Bangladeshi writers’ sluggish” entrance into the world literature
Moving slowly • a sluggish stream
= sulky
≈ slow
( monthor )
Remained quite insular” in terms of international exposure
Narrowly restricted in outlook or scope • insular attitudes toward foreigners
= parochial
( sonkirnochitto )
Small home boutiques”
2 : a small company/ shop that offers highly specialized services or products/ dresses
The idea seems quite bizarre” to me
Conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual • restaurants of bizarre design–one like a hat, another like a rabbit
= eccentric, flakey, flaky, freakish, freaky, gonzo, off-the-wall, outlandish, outré
( udvot )
People willing to spend more money and time on materialistic” things
A desire for wealth and material possessions with little interest in ethical or spiritual matters
= philistinism
( prokritibadi )
A young man trying to work out” on his own
Do physical exercise • She works out in the gym every day
= exercise
He was sweating profusely”
In an abundant manner • he thanked her profusely
= abundantly, copiously, extravagantly, prolifically
( ojhore )
His form was sloppy”
Wet or smeared with a spilled liquid or moist material • a sloppy floor • a sloppy saucer
≈ wet
( shikto )
He was about to drop down” on his face any moment
Fall or descend to a lower place or level • He dropped down to his knees
= drop, sink
The veteran” members tune up” the fresh ones
A serviceman who has seen considerable active service • the veterans laughed at the new recruits
= veteran soldier
( paka/ jhanu lok )
Taking them as spotters”
A person employed to keep watch for some anticipated event
= lookout, lookout man, picket, scout, sentinel, sentry, watch
I unloaded all the weights from the Olympic bar”
Not found
To my utter surprise”
Not found
He suffered from asthma”
Respiratory disorder characterized by wheezing; usually of allergic origin
= asthma attack, bronchial asthma
( ajma/ hapani rog )
He was probably being bullied” at school
Discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner; intimidate
= browbeat, swagger
( nirmom piron deoa )
I see lots of young men loitering around”
Be about • The high school students like to loiter in the Central Square
= footle, hang around, lallygag, linger, loaf, lollygag, lounge, lurk, mess about, mill about, mill around, tarry
( ghorafera kora )
Gossiping and checking out” girls
Examine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition • Check out the engine
= check, check into, check over, check up on, go over, look into
That young boy’s indomitable” spirit outshines” is all at the gym
Impossible to subdue • the city’s indomitable optimism and can-do spirit
= never-say-die, unsubduable
≈ unconquerable
( odommo )
Shine brighter than • What star outshines the sun?
Attract more attention and praise than others • This film outshone all the others in quality
Jules Vern’s assertion”
A declaration that is made emphatically (as if no supporting evidence were necessary)
= asseveration, averment
( bibriti )
Bound her arm in a sling”
Bandage to support an injured forearm; consisting of a wide triangular piece of cloth hanging from around the neck
= scarf bandage, triangular bandage
Cutthroat abolitionists”
Ruthless in competition • cutthroat competition
= bowelless, fierce
≈ merciless, unmerciful
A reformer who favors abolishing slavery
= emancipationist
The legacy” of racism
(law) a gift of personal property by will
= bequest
( uttoradhikar )
In impoverished” inner city area
Poor enough to need help from others • These struggles produce considerable stress in the lives of the impoverished and their families
= destitute, dirt-poor, indigent, necessitous, needy, poverty-stricken
≈ poor
( nirdhon )
Underbelly” of the American dream
Lower side • the underbellies of clouds
The soft belly or underside of an animal’s body
= underbody
The quality of being weak or unprotected • the soft underbelly of the Axis
It is a recurrent” phenomenon
Recurring again and again
= perennial, repeated
≈ continual
( punopunik )
Presumably” they believe
By reasonable assumption • presumably, he missed the train
= presumptively
( shomvoboto )
In a deeply cynical” defense
Abusing vocally; expressing contempt or ridicule • cynical laughter
= derisive, gibelike, jeering, mocking, taunting
≈ disrespectful
( bidrupkari )
Such provisions” are aimed at attracting the group
A stipulated condition • he accepted subject to one provision
= proviso
The activity of supplying or providing something
= supply, supplying
( bidhan, bebostha )
The salt water counteracts” the possibility of contagion
Act in opposition to
= antagonize
Oppose or check by a counteraction
= countercheck
Oppose and mitigate the effects of by contrary actions • This will counteract the foolish actions of my colleagues
= counterbalance, countervail, neutralize
( nibaron kora, badha deoa )
In fact, in a Dickensian twist”
Miserable wretch”
Performs some wicked deed
Someone you feel sorry for
= poor devil
( hotovaggo lok )
Denigrate” the Asian labour force
Cause to seem less serious; play down • Don’t denigrate his influence
= belittle, derogate, minimize
Charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone
= asperse, besmirch, calumniate, defame, slander, smear, smirch, sully
( kolonkito kora )
An ominous” criterion
Indicating evil intent or suggesting tragic developments • ominous rumblings of discontent
= baleful, forbidding, menacing, minacious, minatory, sinister, threatening
( oshuvo )
An unexpected problem “cropped up”
Appear suddenly or unexpectedly • He suddenly cropped up out of nowhere
= pop, pop up
It had been deluged” by demands from Saudi women
Fill quickly beyond capacity; as with a liquid • The images deluged his mind
= flood, inundate, swamp
( plabito kora )
Moroccans would use sorcery” to entrap Saudi husbands
The belief in magical spells that harness occult forces or evil spirits to produce unnatural effects in the world
= black art, black magic, necromancy
( mayabidya , jadu )
Prevent employers from molesting” their domestic workers
Harass or assault sexually; make indecent advances to
Annoy continually or chronically • This man molests his female co-workers
= beset, chevvy, chevy, chivvy, chivy, harass, harry, hassle, plague, provoke
( birokto kora )
Indigenous” minorities
( deshoj, deshio )
A school mate of mine indignantly” asked me
Angered at something unjust or wrong • an indignant denial
= incensed, outraged, umbrageous
≈ angry
( okritoggo )
Flouting) their autonomy)
Treat with contemptuous disregard • flout the rules = scoff Laugh at with contempt and derision = gibe, jeer, scoff ( bidrup kora )
The endgame)
The final stages of an extended process of negotiation • the diplomatic endgame
= end game
Plants & flowers in the crevices” of the rocks
A long narrow depression in a surface
= chap, crack, cranny, fissure
( fatol )