Essential-1 Flashcards
Durdorshi, bichokkhon
A prudent manager first know the purpose to authorize a loan.
Brihot poriman/ shonkhar ontoprobaho
Influxes of visitors, an influx of wealth
Oshohayvabe athapipathali/ shorpor kora
Dhopash kore
Slaughtered birds were flopping on the ground
Fall flop into the water
Dekha/ upolobdhi korte para
The truth of the matter is difficult for us to discern.
The canal is being encroached” on from either side
Shimalonghon, oboidhovabe kono kisu lav kora
~on/upon: the river os encroaching (up) on the land
Crippling” traffic situation
Pongu lok, khora/ pongu kore deoa
Indebted to sb
Rini, kritoggotapashe aboddho
Sporshokator, jontronapurno, sporsho/ bebohar korle betha hoi emon
A sore throat/ heart/point/subject
(Chorom)-In sore distress, in sore need of help
Soaring” onion cost poses challenge for Modi
Akashe onek uchute ora, upore otha
The soaring minaret of the centeal mosque
The price of crude oil soared at the outbreak of the Gulf War
A kid are really used to be inquisitive” to go and see what is there in the cockpit
Onner bepare koutohuli
Lexical meaning
Ovidhanik, shobdo shonkranto
Udar, komol, doyalu
a lenient judge/ parent
I think you should study over a longer period to yourself time to assimilate” everything
Hojom kora, ayotto kora
They were sagacious enough to avoid any outright” confrontation”
Kholakhuli, prottokkho, puradostur
An outright rejection/ manner/ winner
Mukhomukhi obostha, shonghorshomulok biruddhota
The confrontation between Iraq and Iran
Ovutopurbo, nojirbihin, oddrishtopurbo
An unprecedented expansion in population and industry
A Passionate” nature/ language
Abegprobon, probol abegpurno
The victims should be treated with compassion”
Koruna, shomobedona
His perennial” distrust of the media
Baromeshe, dirghosthayee
Piety” is a rare virtue these days
Dhormanurag, vokti
Mr. Naju won a plethora” of medals during his illustrious” career.
Otiprachujo, otishajjo
People yelled” screamed. It lasted for 10 minutes
Jontrona o uttejonar karone tikhnoshore chechiye utha
I saw my final hour unfurl” before me
Gutano obostha theke khola, mela
Unfurl the sails
Govt to pitch” development plan to donors
Kono kisu gore tola
Pitch one’s tent or camp
A dearth* of daily necessities
Ovab, Onoton
The besieged Muslim enclave of Srebrenica
Onnodesher moddhosthito ekti desher onchol
Hitler debauched* the moral climate of Germany
Choritrovrosto/nitivrosto kora
A chauffeur* driven limousine
A person employed to drive a private car
The justice gave a respite* to the murderer.
The refugee encampments will provide some respite* from the suffering
Biram, Nibritti, shaja sthogit/bilombito kora
A slaughterhouse.
Wives of MPs are looked on as surrogates for their husbands while the latter are at Westminster
A person appointed to represent or act on behalf of others = Deputy
An attempt to revamp* the museum’s image
Punorgothito kora
The deputy berated* the Prime Minister
Censure severely or angrily
Tibro vortshona kora
An elaborate representation of scenes from history etc; usually involves a parade with rich costumes
A rich and spectacular ceremony
Works of all the aforementioned* authors
Being the one previously mentioned or spoken of
The men appealed and the sentence was revoked*
batil/ prottahar kora